The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

The main trading point within Providencetown. Most things can be found here... or you might know somebody who can get you what you need...

The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Rahvin » Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:28 pm

ImageInden Billik, a Rodian with scales shimmering between turquoise and dark green, was - as far as he could tell - the only honest Ranger in Providencetown.

Of course, it didn't help that there were only two of them to handle a town this big. No, Inden thought, more like a city, topping out somewhere just shy of two hundred thousand lifeforms of various shapes and sizes. And a sizable chunk of the population was bought and paid for by one syndicate or another. That put the pair of Rangers in the former scavenger settlement in a bit of a predicament - they could either let themselves become one of the bought, like the other Ranger, the quasi-human known as Aaryk Voss, or they could arm themselves to the teeth in the hopes no one would mess with them.

Inden has opted for the latter route. Having drawn the short straw and been the one to have to carry out patrols through the Bazaar this cycle, the Rodian had strapped himself into a set of former Imperial stormtrooper heavy assault armor, the Imperial insignia washed out with red paint down the arms and the Sector Rangers of Noventa emblem painted on the shoulder. He had skipped the helmet and the leg armor; neither fit the frame of the Rodian - he was, as the other liked to joke, too short to be a stormtrooper. Still, the armor let him carry the energy tanks for the heavy repeater cannon he kept strapped to his back and interfaced properly with the E-11 he carried in his hands.

Up ahead of him, some shouting came from a stall: "Stop! Thief!"

The Rodian sighed, hefting the E-11. Time to go risk his life... again.
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:34 pm

Zygy turned her head from the fruit she had been inspecting, looking towards the shouting. Curiosity got the better of her. She didn't know what the fruit was anyway, or how to tell if it was fresh, so she left it behind and walked to investigate.
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:30 pm

From the source of the shout the scampering of the thief caused enough of a ruckus that was easy to track. From the first food vendor that was still shouting, a large Besalisk with a deep resounding voice and four arms that flew out in the direction of the fleeing thief. Upon seeing the Ranger he grinned, wide and toothy, showing off his improperly cared for teeth. Still pointing in the direction of the thief, excitedly so, he beckoned at the Ranger with his fourth hand.

"You there! Get them! Show us what yer good for!" he shouted, his mind weighing the safety of the Ranger with the loss of profits. It was an easy call.

Through the crowds the thief dashed between passerby's and underneath other tables to get away with their catch. Passing just by the feet of a Twi'lek woman who watched over the Bazaar from her spot leaned against the wall as the small form dove underneath the wall and through a small hole.
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:53 pm

The pilot followed the thief, at a casual pace. She wasn't interested in chasing him or stopping him.
She just wanted to see whatever happened. Would the Ranger run after the thief? Apprehend him after a dazzling display of cunning and prowess? Would the thief escape? Would some passerby suffer an unfortunate tragedy because they didn't stop him when they could?
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:43 pm

Being on the ship was boring, so Fey had spent the hours after breakfast exploring further and further out, and eventually ended up in Lower Providencetown. Besides, the Bazaar was an inviting site of sights and delights.

When she heard someone shout "thief", she flinched at first. BUT I DIDN'T EVEN TAKE ANYTHING YET! Then realised someone else was so blame. She quickly took in the scene, seeing the one obviously fleeing for a crime they were accused of.

Opportunity! the twi'lek thought. Maybe she could just stun the runner with a well-placed shot?
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Rahvin » Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:20 pm

Though the thief was easy enough to track through the bazaar - Inden was sure he was some variety of near-human, it always seemed to be those ones that caused the most trouble - catching up was enough; between the bulk of his armor and weapons and the press of people, the Rodian had trouble finding room to slip through. And, unlike his slimy partner Voss - who was no doubt sitting with his feet up back at the office - the Rodian didn't have the Imperial training to deal with crowds. Nor, truthfully, did he want to have had it; the Rangers were here to start to heal the damage left by the Imperials, why would they want to start using the same tactics?

Just as he thought he'd managed to catch up, the armor clattering the entire duration of his jog and jostle, Inden slid to a halt as the little rascal slid and under the wall beside the Twi'lek woman. He growled in a low tone, muttering in Huttese, "Just wonderful..." The entire bazaar, despite his best efforts, was full of bolt holes and secret passages, spaces he could never hope to fit through or pursue by; every time he managed to seal one, another pair showed up somewhere else.

He looked around, his antennae drooping, hoping to find someone that looked like they might be willing to give a statement and a description of the thief - if not, it was going to be another complaint against the Rangers and more proof that the job out here in the shadow of the crashed Providence-class carrier was too much to handle.
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:07 pm

Ah, shoot... missed opportunity, it seemed. She looked at the Rodian-pursuer, wearing some sort of heavy armor that reminder her of Kai's own armor, and she chortled quietly as she saw his antennae droop much like a disappointed dog's ears.

At least she was a person in the crowd who didn't look away when he was looking around.

"Aww, don't look so triste, green man," she offered with a wink and smile in his direction, easily weaving her form past a few others as she took a few steps in his direction.
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:53 pm

Zygy caught up. "Where did the thief go?"
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:17 pm

"You all look like you're missing something?" said the Twi'lek woman, leaning off the wall and pulling a toothpick from between her teeth. Flicking it off to the side. Scanning over the group she focused her sights in on the lawman, a smirk playing across her lips.

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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Rahvin » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:30 pm

Although Inden took some heart at the words from the blue Twi'lek, he barely even noticed the approach of the Zeltron as the red Twi'lek leaned forward. In fact, his antennae flattened back, the ridge of spines upon his head bristling as she spoke; his grip on the E-11 rifle tightened slightly.

"You know what I'm missing," the Rodian said, still speaking Huttese. His eyes darkened a bit as he glanced back and forth; suddenly, he didn't like where he'd ended up - the chase had led to a confined space and he now had little room to move. Even worse, he had no space to draw and use the larger blaster cannon strapped to his back if it came to it.
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:35 pm

"I'm looking for some fresh fruit." she shrugged, to the twi'lek. "Any recomendations?"
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:45 pm

"I do?" Fey placed her index finger to her cheek as she adopted a contemplative pose for a brief moment. The red-skinned woman's blunt nature was amusing at least, but amusement could only last so long when it felt like she suddenly had gotten herself entangled in some turf-war of sorts.

Poor green guy seemed to be outmaneuvered now. Maybe she'd help? Fey had a soft spot for the underdogs in a match... Sure, why not? I can handle myself! "Ah... is there a problem?" she asked cautiously, though kept her smile.
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:57 pm

It was rare to find a Twi'lek that didn't speak Huttese, unfortunately, and just as unfortunately perhaps was that Alema was no exception to this rule. Flexing her right hand against her thigh she grinned, looking to the Rodian for a moment after Cefey's question. Then, just as she opened her lips to speak, she looked to Syzgy, "Hallivor's food emporium, two lefts and one right from here if you follow the stalls that way-" she indicated with her left hand off to the right "-best fruit you'll find."

"Seems our friend here," Alema looked now to Cefey, glancing quick at the Rodian, "wants to find whatever he's searching for with a blaster. Not really the kind of attitude to take. Can't fight everyone."
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:08 pm

"True." Zygy nodded. "You should have a ship for that. I think people will be angry with him if he doesn't catch that theif, though."

She looked back towards where the four-armed vendor was.
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:11 pm

"Uh huh..." she wasn't quite sure if that was all of it, but the blue twi'lek seemed a bit of a natural ditz. Maybe. "C'est truth, yes... but you know what he is looking for, non?"
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:14 pm

"I didn't get a good look, but there was a four-armed guy shouting about a theif." she explained. "Our Ranger friend here chased after him."
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:16 pm

"I admit!" Alema said, raising her hands in mock surrender, an almost feral grin on her expression as she now finally looked to the Rodian. "I know exactly what our friend here is looking for, but the question is. If our friend even knows what he's looking for?"
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:22 pm

"A satisfying resolution to the situation he's in?"
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Rahvin » Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:25 pm

The Rodian made a sound that sounded like some between a snort and a laugh, "The blaster's not for catching anything - it's to help avoid the vibroknife half a dozen people in ear shot right now would love to shove in my back." He took half a step back, making some space between himself and the red Twi'lek, "We were invited here to keep order. It just seems like your bosses haven't got the message out here yet - too busy grinding the heel down, I expect, to listen to the little guys."

it was times like this he wished that Commander Balliss had assigned more rangers out here - or at least one he could trust to have his back.
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Re: The Short Straw [D0, Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:28 pm

"Blaster bolts don't deflect knives," she said, lowering her hands slightly into a shrug, "and blasters don't win hearts. Can't be claiming you're here for the people if you don't understand the people, now."

"You're not at war here, friend, but you seem to be the last one to get that little memo."
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