[D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Nov 13, 2018 5:18 pm

In ways it was almost too familiar, but life was like that. Guard 8n place kai moved back to join the others. Temporarily ready to follow the gungan's lead.
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby CLL-MT9 » Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:58 pm

Clem helps move the body, but leaves the fine positioning to smaller, more coordinated people.

"You are looking good, boss," he says to Kaneesa.
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Flession » Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:59 pm

It doesn't take long for you all to get setup and ready to go again, some of you now more stylish than you were coming in. A few hallways were passed, more sneaking to be done, and even a moment or two with a delightful young guard who you tricked and proceeded to beat into submission until he gave you his keycard.

These were all things that were surely done in your time here and were all memorable, but difficult encounters. But you were all there, so there's no need to repeat the tale, so we can just skip a bit.

Eventually, you make your way to what the Lepi tells you is the final door. "It's in here." He lowers his voice quietly to say those words. "Go to work."

The door is guarded by a guard who seems rather bored about things, playing with his datapad rather than working. Only a bunch of idiots would try to break into this vault, so why really pay attention?

A Bunch of Idiots at Work

You have a chance to make a clean break thru the guard, choose which way you want to go about it. Remember the 2 setbacks are still factored in.

I don't remember us having a Gungan guardsman...

Try to fool the guard to give you passage. Come up with a creative means to get him to let you in. Depending on how you do it, I will roll the appropriate dice to counter it. On a success, he'll let you pass and the security will drop back down to calm, removing the setback dice from the next check. On a failure, security gets upgraded and the guard unleashes the electric floor trap, causing 10 damage (before soak). You will be given one chance to shoot him. Everyone can make one attack roll against the guard to see if they can down him before he reaches the alarm. This check will be upgraded due to the increased security. This will be loud, and raise the security check again by 1.

A Destiny will shoot the alarm panels, preventing him from using the alarm. 3 advantages may be used to shoot the panels for the door, trapping him in and allowing you to fire off another round if it is deemed necessary to do so.

Guard has 12 health, 2 soak, ranged defense 1. Keep track of your damage to him until you reach the total.

If both fail the alarm is raised and the Heist is over.

If either is successful, you make your way to the vault with the paydirt leading to the final ordeal before your escape.
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby CLL-MT9 » Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:32 pm

Flession wrote:These were all things that were surely done in your time here and were all memorable, but difficult encounters. But you were all there, so there's no need to repeat the tale, so we can just skip a bit.

"I dunno, boss," says Clementine, still fretting. "He seemed like such a nice guy. Do you think I walloped him too hard?"
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:40 pm

As they had planned, Fey and Kaneesa put on a little show. Having already disheveled her own clothes a little, it didn't take much in their little fake altercation to show off a bit more skin to catch the eye. "Oy, meesa caught one of them Vida girls wandering a round in here. Give usa a hand?"


D9 Heist. Hey get a piece of this? Deception cooperative roll with Fey (Kaneesa's Cunning 3, Fey's Deception 2).: 2eP+1eA+1eB+1eF+1eC+2eD+1eS 1 success, 2 threat, 2 Dark Side

Ghosted roll, and flipping Destiny to make 4 Dark pips (Dark Vergence still in effect) to turn into 4 Light pips = 4 Advantages. So total is 1 success, 2 advantages.
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Flession » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:03 pm

Feeling a urgent sense of duty and need to help the poor girl who wandered too far from her place into this place, especially when there was such a high paywall to get thru.

He motions over to the his fellow guard who he didn't even give two thoughts about not seeing before and moved to help the young lady up while very clearly catching a small glimpse of her...eyes. Just her eyes.

And that's when the beating began. Oh, what you did to the poor guy was pretty bad. Maybe he enjoyed it? Who knows. He's unconscious now so you can ask him later if you want.

The Lepi moves to open the final gate and into the gate.

"Room's filled with traps." He grabs something from his pouch and pulls out a grenade. It looks like a ion grenade, but it's different. Any one of you a better shot than me?"

Superior Ion Power

You get one shot with this thing. Aim a grenade into a security panel and short circuit the traps around the area. It's going to be a bit of a distance for sure, but this thing was built to roll and have a sort of muffled explosion.

Make a daunting check to hit the target you need to. Destiny will be flipped to upgrade the check. On a success, the traps are temporarily disabled enough for the Lepi to grab the paydirt and get out. On a failure, it misses, requiring someone in there to go in and grab the item manually...which we'll get if it happens.

On a Triumph, the blast manages to unlock a safe with some credits inside. A extra 2000 credits can be split between you all. On a Despair, the blast was larger than expected and you are all envloped by the ion blast, suffering a normal effect of a ion grenade.

Due to the Superior quality of the grenade during it's creation, you may roll 2 bonus dice for the effect and due to the Triumph on the roll, you are granted one automatic success.

Aim can also apply as well.
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:07 pm

"Poor guy," Fey tossed her lekku back casually as she straightened her jacket. She didn't seem very sorry for him.

Giving a glance to Kai, there was some concern in her eyes for a moment, as she knew he had had a rough time earlier that day. "I'll do it," she said, looking back to the Lepi. Kai had been seriously hurt earlier that day, and she didn't want him to strain himself anymore.

She'd thrown grenades before. Kai and Lena had shown her how to do that. So with intense focus, the twi'lek took careful aim as there wasn't any stress of battle on her now, and chucked the grenade with superior accuracy.


D9 Heist Superior Blue Boom-boom! GM Destiny/Player Destiny. Superior gives +2B. Aiming x2 (strain 2) gives +2B. 1 auto-success: 2eP+1eA+4eB+1eC+3eD 6 successes, 1 threat
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Flession » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:44 pm

Not really sure where the Superior make of the grenade began and Fey's adept throw of the grenade ended, the whole thing goes off without a hitch. A muffled boom occurs, causing those of you with ears to feel it suddendly pressurize at it finishes the explosion. The room is dark and the Lepi enters, pulling out a holocom and opening a safe. Pulling out a datapad from it, he takes out a chip inside of it and takes apart the holocom to store the chip inside. Placing the holocom into his pouch, he quickly begins to leave the room just as the lights and security measures begin to turn back on.

The Lepi chuckles. "I can't believe this thing worked. You guys are alright in my book. First round's on me if we can get out of here alive. So how about we meet at the LZ, get you on that ship, and all make our way out of here, eh?"
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:50 pm

"Sound good," she nodded, "let's get out of here."
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:54 pm

"Just give me something to fly." Zygy grinned.
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Flession » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:06 pm

The Lepi nods his head, though there is a large grin ahead. You successfully manage to get your way out of the larger vault area and into a...less than stable part of the ship. The lower part of the ship's core was exposed from where you were, looking down to what was only a meter from the safe path was a sharp dive down.

Your measures to keep yourself hidden, and surprisingly, your half-assed hiding job had them fooled long enough to get far down the path, bypassing that dangerous pitfall experience you could have dealt with.

Do they find the body?: 2eC+1eD 0 successes, 4 threat

Just take a strain, mutter grumble...
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Flession » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:23 pm

After you finally reach the end of the road, the Lepi stops and looks at his datapad, counting each cell and giving a listen with his extra sensitive ears for the sound of rushing...wind.

He motions to the big robot, knocking on one of the steel plates. "This is the one that is loose. Get it off for me, if you could.

Clem attempts the first time, making it a little bit looser than it was, but still not enough to pry it open. Taking the chance once more, he pushes his Droid parts to the limits. On the second move, he finally begins to make it move, removing the panel of plexisteel from the ship hull that looked a lot more lighter than it should have been away the rain and wind begin to pour into your surroundings.

The Lepi, nodding at everyone, grabbed a flare and fired it off into the air.

"Get ready everyone!" He shouted loudly, the roar of the wind managing to make his helmet's enhanced voice seem quiet.

It seems as if this job is nearly at a end as you wait for the ship. In the wet cold darkness that is seeping into your little nook.
Athletics Check for Clem: 5eA+2eB+2eD 2 successes, 5 advantage

Athletics Check for Clem: 5eA+2eD 0 successes, 4 advantage

Weather setback now applies as does the darkness setbacks.
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:47 pm

Kai did what he could to help, clobbering guards upside the head, trying not to get in the way. Even helping load the loot. It seemed though it was almost his turn for things.
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Flession » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:22 am

It takes several minutes for something to happen, but it does. A ship comes flying in up top of the grounded ship. From the faintest of sounds from your height and with the wind, you hear a loud siren going off. It seems they now knew where you were going. As the ship moves in closer, the hangar door opens up revealing yet another man in a Shadowcloak. It was a tall man, almost as much as the Lepi, and his build seemed somewhat adequate. "Plan's changed, Mastermind. Get in the ship. We have to make another exit." The Lepi sighs deeply. "There's barely enough seats fo--" The voice bellows out, a lot different sounding from when the Lepi was wearing it. Had a "Not the time to argue about comfortably. Get in now." The Lepi groans loudy and hops into the ship. You all, get in here, let's get you ou--"

A shot from a blaster streaks up the hallway, nearly hitting the Droid, who wisely brought up the Plexisteel as a sort of cover to block the shot. "Gunslinger, get us cover. Everyone else get in here!"

The Four Rules of Planning
Make a Optional Perception Check at a Daunting Difficulty to see who is under the cloak.

Boarding the ship


Your ship is a Guardian 5E Personal Defense Speeder (stats below). It will become relevant once the craft takes off.

Kai will be providing cover fire for you as you attempt to board the ship, utilizing CLLM's Plexisteel 'shield' as cover (gaining 1 Ranged Defense for this encounter). The weapon fired at Kai will be a Blaster Carbine (stats below), having bought them from a nice man on the lower parts of town who never liked showing his face. At your post, make a shot for Kai shooting at the guards (1eP+2eA+2eB+2eD+1eS) and if he misses, have them shoot at Kai (2eP+1eA+3eD+2eS). Setbacks are due to the weather for Kai and the darkness for the guards, factoring in any means to ignore those setbacks.


Due to your stealthiness, the guards will not be able to get into range on the first round, so no attack rolls will be necessary.

If Kai hits, guards fall back to the door for cover. If Kai is hit, he falls back to full cover and is unable to prevent you from being shot at. Kai's damage is distributed as normal, with crits being ignored for simplicity sake. Advantages and threats may be used to assist the following check or assist Kai's or the next attack. Consequently, the guards advantages and threats may be used to help or hinder your next check or Kai's next attack.

After that is settled, make a average athletics or coordination check with a assist boost from the man in the Shadowcloak who is reaching his hand out to pull you inside. If Kai is shot, you are now being shot at and will upgrade one dice on the check. A failure will allow you to try again, taking another shot row of shots before the attempt. A Despair and a success means it was difficult for you to make it on, causing the man in the Shadowcloak to nearly slip, losing the assist bonus for the next turn. A Despair and a Failure, however, means you lose your balance and nearly fall. You must make a hard Athletics check to pull yourself onto the ship or you will fall off completely.

Advantages and threats my be used to boost or add setbacks to the next person who attempts the check.

A Triumph may be used to bring another person with you.

When all that is left is Kai or CLLM, you must decide between the two of you who goes. If Kai goes, he may take a shot first as per normal and run to the ship, following the standard rules. This leave CLLM unable to prevent the rush to the ship and will be attacked three (with cover) and the check occurs as normal, upgrading the check for each hit that was successful. If CLLM goes first,take the shot with cover as normal and do the normal check as per the results. When Kai moves to go to the ship, Kai is shot at twice with no cover (So 2eD) and may make the check as normal, upgrading the attack as normal.

If Kai is downed, anyone can attempt to carry him to the ship at a upgraded check (plus any other checks that occur with being shot at), where the person carrying him will take damage as normal and add the challenge dice as per the rules.

When all PCs are on the ship, you can immediately launch yourself out and into the air to make your escape. Though, you can choose to leave people behind...

So to be clear:
1) Roll Kai's Attack (1eP+2eA+2eB+2eD+1eS). If this attack hits, skip to step 3. If not, go to step 2)
2) Roll attack on Kai (2eP+1eA+3eD+2eS). If this attack hits, Kai takes damage and resolves it as normal. Your check is upgraded.
3) Roll a Athletics or Coordination check, adding a upgrade if Kai was hit against a average difficulty. Don't forget the two setback due to the weather.
4) If this fails, go back to step 1. If you are successful, you're done
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:56 am

The shooting began and Syzygy found herself surrounded by blaster fire. Fortunately, none of it was focused on her. She leapt for the ship, but slipped from the stranger's grasp. Twisting, she managed to grab him with her other hand. She murmured her gratitude and dashed to the ship's controls, with no time to take a proper look at the cloaked figure.

- - -
[D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event], Daunting Perception: 2eA+1eP+4eD 1 failure

[D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event], Boarding cover fire: 1eP+2eA+2eB+2eD+1eS 2 failures, 3 advantage

[D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event], Boarding enemy fire: 2eP+1eA+3eD+2eS 0 successes

[D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event], Average Coordination with assist: 2eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 2 failures, 2 advantage

[D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event], Average Coordination with assist, 2 Advantages Boosts: 2eA+1eP+3eB+2eD 3 successes, 3 advantage

Syzygy is on board.
3 Advantages to Boost next check for Kai's Shooting
3 Advantages to Boost next boarding attempt
Last edited by Syzygy Anion on Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:27 am

The Lepi was beginning to congratulate them, but Kaneesa knew from experience better than to start celebrating before the loot was in the hold, he was paid, and the heat had died down.

"Let'sa get goin'!"

Kaneesa begins to start back to the ship, quickly doffing the guard uniform (but keeping the beret!), and feeling a sudden rushed return of cold.

"I'mma gettin' reeeeaaal tired of this weather." Alarms begin to sound, and that complaining is stopped by a need to GTFO.

There's someone in a shadowcloak, but Kaneesa is more focused on making the getaway rather than uncovering this deep mystery.

Perception Check to figure out the second shadow cloak: 1eP+2eA+4eD 0 successes, 1 advantage


(Advantage to boost)

GET TO DA SHIP!-Average Athletics-2 weather setback: 1eP+1eA+1eB+2eD+2eS 1 success

Kaneesa clears the jump, dragging himself onboard. He quickly whips out his holdout to take a potshot


Kai's Shots

Updatred Kai's Roll to attack in getaway: 2eP+1eA+3eD+2eS 1 failure, 1 threat

boost: 1eB 0 successes, 1 advantage


Incoming attack (MISS!!!)

Updatred Kai's Roll to attack in getaway: 2eP+1eA+3eD+2eS 1 failure, 1 threat
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Cefey Raneth » Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:31 am

Laying down more covering fire that still had the accuracy of his stormtrooper days, the twi'lek safely made it across as well.

Those lekku probably helped with balancing.


D9 Heist Kai goes pewpew!: 1eP+2eA+2eB+2eD+1eS 2 failures, 6 advantage
D9 Heist Kai goes pewpew! Forgotten boost from Sy: 1eB 1 success, 1 advantage

D9 Heist Goons pewpew Kai: 2eP+1eA+3eD+2eS 1 failure, 3 threat

D9 Heist Twi'lek Coordination with Lekku-power: 3eA+1eF+2eD+2eS 4 successes, 2 threat, 1 Dark Side
D9 Heist Twi'lek Coordination with Lekku-power. Once again forgotten Boosts (1 from Shadow-man, 1 from Sy): 2eB 1 success, 2 advantage

Cefey is safely across.
Next round of shooting for Kai have 3 Boosts from Advantages.
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby CLL-MT9 » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:53 pm

Clementine lowers the plexiglass, catching more human-level bolts but exposing his upper chassis. "Go, K--" he emits a burst of static as he remembers about anonymity, and then he cranks up the gain on his speaker to be heard over the din " -- GET TO THE SPEEDER!"
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:03 pm

Kai nodded once, sending a hail of blaster bolts tyowards the enemy before heading off. Though one of the guards did finally get a lucky shot on him it apparently didn't slow him dow, as he jumped into the ship with ease.

Shooting at the guards. Before the athletics, boosts from Cefey: 1eP+2eA+5eB+2eD+1eS 0 successes, 8 advantage, 1 Triumph

Shooting at the Kai. Before the athletics, boosts from Cefey: 2eP+1eA+3eD+2eS 3 successes, 3 threat

athletics check for jumping. 4 boosts and a upgrade from my shot, 1 upgrade to diff and a post from bad guys, 1 setback from weather: 2eP+2eA+6eB+1eC+1eD+1eS 6 successes, 5 advantage

athletics check for jumping. Forgotten boost from the shadowy figure: 1eB 0 successes, 1 advantage

3 boost's to clem\s jump.

12-8 = 4 wounds taken
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Re: [D9-LN] The Big Score Pt. Tres (Cherr's) [Event]

Postby CLL-MT9 » Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:29 pm

As soon as Kai is past him towards the airspeeder, Clementine is backing up towards the edge. Whether it’s desperation at letting the thieves escape, fatigue, or luck, the guards’ shots go increasingly wild, either flying all around or hitting squarely on the plastisteel plate. A few steps on he drops the plate and turns, taking a glancing shot as he does, but in two mighty strides he has reached the edge and is in the air. The speeder’s repulsors give an alarming several meters as he lands, but with clinging to the outside, it starts to speed off.

D9 big heist shots shots shots 1/3: 2eP+1eA+3eD+2eS 0 successes

D9 big heist shots shots shots 2/3: 2eP+1eA+3eD+2eS 2 failures, 4 threat

D9 big heist shots shots shots 3/3: 2eP+1eA+3eD+2eS 2 successes, 3 threat

D9 big heist shots shots shots 3/3: 2eP+1eA+3eD+2eS 2 successes, 3 threat

D9 big heist shots shots shots 3/3 neglected setbacks: 2eS 1 failure
9 base + 1 success = 10 damage, minus 8 soak, 2 wounds

D9 big heist loadlifter cliffhanger leap: 1eC+4eA+5eB+1eC+1eD+2eS 0 successes, 4 advantage

D9 big heist loadlifter cliffhanger leap but actually: 1eP 0 successes, 2 advantage

7 advantages to... not have them get a good look at us? And/or boost any future rolls.
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