(D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

The main trading point within Providencetown. Most things can be found here... or you might know somebody who can get you what you need...

(D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:53 am

Jelna patted the spot with her concealed blaster before heading through the bazaar. She still had her main weapon openly on her hip but a little surprise never hurt. There was purpose in her mind even though her steps were nonchalant.

But she did not suppress her smirk. Where am I going to find our target? Ah, the thrill of the hunt.
Last edited by Jelna Vawn on Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (D5 EA) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:13 am

Kai was humming, and looking rather nonchalant as he walked beside Jelna a umbrella in his hand. Couldn't let the lady get all soaked, even if she would pretend not to notice.

He was armed, but had forgone his armor. He didnt want to stand out all that much. Though maybe he should if worn it anyways.
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Re: (D5 EA) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:45 am

The Bazaar. A perfect place to get started in any situation such as this. Providencetown offered many a fine product here, and with the proper credits, that product could be information.

It's just all about who you ask...
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:18 pm

Before, Zerra had been the one so adamant to keep her warm and safe. But now was not the time to reminisce about old times, nor was the temptation present. Investigation was one of the few times where the specter of loss did not haunt her.

But the past always followed her. She casually glanced at others and relied on her intuition to see which person could help her.


D5 EA Streetwise for Bounty, GM Destiny Flip: 2eP+2eA+2eC 2 successes, 3 advantage
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:23 pm

"I wish it would stop raining for a couple days." Kai mused as Jelna worked, his eyes on the crowds of people.

"I'd like to visit the farmers market again, and those are always best in good weather."
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Oct 24, 2018 4:03 pm

The blonde went in for a loving embrace and gave him a peck on the cheek. "I do too, Darlin'." She gave him another kiss and moved in for more whispers with a falsely lewd smile on her lips. "We're just lookin' for the guy since we met him at a waterin' hole. Not even sure 'bout his name."
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 24, 2018 4:19 pm

Kai held Jelna close, hand moving to caress her rear. He might get a smack upside the head fro that later. "You're right about that, Babe," The tall man replied, his tone a bit low as not to carry. "The rain is better for other things." HE finished his smile a bit teasing, or at least it tried to be. He gave her butt a couple pats, more to say he understood then to be lewd. He wasn't the best at lying after all, so he tried to keep his acting to a minimum when we could. Not that much acting was required when you had a lovely woman in your arms.

He leaned in for a quick peck. "Maybe we should save that for later this evening though?"
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:22 pm

A sideways glance here and there showing in the midst of your cover and no one seemed to suspect you were anything but two people in a relationship walking down the market in the rain.

A conversation in earshot of you mentions a human woman talking to a Zabrak woman about a meeting with someone named Lebi to track down her deadbeat husband. As the conversation went, it sounded proceeded, it sounded like Lebi would be someone who was familiar with the Lower areas of Providencetown. Could be a place to start, but it all depends on how you choose to proceed to find this Lebi.
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:38 pm

Jelna tugged Kai along with a bright smile on her face. "Well howdy. Ya two seem like helpful folk. We've been hopin' to find a nice man, kind of pale... I think he might be near-human, actually." She looked to her crew member and then smiled wider. "Arkanian! That's what his species is. I think his name started with a D.

She watched the zabrak, hoping to gleam some hints on the stranger's thought process. But the dark gloom was overtaking her focus still and she gave up on that angle.


D5 EA Sense Thoughts on Lebi: 1eF 1 Dark Side
No Light Side pips so failure.

Oops. Messed up. What I get for phone posting. Let's just say I was trying to mind read the zabrak.
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:26 pm

They looked around confused at the moment, not expecting someone to come in on them. The human kind of blinked at the abrasiveness of the intrusion. "Uhh...Arkanian? Oh those white eyed know-it-alls. Don't think there's any here. Maybe they're on the upper levels. Don't imagine too many would come down here with us unless they had to." The Zabrak sort of shrugged at it herself, the Dark Side being strong enough to staff off attempts to see beyond yourself.

"Sorry, miss." The Zabrak shrugs at the statement, looking at you with a polite smile.
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:32 pm

"Do you know anyone who might know then? We've been tryin' for awhile now and we need to get back to work soon." She snuggled up to Kai. "His boss gets awful mad if he runs late."
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:03 pm

"Suppose there's Lebi" The human woman gives a shrug. "But I know she'll be busy for the next few days." There was a bit of a tone to it, to imply that she knew the exact reason why she would be.
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:27 pm

"Oh, it'd only be a moment of her time. Where can I find her?" Jelna asked with a warm smile.
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:46 pm

((Go ahead and roll me a charm check, average difficulty to convince her to tell you))
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Kai Wryssald » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:14 am

For his part Kai stood beside Jelna, a pleasant smile on his lips as he nodded a polite greeting to the two. Jelna was better at this talking stuff then he was, so he usually left her to it.

((Would like to add a boost to Jelna if I can.))
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Jelna Vawn » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:48 am

Jelna broadened her smile and nuzzlee closer with Kai.


D5 EA Charm, Boost from Kai: 2eA+1eB+2eD 3 successes, 2 threat
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Flession » Thu Oct 25, 2018 1:30 am

She seems hesitant at first, but then the woman nods. "Then come on, then. I'm heading over there myself. Just don't try to take her away from me, ya here? It's hard to get a appointment with her, and I gotta use her to find that louse of a husband." There's a lot of mistrust in this, despite the lovey dovey acting you are pushing, in a few minutes, she waves off her Zabark friend and follows motions for you to follow.

The winding ways of the Bazaar are something of a maze for first timers, but the woman seems to make her way along just fine until she finally enters a small building along the sideways. It looks rather unremarkable from it, but all the same she enters the building. "Hey Lebi, it's Nicnic. I'm here about my husband. Oh and...I brought some company."


Out of the shadows comes a Mirialan woman, fairly confident in her demeanor and rather uncaring about her outfit selection, despite the weather outside. "Yaoh ki Tq'chha, rual wichut p'u nuh ol du nu Nicnic?" Her accent seemed more annoyed than anything about your tagalong appearance. "Are they trying to sell you that they saw your husband? Cause I'm still cleaning out my only coat from the last guys who gave me bad intel about it."

Nicnic shrugged. "Nah, they were looking for someone and I told them you could find them. After you help find my husband of course." She motions. "You two, this is Lebi. Lebi these are two random people off the streets who were looking for someone." She looks at the two of you and extends her hand. "Lebi. Nice to meet you, random people."
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Jelna Vawn » Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:25 am

"Husband ain't around? Shucks, I'll help ya look after we're done if ya want. Can't be havin' men run all over us," she said before giving a teasing smile to Kai.

When they got to the Miralian, she took the hand with a smile. "I'm Random Gal, he's Random Man," she joked. She quickly moved to her question to try to get away from the topic of their actual identities. "The two of us were lookin' for one of them Arkanian fellows around there parts. His name started with a D." She looked to Kai. "Was it Drew? Naw, a little longer."

Once again, Jelna attempted to find any info from looks. The damn feeling inside her was still making it difficult to focus. Calm down, Jelna. You can just use your words.


D5 EA Sense on the Real Lebi: 1eF 1 Dark Side
No success for mind reading.
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Flession » Thu Oct 25, 2018 3:08 am

A familiar pull is experienced upon you as your hands touch. A feeling that there is more to her that is familiar than not. A feeling that you two are connected thru the means of the Force.

Her eyes lingered to her for a few moments longer, looking rather stunned before smiling. "Well...isn't that interesting. I'll tell you, I can't say I know too many Arkanians around these parts. And...well, it's been rather had to find people lately for some reason. Still, I don't mind hearing you out." She turns her head to "Nicnic, don't worry, you're my priority right now. I can still listen to them." Nicnic looks at the two of you somewhat perturbed, but grateful for the offer of help.. "Anyways, most of them are pretty smart to avoid this area if they can. Don't even think there's all that many on this planet, to be honest. Bit of a chore to find 'em." He looks around at the two of you. "Especially a 'Drew'. Nah, not ringing any bells for me."
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Re: (D5 EA, Pickup) Varmint Huntin'

Postby Kai Wryssald » Thu Oct 25, 2018 4:09 am

"You'll have to excuse, my kitten here. She may be pretty as a picture, but she can be just terrible with names." Kai interjected as he extended his hand for the miralian to shake if she wished.

"The fellow wasn't named Drew, though that was fairly close." He beamed a smile at Jelna. "I believe it was... Drune. As I said close, but still a bit off, Kitten."
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