[D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

A magnificent mountain range that extends to the north from Noventa City, passing the Duskeen Forest to the west and up to the northern pole of Noventa.

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Sharn » Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:24 pm

After Runi had been called an idiot, Sharn had enough.

"Discussions with fretful Imbeciles are over. One does not lower to their level lest they batter you by virtue of experience."

He fired up his lightasbre. The vicious red beam projected with an ominous snap-hiss.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Temra Zol » Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:26 pm

"Don't be a fool, look around you. If violence in such overwhelming odds is your plan, then I would urge you to reconsider." Temra voiced as he slowly advanced to stand level with Cefey.

"To inflict death is not the reason I came her, but to preserve life. I have no desire to balance the scales with more blood."
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Runi Vizsla » Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:29 pm

Quinn Largo wrote:"I'm not being driven by fear, Runi. But you're afraid of standing up to him. And my mentor is very far from here."

"Mm... Probably for the best." She blinked at Quinn placidly. "I have no interest in standing up to him in this to be afraid of it. Whether you all try to confront him or he's successful... I'm curious but indifferent to the results."

Kaneesa Gee wrote:Kaneesa looks back between the two females who are having a very heated discussion in front of him.

"Alright, could you explain what that in the 'verse yousa talking 'bout? Try small words, as if I understood literally none of what you are saying."

She sighed at the explanation that wasn't and looked over the the Gungan, shrugging. "Force 101, then. So there's basically a sort of energy field that surrounds and binds together all things. Very few people can feel it, but those that can can affect it. Presumably you're here because you sensed what's going on because you are sensitive to it yourself. There are thought to be two sides, though ancient people believed there were three. The commonly known ones are usually called the Dark and Light side. The latter is the energy of decay, destruction, negative emotions, that sort of thing. The Light is the opposite. Growth, thriving, positive emotions, etc. The old thought is that there is a center point, a balance between the two, since most of the galaxy has some mix of both. It's sort of like... anger is bad, but so is a happy mania. That belief fell out of favor and was lost for a long time, though. Some places can become a focus for one side or the other - like Noventa is right now. That's where the sense of dread and fear is coming from, it being a focal point for the Dark Side."

"I could give my personal opinions about it, but you're already getting plenty of that." She sighed. "Lots of people favor the Light side because they associate it things that are positive from a sentient perspective, and that's a fair point of view."
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Ender » Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:46 pm

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The Seneschal looked at those gathered, the brazier erupting up in a grand display. His piercing gaze looking at the tense display all about him. "Sharn. Stay your hand and put that away. You too, young lady. I do not wish to see anyone harmed here." His smile was genuine, if patronizing, to all. "So. All of you. All of you can feel this." His voice, accented and booming, carried across the gathering upon the steppe. The ground rumbled beneath him as he spoke, the sky turning red slightly, a crack of thunder preceded by a fractal of lightning striking the ground nearby.

"There is too much talent, too much raw potential, to simply see it all so snuffed out so easily for foolish pride, or a lack of understanding." Each footfall was deliberate, his hands folded behind his back. "As the Twi'lek said, you all can feel the power of it. And it will be world-ending. An ending to an old way of life, and an old outmoded thinking. This place, is the birth of true power, true understanding of the Great Mystery, without being tied down to a limited way of thought."
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:55 pm

"You're lost to the dark side," Quinn said, keeping her lightsaber up, raising it a little further even when the ground rumbled from the lightning impact. "You were sealed away for a reason. And this galaxy has suffered enough at the hands of those too blinded by power to see or care about the harm they're causing. You're not bringing an end to outmoded thinking, you're just bringing more of the same suffering."
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Jelna Vawn » Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:58 pm

Jelna sighed. "I thought ya learned to listen to me better, Honey. Told ya they were a waste of time."

The blonde took a step forward. "What do ya expect us to do, oh dark lord of darkness? Kneel before ya and learn all sorts of mysteries and secrets that we can't fathom, that type of shit?"
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:09 pm

"You're right, Babe," Fey sighed. She had hoped that maybe it was something stupid like she'd seen in the holos where the villain's flunkies were mind-controlled or something, but it seemed one had a mental hard-on for the idea of lots of people being hurt or dying in the process, and the other one just didn't care.

But she'd be damned if this blown-up 'Lord of Darkness' here would be allowed to ruin the life of everyone else because of his opinion. Quinn seemed to understand that too. "She's right, the galaxy has suffered enough at people thinking themselves superior and lording over other people's lives and existence."

Fey kept an eye on Jelna as she stepped forward.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Ender » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:16 pm

Conjuring Crysifal Trollbane (Force Rating 3. Major Dark Side Vergeance +2 Dark Side Points. Duration x3 upgrade. Range 1x Upgrade, Number 2x Upgrade): 3eF 4 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
ImageImageImage Flipping one Destiny Point from Ivory Phoenix to convert the Light Side Pips to Dark Side. Total of 7 Dark Side pips, Nygmus suffers 2 strain.

Spending 3 pips to use Conjure Mastery and summon a Crysifal Trollbane. Spending two pips to activate the range upgrade twice, summoning the creatures at medium range from Nygmus. Spending two pips to activate the Number upgrade once to create a total of 3 Crysifal Trollbanes. After the check, one Force Die is committed to sustain the Duration upgrades, 3 creatures can be sustained until the die is uncommitted as long as they remain within long range of Nygmus.

"You all have your own will. I do not seek followers or zealots." He calmly spoke, his hands beginning to make a frw gestures. "But I will not allow anyone to stop the creation of the ultimate vengeance, a new crucible for the Force to enact the will of those who master it."

The lightning struck the ground around him, and arced around, without striking any of those gathered. From the stries, made of green vapor and radiating with the Dark Side, a trio of Stone Skinned bipeds, broad shouldered with large, meaty fists, glowing green eyes and a hunched back, appeared. Roaring menacingly with the Force, they stared at all those gathered.

"Do not interfere with this ritual if you wish to live. Sharn. Runi." He looked to the pair. "Step away and leave this place. I will find you when this is done. This place is mine. You will learn to make places of your own, in time." He made no indication to have his newfound creations assault anyone, but they seemed to be focused on guarding the place.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Runi Vizsla » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:24 pm

Runi nodded. She didn't need to be asked twice. She met Sharn's eyes and started to walking, nodding to indicate he should join her.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Sharn » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:26 pm

Sharn did not extinguish his lightsabre either but didn't partake in further prattle after he had decreed it over for himself. He had very limited stakes in the situation and advocating Nygmus' esoteric cause was not one of them. He deplored the moral discourse laden with religious undertones on both sides. It was not science. He was there to witness it on his own terms, and revisiting Light vs. Dark arguments was just distasteful for him, a story for primitives who wanted things monocausal and dichotomous to feel they knew what the world was about.

But then, Nygmus engaged in his quantum abuse of reality, and the outcome was as grotesque as it was gauche. He was right about one thing, a place steeped in superstition given manifestation was not one for Sharn. He snarled and was ready to leave, and Runi's one gaze was enough to wash away all remaining incentive to linger.

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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:35 pm

Runi Vizsla wrote:

"Oh, you believe that superstitious-"

Kaneesa cuts himself off as the human male speaks. Kaneesa had felt a small flow of something when he spoke...this man let it out like a spigot. Every word, every step was an emission of power.

And suddenly, he knew.

It was real. All of it. That black tar feeling that he dipped himself in when he was desperate and greedy and looking to con a mark, the soft feeling when he eased a worried soul with a drink an a bit of advice. It was two sides of the same coin. It was...real.

"OK....Now, him, I believe."

As impressive as that power was, the words the man spoke...they weren't unique. Kaneesa had heard those same words from Vigo wannabees his entire career. Kaneesa wasn't a fighter, he wasn't a sage, he wasn't a savior. He was a grifter, and now a new prize dangled in front of him, and his arrogance wasn't going to set it just dance away. Not when things were getting interesting.

"Well sir, you had my attention, but now you have my interest." Kaneesa offers a bow. "But the red lady spoke of a third. Can you share your wisdom on that? I want to understand."

Egomaniacs loved to talk about themselves. With luck, he would go on for a bit, buy Kaneesa some time. From the bowed position, Kaneesa tried to catch Fey's eye. He still owed her one, after all, and backing her would be a good time to cash that favor in. He just needed to know which way the wind was blowing.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:37 pm

It was not a power she recognized. Or creatures. It was all quite impressively terrifying though. And even Quinn felt anger now. Betrayal. As she watched Runi walk away. She mustn't give in. This way, at least, there was a chance of redemption for her.

There was only madness here. It had to stop.

She turned to those who were still there.

"We need to stop this. I hope you're all with me."

To the gungang she said: "I will explain whatever you want to know, if we survive. But this has to *end* before it's too late!"

She turned again, lightsaber at the ready, and started to move forward deliberately.

Cool for Init: 4eA 2 successes, 3 advantage

Cool for fear, setbacks from weather: 4eA+3eD+2eS 0 successes, 1 threat

Wounds: 0/14
Soak: 4
Strain: 12/13 (normally 15)
Defense: (R/M) 0/3
Last edited by Quinn Largo on Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Temra Zol » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:47 pm

Temra was not as fast to react, but he was no less resolved. Daen had ignited a spark within him, he knew his life was all he had to give to the cause, and the moment had come to stand for those who could not stand on their own. He stepped up beside Quinn and nodded.

"I thought I told you to take it easy Miss Quinn. This WILL void the warranty on your new arm."

D9 LM Initiative: 1eA 0 successes, 2 advantage

D9 LM Is Nygmus scary?: 2eA+1eP+3eD+2eS 0 successes, 1 threat

Wounds 0/13
Strain 1/16
Soak 6
Defense 1
Last edited by Temra Zol on Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:08 pm

Fey didn't feel like she could leave in good conscience. She couldn't leave Quinn, Temra, or Kaneesa behind... especially not Jelna if she decided to stick around too. Kai was going to give them the earful of a lifetime about this later though.

The Dark side was violence, destruction, and entropy... lots of people could get hurt and die if she just walked away. That the Chiss and the red-woman walked away without a care in the world for anyone but themselves disgusted her, and she would've preferred to give chase - but there was a bigger fish to fry at the moment.

The brief glance exchanged with Kaneesa - she understood what he would try to do. Hopefully that silver-tongued Gungan could do something to disrupt Lord Dickwad over there.


D9 LM Cool for Initiative. Thermal cloak negates 2 setback: 3eA 1 success, 3 advantage

D9 LM Cool against Fear. Destiny upgrade.Thermal cloak negates 2 setback: 1eP+2eA+3eD 2 successes, 2 threat
2 Strain damage.

Wounds: 11/11
Strain: 14/12
Defense (R/M): 1/1
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:16 pm

Kaneesa could feel the instincts of something about to go down. He had done his best to try to stay out of the direct line of fire, but he could feel a swell, almost as if before a storm coming.

Well, no risk, no profit!

Kaneesa was spooked...no way was he getting in the middle of that fight, but maybe something else...

Cool-Initiative: 4eA 1 success, 3 advantage

Cool-vs Fear check-2 setback: 4eA+3eD+2eS 4 failures, 4 advantage
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Jelna Vawn » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:39 pm

Jelna considered putting a blaster bolt into the two leaving to keep them from causing such a mess again but she decided against it. After all, if they were true pursuants of power, they would take down this "lord of darkness" and take his "ultimate source of darkness" for themselves. They weren't a threat to anyone but themselves.

"Ya aren't lookin' for followers but ya have those two followin' your orders like pawns." She looked to Cefey, the fear shown only to her, before looking back to "master of shadows and grimness" over there. "So say we don't shoot ya. Did ya expect the rest of us to just watch while your pets miss the show?"


D9 LM Discipline for Fear: 2eA+1eP+3eD+2eS 2 failures, 2 threat

D9 LM Missed Boost for Fear: 2eB 2 successes
Total of 0 successes, 2 threat.

D9 LM Cool for Initiative: 2eA+1eS 1 success, 1 advantage
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Ender » Tue Nov 06, 2018 9:22 pm

"If they had remained, that would be on them. Just as you remaining is on you." He responded, his eyes aglow with the power creating the Trollbanes.

Initiative (Presence 5, Cool 0): 5eA 4 successes, 4 advantage

The Conjured Creatures do not have an initiative, per the rules of the Conjure power.

Initiative Order:


Nygmus is Adversary 3, Defense 1/1
The Trollbanes are Defense 1/1

Nygmus is at Long Range from the PCs. He is at medium range from the Trollbanes.

The Trollbanes are at Short Range from the PCs. They are at Short Range from each other.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Ender » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:01 pm

Human | Commmanding |Fearsome | Stronger in the Force Than You

The Seneschal of the True Sith ignited his Lightsaber, a wicked snap-hiss as vapor steamed away from it, caused by rain splashing onto the burning, crimson blade. The cable connecting the broadsaber to his back was held back, and taut, still allowing him a certain freedom of movement. His eyes glowing green, the same that his conjurations maintained as they menaced the group. Pointing his saber at the group, a nod of his head, as through his will. Extending his hand, energy crackling from his fingertips as he Unleashed upon Quinn. However, the rain and storm of his own creation has managed to disrupt his abilities, sending the lightning arcing around her, dodging out of the way, causing her to be knocked prone (3 advantages to knock her prone)

Two of the Trollbanes move ahead, straining themselves to double time, massive stony fists raised as they moved to engage Temra and Jelna. The one on Jelna opens itself up for a counterattack, landing a solid blow on the woman's jaw, staggering her briefly.

The second Trollbane swings it's massive arms, but a combination of the rain and Temra's armored abilities, prevent it from being able to connect.

Maneuver: Activate one Conjuration (One Trollbane gains a maneuver and an action)
2 strain, second Maneuver: Activate one Conjuration (One Trollbane gains a maneuver and an action)
Action: Unleash On Quinn

Conjuration 1
Maneuver: Move to short
2 "strain" Maneuver: Move to Engaged with Jelna
Action: Punch

Conjuration 2
Maneuver: Move to short
2 "strain" Maneuver: Move to engaged with Temra
Action: Punch

Unleash On Quinn (Willpower 4, Discipline 4. Will require 2 dark side points just to reach her with extended range. Average Check. Upgraded once by Destiny Spend. Base Damage 4. Critical 4. 2 setback from weather. +2 Dark Side Pips Major Vergeance): 4eP+1eC+1eD+2eS+3eF 3 advantage, 2 Light Side, 3 Dark Side

Melee Attack on Jelna (Brawn 4, Brawl 2, Average Difficulty, 2 setback from Weather. Damage - 9, Crit 4, Concussive 1, Knockdown, Specifically doing Strain Damage): 2eP+2eA+2eD+2eS 2 successes, 1 threat
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage (11 Damage before Soak, Jelna is Staggered for 1 Round)

Trollbane Attacking Temra (Brawn 4, Brawl 2, Average Difficulty, 1 Defense, 2 Setback from Weather. 1 Destiny Upgrade to Temra's Defense. Damage 9, Crit 4, Knockdown, Concussive 1, Specifically doing Strain Damage): 2eP+2eA+1eC+1eD+3eS 2 failures, 1 Despair

Combatants please decide what you'd like with the Despair.

PCs up!

Trollbanes 1 and 2 are Engaged with Jelna (1) and Temra (2)
Trollbane 3 is at Medium Range from the PCs
Nygmus is at Long Range

Nygmus has Adversary 3, Defense 1/1
Trollbanes all have Defense 1/1
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Ender » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:11 pm

Per Discussion of the Despair:

The focus of creating the Conjurations has forced a weakness to be shown in the ritual. There are key components and geometric shapes that are used in the arcane and esoteric means with which it is being conducted.

When making a Knowledge (Lore) or Discipline Check to interfere with the ritual, an ability die is upgraded to a proficiency die for free. The Difficulty is opposed by Nygmus' Discipline (Willpower 4, Discipline 4).
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:23 pm

Seeing Jelna hit, the twi'lek was spurred into action. The thermal cloak whipped in the thunderous winds as she reached for her blaster, and with a quick aim, she landed a savage hit on the beast's mighty fist, something that normally would've made someone drop whatever they were holding.


D8 LM Short-range pew on Trollbane attacking Jelna. Boost from Aim, Boost from Threat. Thermal cloak negates setback from weather: 1eP+2eA+2eB+1eD+1eS 5 successes, 3 advantage

D8 LM Critical hit on Trollbane: 1d100 14 - Sudden Jolt: Target drops whatever is in hand.

Maneuver: Draw blaster
Maneuver (2 strain): Aim
Action: Shoot Trollbane, pew! 11 Damage on Trollbane

Wounds: 11/11
Strain: 14/10
Defense (R/M): 1/1
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