[D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Ender » Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:10 pm

Despair, from Discussion:

While the hit against Cal was solid, the impact of it against his armor, and the force with which it was swung, damaged internal components. It is damaged one step (setback die to all checks)
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:23 pm

This was grim, but then it had been pretty grim from the start. Still Kai pressed his assault, picking up his vibeoblade and trying to pierce the Woman's defense and bring her down. Though she just managed to side step the blow. "Shit." He muttered between gritted teeth. It seemed time was running out for the few people in the room. Still apparently all was not lost as barreling up the stairs came a squad of Republic troopers ordered in by Commander Leo. Too far away to enter the fray on his own, he had ordered some of his men in to help those within.

attacking Mrs, 13th Lady Melee, Adversary 3, defense 1, Gm, Upgrade, Pc upgrade.: 3eP+1eA+3eC+1eS 1 failure, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph

Maneuver: grab vibroblade
Action: attack

1 advantage to recover strain, triumph for reinforcements.

Soak 7
Melee Defense: 1
Wounds: 12/20
strain 10/13
2 Crits. (5,1)
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Ender » Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:28 pm

1 wound, 1 strain taken from critical injury

Seeing the incoming troopers, feeling the blood coming from the wound, the 13th Sister reached out with the Force, her Lightsaber flying to her hand and reactivating in spinning mode. "Fine. I'll leave! You three can surrender or die, I don't care." She spat out, pain in her voice as her wound was beginning to take it's toll. Flipping back through the window, the saber spinning rapidly as she powered herself through with the Force, flying away in a whirling dervish of crimson energy.

Action, Force Move to Pick up Lightsaber (3eF, +2 dark side points from last day of vergeance) Maneuver (Enhance: Leap, +2 dark side pips, vergeance last day) 2 strain Maneuver (Enhance: Leap, +2 Dark Side Points from vergeance last day): 3#3eF 4 Light Side, 1 Dark Side 3 Light Side, 1 Dark Side 1 Light Side, 4 Dark Side

Roll 2 flipping a 12 Parsecs Destiny to convert light side to dark, using 1 Dark side pip to activate force leap, 3 pips to extend range out to extreme. Roll 3 using 1 Dark side pip to activate force leap, 3 pips to bring the range to extreme again. She flies off out of sight.

PCs up!
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Yara Suhr » Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:04 pm

Yara, still crouched down from attending to Kai, rolls back her shoulders and looks up as the... evil Jedi? makes her improbable exit. "So much for the Imperial esprit de corps," she manages to say in a relatively calm tone. Then, projecting her voice a bit more, "You see how much your officers value you. Might as well lay down your weapons; they're not worth dying for."

Nevertheless she keeps a hand on her blaster.
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Jelna Vawn » Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:12 pm

Jelna's reflexes had her dodge out of the way or the reflected bolt. But she wasn't the most graceful. She ended up falling straight on her face and murmured a soft, "Ow" before drifting into unconsciousness.


Threat puts her over strain threshold....
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Ender » Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:51 am

The Republic Forces, battle weary and worn, begin to take stock of the situation. Binders are placed on unconscious troopers, a medic checking the downed Admiral, before she is taken away by the teams.

After some time, Leo comes through, looking a little battered himself. Appraising the situation. "The shot looked good..." He lamented, as he looked to the governor, a medic tending to him. "I don't know what happened, just..." Despondent in his tone, the veteran clone shook his head.
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Yara Suhr » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:09 am

"He'll recover," Yara says in a sanguine tone rather at odds with the equally sanguine color of her thinplast surgical gloves (Basic is weird that way) as she finishes helping to stabilize the Governor. First aid is far from over when the shooting stops, after all. Fortunately none of the injuries are beyond the level she and the militia medic can handle together. "Your people didn't get a shot at that woman who went out the window? She looked in bad shape. May not have got very far."

Though who can really say when Jedi techniques are involved, as they seem to be here?

Throwing some rolls in here for the record:

D9 LA--after fight Medicine for Cal, lightly injured, need to heal 2 strain: 2eP+2eA+1eB+1eD 1 success, 6 advantage
Cal's back up.

D9 Kai crits, both Easy. Medkit boost: 2#2eP+2eA+1eB+1eD 6 successes, 1 advantage 4 successes, 1 advantage
Kai's de-critted and recovers a bit of strain.

D9 LA--after fight Medicine for Jelna, over halfway to WT = average difficulty. Gear boost.: 2eP+2eA+1eB+2eD 1 success, 3 advantage
Jelna recovers 3 wounds and 3 strain, which I think means she can get up?

D9 Kor crit, Easy. Medkit boost: 2eP+2eA+1eB+1eD 7 successes, 1 threat
Kor's crit is... extremely cured. Threat could mean it takes a bit longer than it should, or one of us takes 1 strain, something like that.
Can't medic his wounds again, but if someone has another stimpack to go with mine we can get him up that way!
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:44 am

Kai grunted a affirmation at the Doctor's words, or well it could at least be taken that way, if you happened to speak human male. When she made her way to Kor, he passed her one of hsi own Stim's to help with the healing process. The big guy could likely use it after the day he had after all.
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Ender » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:49 am

"Reports said she moved too fast to track with blaster fire. It's been a long time since I've even heard of anyone moving that fast." The Clone removed his ARC Trooper helmet, his face covered in grime and sweat, his lips pursed in grim determination. Looking about the room. "Besides, there was plenty of action on the ground between enemy troopers and trying to keep civilians safe." He nodded, finally taking a relaxing breath.

"Hopefully with her capture, this means this whole thing is over."
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:58 am

Cal sat up with a groan, looking dazed. He blinked, his eyes slowly coming back in to focus. One hand came up to rub at the back of his neck; not because it was uncomfortable, but because it was kinda cold.

He grunted, looking around. "Everyone okay? All of us, anyway?" He looked to where the admiral had been. "How about them?"
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:10 am

Jelna got to her feet and analyzed the room. "She's gone?" she asked shortly after. The investigator stepped towards the window, following the blood. "I want forensics on this. This planet has forensics, right? Or am I going to take care of all this again?"

She turned back and nodded. "Mark my words, I'm goin' to see her buried in the dirt. As for the rest of y'all," she said, looking to the captives. She kept a grim silence snd then shrugged. "This ain't Imperial territory. Don't execute prisoners 'round these parts."
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:21 am

Kai would much rather keep his distance from the woman, she has trouble and a whole mess more of it then they should be sticking their noses into. That really wasn't something he was going to get into right then though, not with all the onlookers.

"The rest of us seem okay, Cal. Well, cept the big guy over here. But he should be up with a couple stims."
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:53 am

(Assuming Kor gets stimmed up at some point.)

Kor groans and a hand goes to his side as he is brought just back to consciousness "fuck......" is all he says for a moment and then he looks about seeing all the republic forces and the lack of dead sith "I suppose she got away."
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:59 pm

Cal grimaced. "Well, sometimes we do. But not without a fair trial." Frontier justice could be a little hard, after all.

He rose to his feet, clearly recovering quickly. A few steps took him over to Kor. He offered an arm, bracing himself. "Yeah. She got away, I guess." He pursed his lips, staring out the window. "It is what it is, I guess. I don't know. She's dangerous, that's for sure, but I wasn't really lookin' forward to explaining to Runi that we shot her long lost mother." He shook his head, sighing. "Well, small blessings." In truth, he'd much rather she have been captured; an uncomfortable conversation was a fair price for not having a dangerous Force user running around.
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:08 pm

Jelna holstered her pistol and perked a brow. "Who the kriff is Runi?"
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:07 pm

Family talk... That was really none of Kai's business so he moved out of the way and began his normal task of scanning the battlefield for stuff worth using, or well just memorable pieces. Like the Stun Baton that Cal broke with his head. Likely the republic would confiscate most of it, but such was life.

maybe force lady or someone else dropped something neat, or maybe I can just find that broken baton? Perception: 2eA 1 success, 1 advantage
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:09 pm

Cal shook his head. "She works with us at the bar. It's not really important." Belatedly, he realized that he maybe shouldn't share Runi's connection with the inquisitor. Well, maybe Jelna would forget about it.
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Yara Suhr » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:39 pm

Yara's incredulous reply comes only half a beat later, overlapping with Jelna's as she finishes applying the Governor's synthskin bandage.

"That was somebody's mother?"
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:56 pm

Occasionally you had to throw a bro a bone, and with two ladies questioning Cal about the background of one of his workers, Kai at least had to try.

"So Doctor... Has Cal got around to kissing you yet?" He asked as he looked in her direction.

"He said he was going to get that hologram fixed so you weren't creeped out by it anymore."
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Re: [D9 - LA] Death Rattle of the Empire

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:09 pm

Cal had been about to do his best to answer the other questions, when Kai asked his question.

Perhaps it was the blow to the head, but Cal couldn't really think up a quick answer. "Uhhh..." He stared dumbfounded at Kai, reddening just a little bit.
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