Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Local watering hole.

Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:38 pm

Well, that was something Cal was gonna want to handle himself. With a sigh, he tossed his pair of fives down on the table. "I was out anyway."

Rising agilely to his feet, Cal gave Kor a quick pat on the arm, just to make sure the big man was alert. That done, with a quick straightening of his neckcloth, he crossed over to the obviously connected man at the bar.

"Good afternoon, friend." Cal said with a friendly smile. "And welcome to Twelve Parsecs. What can I get for you this fine day?"
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:46 pm

There's a small smile on his lips as he gets up over him, looking over the menu. "Whiskey for now, please." Glancing around the menu, he gives him no mind or his full attention. "Though, what would you recommend here that's good, lawman? How do you treat your nerf meat?"
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Soren Lom » Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:47 pm


Six tracked Cal go with her eyes until he walked up to the new guest. A smirk crossed her lips as the bartender opened up conversation with the crime boss.

"Not a man to keep waiting, that one..." She said in a soft voice audible enough for those at the table, but not directed to anyone specifically.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:51 pm

Quinn's eyes followed Cal's path, recognized the kind of man the devaronian was talking about, and shrugged.

"Whatever," she said with a child-like smirk, looking to the other still in the game. "You guys gonna fold too? Cause I was thinking of raising the pot."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:57 pm

Dartris Ribmatt wrote:There's a small smile on his lips as he gets up over him, looking over the menu. "Whiskey for now, please." Glancing around the menu, he gives him no mind or his full attention. "Though, what would you recommend here that's good, lawman? How do you treat your nerf meat?"

"Good choice." Cal nodded. "Have you got a preference as to label? If not, I'll pick something out for you. Something good, since you strike me as a man of particular taste." The smile remained casually friendly.

Moving behind the bar to the collection of bottles, Cal kept an eye on the guest. "We treat it like it's our own flesh and blood right up until the very end. Chef does a nerf steak with herb butter spread that's a personal favorite of mine, if that sounds like the sort of thing you're in the mood for right now."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:12 pm

"Corellian, if you have it. If not, I'm not too particular on the details. Just make sure it's smooth and I'll be right as rain" He looks around the establishment once more and places down the menu. "Just go thru with some business and need something good and filling before I head back into the grind. So if you say it's good, I'll take your word for it. Just make sure it's a little bit bloody for me." Dartris places the menu down. "Nice place. Looks as if you've done well after your retirement." He paused and looks at him.

Dartris looks over at the others at the table, giving a polite nod to the stares. "Play Sabbac here often? Been more of a Pazaak man, myself."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:14 pm

"Well, my odds are actually pretty bad with this hand, so I'm going to fold this one," Farkas replies with, sliding his cards face down.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:24 pm

Cal Arcton wrote:Rising agilely to his feet, Cal gave Kor a quick pat on the arm, just to make sure the big man was alert. That done, with a quick straightening of his neckcloth, he crossed over to the obviously connected man at the bar.

Kor nodded subtly at the touch, he sat as he always did with his back to a wall and his eyes on the whole joint. Kor was a perceptive man, he wouldn't be winning any Where's Windu competitions but He knew how to keep an eye out. He had seen the man's goons come in and definitely watched the new arrival. Kor wasn't fully aware of all the movers and shakers on this planet but he knew people like this guy. He could tell by the way the newcomer moved and spoke he thought himself important.

Kor kept playing cards but he didnt take too much of his attention away from the pair talking by the bar. Kor looked to Quinn and then to his cards "im out too, I got nothin." He grumbled tossing his cards on the table. He didn't react to what Six said but he had heard it and agreed with the woman.
Last edited by Korvalus Dunbri on Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:27 pm

"Sure do." Cal said. He selected a bottle, flipping it once in his hands as he selected a fine glass.

He glanced over as he poured. "Well, I do my best. And it was about time anyway." He set the bottle down gently, even as he carefully moved the glass to a tray. "In my old line of work, there's probably only so many criminals a man can either put away or put down before one gets lucky. And there's always more thinkin' that they're fast enough to be the lucky one. Even if none of them were." Shaking his head, he set the glass down in front of the other man.

"Bloody it is." Cal nodded. That fit, too. "I'll get it started right away, so as you don't miss whatever business it is you've got." He nodded again. "And yeah, we play both from time to time. If you wanted to join in sometime, we could save you a seat, although I imagine we might play for lower stakes than you'd be interested in."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Soren Lom » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:48 pm

Six kept one ear tuned to the conversation across the room the best she could and kept another here at the table.

She smirked playfully as she saw all the men start to drop out of the current hand. She turned her chair around so the back faced the table and asked in a gregarious tone, "So... what's everyone's name here? I go by Six."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:56 pm

He nods in a sign of respect and looks down. "Too true. End up thinking things will go one way, the next moment, you're one arm and one hand less than were yesterday." A light laugh and a nod came as he grabbed the whiskey, pressing the drink to his lips. "Nothing wrong with lower stakes, lawman. Keeps the game simple and pure. It's when you get to to the higher tables, that's when the risks truly shows. Be surprised how often men cave to the pressure of when they're not ready for it." Grabbing his whiskey, he looks over to those playing. "I'm good, though. People tend to...not live up to their potential when I'm dealt in. Comes with the territory, you see. Thinking I'd be impressed by them losing and me winning. Can't blame them, though."

He raised his glass over to them before nodding to the two men sitting down at the other tables and drank his whiskey again. "Bar keep you busy enough nowadays?"
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:38 am

"Well, don't worry." Cal said. He took a moment to speak to the bartender, a youngish male human, who nodded and passed the word back to the kitchen. "I'd like to think that we know what we're capable of. And we play straight with others." He smiled. "I'd guess both of those are about honesty, of a sort."

Cal shrugged. "Busy enough, I suppose. It's my retirement, after all. I need something to do when I'm not writing my memoirs." He smirked. "I won't deny that I sometimes get the urge to do a little something more. Maybe that just means I need to expand. Maybe we could use a second floor that's not just for sleepin', or maybe Demona could use a buddy."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Oct 02, 2018 6:25 am

"Quinn," she answered the question about names, then looked at Runi, the only other person still in the game. She was always going to be the real threat in any of these games... she could just feel it.

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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Tue Oct 02, 2018 6:38 am

Farkas turned to Six and nodded. "Farkas Lowca. A pleasure to meet you Six."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:07 am

"Everyone can always use more credits, then." The man grins widely. " your age. Son, you're still fresh and lively as they come. Though, you've lived a lifetime already, I suppose, giving what you could to the people of this fair planet. I, myself, have lived a lifetime already, and Noventa...well, it seems like a lot of us here are using it as a chance to live that second life."

He sips his whiskey again, smiling at him. "That reminds me of a story, for sure...maybe I'll tell you it sometime. But expanding this place something else. Something I could help you invest in your future with." His head nods over to the gentlemen sitting around again before smiling. "They tell me you enjoy doing odd jobs for the citizenry here. Being a citizen myself of good standing in this city, I am curious what your going rate would be for such a odd job."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Soren Lom » Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:24 am


Six flashed a charming smile at each and nodded as they introduced themselves.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 02, 2018 12:51 pm

Dartris Ribmatt wrote:"Everyone can always use more credits, then." The man grins widely. " your age. Son, you're still fresh and lively as they come. Though, you've lived a lifetime already, I suppose, giving what you could to the people of this fair planet. I, myself, have lived a lifetime already, and Noventa...well, it seems like a lot of us here are using it as a chance to live that second life."

He sips his whiskey again, smiling at him. "That reminds me of a story, for sure...maybe I'll tell you it sometime. But expanding this place something else. Something I could help you invest in your future with." His head nods over to the gentlemen sitting around again before smiling. "They tell me you enjoy doing odd jobs for the citizenry here. Being a citizen myself of good standing in this city, I am curious what your going rate would be for such a odd job."

"Oh, so you've heard about that, huh?" Cal scratched at his stubble for a moment, considering. The rest of his appearance was crisp and neat, with vest and neckcloth, but the stubble always seemed to be there. "Well, I was born into this community, and despite everywhere else I've been, I ended up back here. Guess I feel a responsibility of sorts to it."

After a moment, Cal smiled. "Well, as I'm sure you know from your own experience, one of the perks of being your own boss is that you can set your rates as you see fit. And odd jobs always require a bit of a personal touch, anyway. I charge based both on difficulty and ability to pay." And how he felt at the time, but no need to mention that.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:34 pm

"That I can understand and can appreciate you giving it some thought before diving in. Not good to have a man so eager to do my sort of odd jobs without giving it the proper thought." Looking around, giving them. "Well, a few things come to mind that I need done that I'd rather not use my usual employees for." He grabs his glass of whiskey and makes like the motion he would drink, stopping short of pouring it down and quietly mutters. "Nothing I think you and your employees would lose too much sleep in doing..."

He completes the motion of the whiskey and drinks it down more, easing the sips as the glass slowly dwindles down, before setting it down. "So no need to worry about your reputation...but tell me about your crew? What can you bring to the table. Sad to say, only your reputation precedes you; lot of new faces around here lately."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:09 pm

Cal grunted acknowledgement of the muttered statement. That was definitely something that he and his crew liked to keep in mind. Cal was flexible, but in a lot of ways, he was still a lawman, after all.

"Well, sounds like you already know what I can do; find people and put 'em down." Cal waved over at the table. "And I'm sure you can tell at a glance what Kor can do. Runi was in a similar line of work to mine, and she's good with all sorts of gadgets."

He smirked. "We've got a few tricks besides that, but, well, we are playing sabaac. Don't want to show our whole hand now, do I? I'll just say that we've got a way with words, and a few social graces besides that."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:53 pm

While the hand continued, Farkas looked to Six. "Not a card player?"
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