One for the Road (D7, MM)

Local watering hole.

Re: One for the Road (D7, MM)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:49 am

Kor looked up at Ribmatt's last statement. "Mr. Ribmatt, there is something that i have become interested in finding. But it's something a bit.......particular." Kor paused thinking for a minute "I don't even know if it's on planet or where it is exactly but I'm hoping you have some extensive contacts in the outer rim. While I served I had a special suit of powered armor for missions expecting heavy resistance." Kor jerks a thumb out the window "if say what's going on here counts as heavy resistance and I feel like that armor would be quite useful for what's going to happen in the coming days."

"Last I saw it was on Corellia when I made my exit from the empire's service. I tried to get it to bring with but it was guarded too well. Now that the empire's gone I imagine it's floating somewhere in the outer rim being traded or used. Could you put an ear out for it for me?"
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Re: One for the Road (D7, MM)

Postby Soren Lom » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:57 pm

Banks for his part just stood there quietly and pondered on what Ribmatt had said about his exploits. So many complications from being who he was... To be someone and no one at the same time.
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Re: One for the Road (D7, MM)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:58 pm

"Bit of a tall order, and what the Empire around, it may be a bit difficult to do a proper search. Still, I'll ask around. Worst I'll hear is no and that'll be the end of it." He paused shrugged and nodded. "So I assume then you're not after it for sentimental value?"
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Re: One for the Road (D7, MM)

Postby Soren Lom » Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:14 am

Banks then spoke up, "I got a request if you don't mind... Not so much an object as it is information... What do you know about these Imperials? Their commander... organizational structure... that kind of stuff?"
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Re: One for the Road (D7, MM)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:47 am

Ribmatt gave a honest shrug. "Nothing but what he's given me intel on." He motions to Cal. "I mean, I suppose I can find out given enough time, but I have no idea when that'll happen. My bossman might now for sure what's going on, but if he does, I doubt he'll let me know. So I'm about as dark as the rest of you for the moment."

He gives a shrug. "Though, if they're smart, they'll reach out to us soon. People like me and people like them have a...history together; I doubt they'll forget it so quickly."
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Re: One for the Road (D7, MM)

Postby Soren Lom » Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:56 am

Somewhere deep within Soren something whispered inside of the lost memories of the changeling. A lingering question that had never been resolved... a question that Soren had run from for quite sometime whilst holding an ever-diminishing glimmer of hope. A foolish, silly hope that caused Soren to occasionally travel down to the spaceport to watch people as they arrived on the surface.

Soren had always run from the risk associated with seeking an answer... but now the risk had chased Soren down. And depending on the circumstances... it just may be a diminished enough threat to actually be able to acquire what Soren long sought without penalty.

"Well if you find anything out... I'd love to hear about it. As I'm sure Cal and the gang would..." He said as the infantile stages of a plan began brewing in his mind.
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Re: One for the Road (D7, MM)

Postby Cal Arcton » Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:23 am

After giving Soren a curious glance, Cal nodded. "Yeah. We would. Quite a bit, actually."

He looked back to Ribmatt. "I'm not gonna try to tell you your business. But I don't think these are the sort of Imperials that you can play along with to get along with. I think if we let them, they'll strip Noventa of everything of value, and probably melt the place down on the way out. Do give some thought to passin' things you hear along to us, huh?"
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Re: One for the Road (D7, MM)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Thu Nov 01, 2018 7:23 am

"As I told you, Cal, these sorts have nothing they can offer me but temptations and promises of compensation eventually. I got no reason to want them around here...besides."

He looks around outside to make sure his Entourage wasn't within earshot."I think this planet's grown on me some. May not be the nicest planet, but I rather not spend my days looking at a blue sky with a Imperial battleship above my head. So if I learn anything that'll do you any good, I'll make sure you hear about it."
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Re: One for the Road (D7, MM)

Postby Cal Arcton » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:48 pm

"Well, alright then." Cal said. "That's good enough for me."

After a moment, he held out his hand. "You're alright, Ribmatt. Come by anytime, and not just if there's somethin' else you're looking for us to do. Just to have a drink, or play a few hands of sabaac, or whatever."
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Re: One for the Road (D7, MM)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:18 am

Meeting his hand with his own metallic one, he clasps his tightly. "You're not the worst lawman I've had to deal with, either." Grinning widely and turning around. "Ya'll just try to stay safe 'round here, though. I've made a sizable investment into your operation; rather not have it wasted by you dying on me." Letting go, he nods. "Just keep your ear out to the ground, there may be some work I need done shortly. As my mamma always said 'in chaos, there is also opportunity.' No truer words spoken, I think."
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