Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Local watering hole.

Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:46 pm

Outside, Twelve Parsecs from Nowhere, all day, a banner had been hanging. "OPEN MIC NIGHT TONITE", it advertised. "COME CELEBRATE THE SECOND LIBERATION OF NOVENTA". Hours were given. Now, the time had come. The doors were wide open.

The stage was set. And assembled; after all, Twelve Parsecs didn't usually have a stage, so an area of the floor needed to be cleared for it. It wasn't the grandest stage, made of simple interlocking pieces of wood, but it would do.

The bar was crowded, and the mood was festive. Even Kaylee seemed to be smiling for once, as she served drinks from behind the bar. Cal stood farther back, dressed as usual in white shirt, vest, and neckcloth. He watched the crowd, a smile on his face. They'd done it. Time to celebrate.
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:32 pm

"Not everyday you save the planet twice," Jelna remarked before taking a swig from her beer. Partway through, she gave the bartender a wink. "You got a set for tonight?"
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:14 pm

Cal started to step forward, then stopped, frowning curiously. He really never had seen Kaylee smile like this before.


"Maybe." Kaylee's voice was a slightly throaty alto. "I'm not going up on stage until I've had a few drinks, at least." In fact, she did have a drink in hand.

She leaned forward, grinning. "I'm also not going up on stage until you finish that story! Saved the planet twice, huh? Guess it's a good day to celebrate, huh?" She returned the wink with style.
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:45 pm

Open Mic night? Well, Cefey had wanted to come, and she said she might sing if she did, so Kai decided to make his way towards the 12 Parsecs. Who knows, maybe he could convince Jelna or Lena to hop on stage as well. One of those might be a bit harder then the others though. He had done a bit in the way of dressing up, but not too much, this wasn't going to be a super fancy affair after all.

Cal and Jelna got a nod as he entered, but he didn't approach right off the bat, eyes scanning the room to see who else was there.
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:04 pm

Following Kai, the twi'lek had dressed up a little for the occassion too. Not that the Twelve Parsecs was that much of a fancy establishment, but having kicked the Imps off planet and stopped some doomsday-ritual, it seemed right to celebrate a little. So she had opted for a lacey halterneck dress in a wine-like color.

She gave a wave to the familiar faces. "Monsieur Cal, you're alive and in one piece. No night in bacta this time?"
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Temra Zol » Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:23 pm

Temra had managed to conclude all his business earlier in the day, and had been advised of the gathering when he had passed through the Twelve Parsecs in that time. He wasn't sure how wide spread word was, but he was determined to have a good time.

Deep into his second mug of red beer, he waved at Kai and Cefey as they arrived, hoping that he'd gotten the sizing right on the gentleman's armor and wondering how the lady was dealing with yesterday's crazy.
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:03 pm

Seeing the familiar form waving at him, Kai moved in his direction a smile on his lips. "Heya, Temra." He offered as he arrived raising a hand to beckons bartender over, to get him one of the red beers.

"How have you been the last few days?"
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Temra Zol » Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:08 pm

"Consecutively stressed, and then relieved. But that is life is it not, Mister Kai?" He replied philosophically.

"It seems you are bearing up well after your efforts yesterday in dealing with the Imperial Admiral."
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:10 pm

"I have a good nurse." Kai offered glancing at Cefey. Sure the doctor helped, but she had frigid hands.

"You're right about life though." Kai offered as he picked up his beer. "It can be a rollercoaster."
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Temra Zol » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:22 pm

Temra's gaze follows Kai and falls upon Cefey. "Miss Cefey has proven a most interesting conversation partner in the few interactions I have been fortunate to share with her."

"It sounds like she has had a more...bumpy ride than most on her path. I hope there is some measure of peace to be found in her future though."
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:38 pm

Cal Arcton wrote:Cal started to step forward, then stopped, frowning curiously. He really never had seen Kaylee smile like this before.


"Maybe." Kaylee's voice was a slightly throaty alto. "I'm not going up on stage until I've had a few drinks, at least." In fact, she did have a drink in hand.

She leaned forward, grinning. "I'm also not going up on stage until you finish that story! Saved the planet twice, huh? Guess it's a good day to celebrate, huh?" She returned the wink with style.

"Well, the first time I saved the world, there was a man that could summon hordes of beasts! I reckon we took down hundreds of 'em," she said with a big grin. Her tone was obviously lying, but she was in the mood for showboating. "A young girl even fought the varmint himself in a lightsaber duel. That kept him distracted enough where I could use 'the Force' to cause trouble for whatever he was tryin' to do." Well, she wasn't even sure she had done anything useful, but this version was better than the truth. "Then I punched him so hard that he flew too far away for us to finish off with the storm and all." She tapped her bicep and perked her brow, wondering if Kaylee would even believe her.
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:52 pm

Kor was there of course, he wouldn't miss a big event at the parsecs especially with the past few days he'd had. Kor was obviously still on the mend a bit, his first real encounter with a lightsaber had been a rough one. But Kor made it to the event and put his best foot forward wearing a tastfully tailored button up shirt that accentuated his muscular frame without being too tight and a pair of nice slacks and black shoes.

The big man posted up in the corner with a drink in one hand and his other stuffed in his pocket, he was quiet and keeping to himself but didn't look unapproachable if somone were to seek him out for a conversation.
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:32 pm

Cefey Raneth wrote:Following Kai, the twi'lek had dressed up a little for the occassion too. Not that the Twelve Parsecs was that much of a fancy establishment, but having kicked the Imps off planet and stopped some doomsday-ritual, it seemed right to celebrate a little. So she had opted for a lacey halterneck dress in a wine-like color.

She gave a wave to the familiar faces. "Monsieur Cal, you're alive and in one piece. No night in bacta this time?"

Cal was smiling and waving to everyone that came in. Fey got an extra smile.

"Good evenin', miss Fey, and that's right. I got to skip the bacta this time. Doc gave me a clean bill of health without it." His lips quirked just a little; a gentlemen would never kiss and tell, but that didn't mean he couldn't hint a little from time to time. Especially since he was pretty pleased about it.

"Glad you could make it. Can't wait to see what you've got for us tonight." Grinning, he gestured at the stage. "You are gonna perform somethin', right?"
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:51 pm

Jelna Vawn wrote:"Well, the first time I saved the world, there was a man that could summon hordes of beasts! I reckon we took down hundreds of 'em," she said with a big grin. Her tone was obviously lying, but she was in the mood for showboating. "A young girl even fought the varmint himself in a lightsaber duel. That kept him distracted enough where I could use 'the Force' to cause trouble for whatever he was tryin' to do." Well, she wasn't even sure she had done anything useful, but this version was better than the truth. "Then I punched him so hard that he flew too far away for us to finish off with the storm and all." She tapped her bicep and perked her brow, wondering if Kaylee would even believe her.


Kaylee rolled her eyes at that. But it was a decidedly amused roll. "Sure. Okay. Hundreds of beasts. And you just uppercutted him into space. Cool. That's the move I would have done, too." She says, nodding, all cool and nonchalant.

She tossed her head, flipping her hair back to the side of her head. "So that was the first time. What about the second time?"
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:08 pm

"Well, if ya got impressed by hundreds of beasts, what about an entire regiment of stormtroopers? Had to fight them to save the governor." Jelna motioned back to Cal. "Did he already tell ya 'bout that?"
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:36 pm

Cal Arcton wrote:Cal was smiling and waving to everyone that came in. Fey got an extra smile.

"Good evenin', miss Fey, and that's right. I got to skip the bacta this time. Doc gave me a clean bill of health without it." His lips quirked just a little; a gentlemen would never kiss and tell, but that didn't mean he couldn't hint a little from time to time. Especially since he was pretty pleased about it.

"Glad you could make it. Can't wait to see what you've got for us tonight." Grinning, he gestured at the stage. "You are gonna perform somethin', right?"

Judging by her white grin, Fey seemed to have picked up about the hint there.

"In time, in time," she smiled and made herself comfortable on a barstool. "Drink first, and let people show up!"

Jelna's storytelling elicited a hearty giggle from her.
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:50 pm

Temra Zol wrote:Temra's gaze follows Kai and falls upon Cefey. "Miss Cefey has proven a most interesting conversation partner in the few interactions I have been fortunate to share with her."

"It sounds like she has had a more...bumpy ride than most on her path. I hope there is some measure of peace to be found in her future though."

"I could drink to that." Kai agreed with a grin. "You're right after all, she has had a pretty rough time of it. She deserves some peace and quiet.

That left the question of whether she wanted peace and quiet though. Bringing his drinks to his lips he took a sip of his before before shaking his head slightly. "What about you though? Got any bug plans for the future?"
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Cal Arcton » Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:14 am

Jelna Vawn wrote:"Well, if ya got impressed by hundreds of beasts, what about an entire regiment of stormtroopers? Had to fight them to save the governor." Jelna motioned back to Cal. "Did he already tell ya 'bout that?"


Kaylee rolled her eyes. "Oh, sure. He said something about a fight. Whatever. I don't pay much attention to what he says. He pays me to pour drinks, not to listen to him."

She flashed a smile. "So, what? You punch all of them, too? Don't the helmets hurt your hands any?"
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Cal Arcton » Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:19 am

Cefey Raneth wrote:
Judging by her white grin, Fey seemed to have picked up about the hint there.

"In time, in time," she smiled and made herself comfortable on a barstool. "Drink first, and let people show up!"

Jelna's storytelling elicited a hearty giggle from her.

"Sure thing." Cal smirked. "What'll you have? It's on the house tonight." He made a face. "One of these days, I'm gonna charge one of you for a drink. I mean it." He said, his tone mock-serious.

He shifted, getting ready to pull out glass or mug, as appropriate. As he did, he shot Fey a quick rueful smile, shaking his head. "You really picked a hell of a week to give Noventa a visit. Hope you won't let the Imperial invasion put you off the place. It's not usually like this, I swear."
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Jelna Vawn » Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:44 am

Cal Arcton wrote: Image

Kaylee rolled her eyes. "Oh, sure. He said something about a fight. Whatever. I don't pay much attention to what he says. He pays me to pour drinks, not to listen to him."

She flashed a smile. "So, what? You punch all of them, too? Don't the helmets hurt your hands any?"

"Ah, so ya ain't the sort to get ordered around, huh? Ya must have somethin' else than pouring drinks for Cal to put up with that."

Jelna shook her head. "Naw, no punchin' there. The 'Force' only offers such good punches once in awhile."
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