(D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

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(D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Yara Suhr » Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:49 am

"... in here," Yara says to the Mirialan woman with her as they enter the bar together. "The proprietor is one of the people you ought to meet. He should be expecting us." Green eyes scan the barroom casually, expecting she may find Cal and Kai here already.
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Cal Arcton » Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:13 am

Cal, naturally was behind the bar. He straightened with a smile upon seeing both Yara and the newcomer.

"Afternoon, Doc." He said, flashing her a quick grin as he moved around the counter. "And good afternoon to you, too." He addressed the newcomer. "Welcome to Twelve Parsecs from nowhere. The name's Cal Arcton. It's a pleasure to meet you." He extended his hand for shaking.
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Honorordeath » Sat Oct 27, 2018 11:58 am

Stepping in with Yara was a middle-aged woman, a Mirialan with well kept shoulder length hair, brown of color. Facial tattoo's of her people worn proudly on her chin and her forehead. Wearing a duster to protect herself from the elements she carries with her an old rifle.

"Chiwu," the woman offered in turn, offering her hand in turn. Holding herself confidently, assured of herself and her decisions that lead to this very point.
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:12 pm

Kai hadn't really been expecting a call from Yara but he saw no harm in seeing what the pretty redhead had wanted. Stepping into the bar, he nodded a polite greeting to those he knew.

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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:13 pm

Following the muscle of the crew was the brains, giving a wave to those gathered. She knew Cal, but the others were new faces.

"Hello," she gave a smile.
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Cal Arcton » Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:22 pm

Well, Cal was the host. Seemed it was probably his duty to introduce everyone.

"Yara, Chiwu. Meet Fey, Kai." He nodded to each in turn. Of course, Yara and Kai already knew each other, but this was fastest. He turned his smile back on Chiwu. "Chiwu here's the one with the problem we can help with, or so I understand."
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:46 pm

"Afternoon, Miss Chiwu." Kai greeted the Mirialan with a polite nod. "What's this business you have for us?"
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Honorordeath » Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:54 pm

Promptly, Chiwu transposed her duster from her own shoulders to the shoulders of a nearby seat. Claiming the seat then with her rear she folded her legs and then her arms in her lap."I came here on the account I hear you might be some decent folk. We need hands that can hold a blaster," she shook her head, "what we probably really need is an army but we ain't gonna be finding anything like that out here. As I hear it, Mercenary out for one of our's hide is going off and collecting some friends to come back and force our town to give him up. It's that, or they'll crush us to take him. We ain't the timid kind o' folk, but we aren't fighters neither."

"We've got credits, but not many and you'd likely find yourself less risky work for better pay but we could really use folks who know how to handle a blaster on this one. See us through the day."
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Cal Arcton » Sat Oct 27, 2018 11:35 pm

Cal let out a low whistle. "Well, that sounds like a heck of a problem." He took a breath. "But, while it may be a little premature to say, I think you've come to the right place."

He moved back behind the bar. "Beer or bourbon?" He called back to Chiwu. Technically, they had other things, but if she was a native, she probably wouldn't want 'em, anyway. "Now, how many mercenaries are we talkin', here?"
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:57 am

Kai nodded, willing to listen but letting Cal do the talking. At the moment it sounded like the woman wanted to commit suicide mostly to save one of her friends. But maybe there was a bit more to it then that.
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:06 pm

"Hmm... do you know why this mercenary is after your friend?" the twi'lek asked with a thoughtful expression. She had a feeling about this, but she wasn't sure if it was a bad one yet.
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Honorordeath » Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:23 pm

"Wesley wants what we all want, to come home after a long day to relax in peace. Wesley's day has been very long but these folk don't seem to wanna let him leave," she said, giving a wave and nod to Cal. Whatever he served, it'd go down the same. "As for how many, hard to say. Wesley's former employers have quite the backing of cash. Could be they will take this opportunity to lay waste to everything in their way while they can get it down all quiet like, in the grand plan and all. One little town on a backwater planet ain't mean much to the rest of the galaxy, after all."
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:39 pm

One of Fey's eyebrows perked up, as that seemed a whole lot of pretty words without actually answering why. Still, she smiled to maintain the air of helpful strangers.

"Sugar, that's not really answering the question. And you're just making me want to ask more questions," the twi'lek leaned forward against the bar, her indigo eyes never leaving the Miralian-woman. "I asked you why they're coming for your friend. And now I also want to know who these employers are, if you're saying they're going to lay waste to everything in their way."

She now looked away from Chiwu to Kai... then back to the green lady. "Though I think I have a few guesses in mind."
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Cal Arcton » Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:44 pm

After considering for a moment, Cal selected bourbon. He poured a glass, setting it down for Chiwu. "Anyone else want anything?" He looked to the ladies first, of course.

He glanced over to Fey, then back to Chiwu. "The more we know now, the better." He said, smiling gently. "Only way we get through this is if we know everything. And only way it's fair, too."
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Honorordeath » Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:49 pm

"I'm not sure who you're listenin' to but I said the answer clear as day. Wesley wants out, he worked for them and he wants out but these folk don't want to let him leave. Not much more to it than that," she said, laying her hand out in front of herself. Looking right back at Cefey. "As for your other question, I don't have much of an answer for that dear. All Wesley said is they were some big time Senator back in the day."


"People from the core with money don't tend to have much of a worry when it comes to getting what they want when the little people like us are in the way. 'specially folk that've known that kinda power all their life."

"Not sure where you been livin' the past long while, but you seen what the Empire come and did to any place that got in it's way. Sorry to say, but some folk are just like that. Empire wasn't much of a surprise to us out here. Though you're sayin' you have some idea, so I'd like to hear what you're thinkin' if you think you know these folk any better than I do."
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:01 pm

Well, there was no point in pushing the matter more as the woman either didn't know or didn't want to tell them.

"Maybe it's just my hunch, darling," she said while looking at Kai, "but it seems to me there might be a connection between this Wesley and that job-offer we turned down, non? Didn't he steal something, though?"
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:18 pm

"Something like that." Kai replied thoughtfully. "Took something and left in the middle of a job, or something like that. The Lady on the Galletea told us that it cost her quite a bit, and as rich as she looked that might be in the magnitude of hundreds of thousands credits." Or something else, Kai wasn't completely sure on that front. "Though she also said she wanted him alive." This didn't exactly sound like that.
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Honorordeath » Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:46 pm

"Look," she said, correcting her posture in the chair some. "I can't speak for what these people huntin' Wesley want. Seems to me they want to make an example of him in some way because of unfriendly terms of parting. Truth of it is, Wesley earned himself the time out and he took it when he felt there was no other option. Wesley is a good man who just wants to retire. That much I can assure you. As for this woman you say you met, tried to hire you," she shrugged with her full body. "Not much I can reckon on that point. Might it be that Wesley himself would better have answers for you but it won't be somethin' we can arrange till this business is over. Not above those Chiss to hit someone when they are vulnerable and we ain't gonna be givin' up Wesley like that."

"I know what you folk must think of all this, but you've gotta understand the bond we have out here. Folk 'round these parts don't let one another down. We stand together, and we ain't gettin' chased off and runnin' from a fight. They want to come, so they'll come and we'll be there all the same. No tellin' we'll need you in the end, but we're not fighters as I've said before and it'll do us mighty good to have you on our side should the worse come to it and they choose to bring down the whole town just to get to Wesley."

"Chances are the same they don't though. Might just send that Bounty Hunter back runnin' to come after Wesley all his lonesome."
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 29, 2018 12:00 am

Cal sighed. "If you can't tell from the way I talk, ma'am, I'm from here too. Grew up in this very building, back when it was a ranch, if you can remember back that far. Worked for the sheriff for a few years, too."

He shrugged. "Might be worth putting the question to him. If there's something he took, maybe they can take that and go away. A man's life isn't worth whatever it is. But I'm guessing they're not gonna go without us at least bloodying their nose a bit."

"So." He nodded to Chiwu. "I want a layout of your town, especially any buildings that don't catch fire easy. When they show up, we can ask 'em to leave nicely. Once." His lips pressed together. It sounded like it would be trouble. But, well, she was right. The community needed to stick together.
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Re: (D6 LA) Magnificent Pitch

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 29, 2018 12:38 am

"Can tell from the look of you, but then that just means what I'm saying about folk not from around here doesn't apply to you, Mr. Arcton," she said with casual charm. "Far as I know, Wesley doesn't have anything from anyone he took with him. Might be they're not the same person or something else is goin' on here. As for your layout, you can come on by when we're done here Mr. Arcton. We don't quite have anything like a drawn up map and I'm afraid anything detailed you want ain't gonna be comin' from me."
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