[D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Local watering hole.

[D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:21 pm

((Open, but expecting))

The Twelve Parsecs was a bit off the beaten path for most of the townsfolk, but it was still a much a decent place to go to.

Inside, amoung several other patrons, were a group of 5 men were were enjoying themselves and laying off some steam after a miserable day at work dealing with the rain amoung other things. Beer and liquor often made these situations better, for sure. Already on their second round, there seemed no signs of stopping for the drink. For a few of them, it would be their day off tomorrow, for others, well, drinking socially often led others to take in more than what they expected.
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:38 am

Kaneesa saunters in, heading to the bar and holding up a few fingers.

"Wyern's Reserve, neat, if you have it." The Gungan looks down at the group of workers that are into their drinks. "And get those there another round. On me." Kaneesa puts down some credits and passes them over the bar.
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Flession » Tue Oct 23, 2018 4:53 pm

The bartender looks on and nods, looking back at the men over at the table. "Coming up, sir." He begins to grab the drink and spins the bottle in his hand, before pouring the liquor in the drink. "Friends of yours, sir?"
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:12 am

"I hope so." Kaneesa slugs back his drink and motions for another, an easy smile coming over his face.

"Be sure to tell them is was from me."
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby CLL-MT9 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:09 pm

Clementine had been his boss's looming shadow all the way from the speeder depot -- large, intimidating, and close to hand. As they neared the Twelve Parsecs, however, his long strides shrank incrementally, until he was almost mincing along. "Uh I will keep a look out out-side for a minute, just one minute," he said lamely, hesitating on the doorway. He had mentioned earlier he had visited here, and hadn't said anything why he might not want to go in -- what could give an almost three-meter tall droid cold feet?

His sense of duty prevented him from leaving Kaneesa alone for long, however. He strode in, his confidence outwardly restored, and made his way to his proper place: behind and a little off to the right. "No oil for me tonight thank you I am working," he said to the bartender, without being asked. He crouched down and bent over, his big photoreceptor poking over Kaneesa's shoulder, bringing the vocoder mounted on the underside of the protruding casing right next to Kaneesa's large floppy ear.

Clementine managed to actually be quiet enough to only be heard by his intended audience (given a loud bar), but it came at the cost of a lot of static. "Are those the guys, boss?"
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:28 pm

"Clem, you great guy! Droid! Ya know what I mean!" Kaneesa practically shouts as he faux slaps his partner on the artificial "shoulder". "Get some denatured alcohol! It will clean your insides right out! On me!"

With that loud display, Kaneesa hopes that no one will listen when he sneaks in a little closer, overaxaggurating his intoxication and whispers low. "That's them. I tracked them from the port. Now, to make the introductions..."

Kaneesa waits as the bartender swings around with some drinks, dropping them off. He saunters over to the workers at the bar, adding a slight slur to your words.

"Hey 'dere folks." Kaneesa smiles broadly, pantomiming a more drunken self. "I love the men who keep us safe! I'mma trying to make sure I get your tastes right, I don't s'pose you head out to P-town on a night, do ye?" The Gungan takes a deep pull from his drink. "I bet ye got stories to tell."
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:48 pm

It takes a few moments, but the bartender finally brings the gentlemen's drinks over to the table, placing them down one by one. "Drinks are from the gentlemen right here." After which the bartender nodded at Kanessa and walked off, leaving you with the guards.

"Heey! Thanks man." One of them responded with a nice nod, taking the drink and begining to down it. "P-Town? Eeehh...sometimes. It's a bit of a distance for us from here, but occasionally we get there." He looks around at him. "Why, you sellin' something from there?"
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:55 pm

"Drinks!" Kaneesa raises a glass to clink against the others. "And the best, smoothest jizz that you'll have wash over your ears on the planet! But, hey, you only stay popular as long as you know the tastes of the people, yaknowwhatimsayin'?"

Kaneesa drains the last of his drink and motions for a new round. "You never go wrong, learnin' the plight of the workin' man and make sure he gets his. I hear it all the time...long hours, no overtime, budget cutbacks...amirite?"
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:07 pm

They looked sort of stunned that the Gungan before them was trying to sell a bar at another bar. It seemed...well, it seemed like something that didn't make much sense, really. They looked around, rather confused. "I mean, I...guess we could at some point. But, if you're that popular, shouldn't you, y'know, be over there now working?"
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:12 pm

Fey yawned as she stepped back into the bar from the ladies' room. Maybe she should think about heading back soon... she couldn't keep drinking for free on Cal's tab all night.

Or could she?

The pleasant buzz of the alcohol did kind of help in driving away the unpleasantness she had been feeling lately, that scary feeling that made her lekku shudder. Ah crap... I've seen that guy before, she realised as she sashayed over to the bar.
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:16 pm

Kaneesa waves a hand, dismissing the question. "Oh come on, this is my night off! I can't hang around there without giving my people the creeps. It is never good to always hover over your people and be that kriff hole boss. So, I like a good ol' busman's holiday, check out what's happening and get the pulse of the street. If you're not getting better, you're getting worse, and you know what they say about the Wookie's Codpiece...it's always a sight to see when it's growing."

Kaneesa gives a small laugh at his own off color joke, trying to get the others into the mood. Dimly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a familiar blue figure.

Wait, she seems familiar...

It took a second, and for a moment panic shot through him. After a moment though, Kaneesa settled down.

It's ok. All she knows is that I'm from the Codpiece. I just told this lot the same. Maybe she has suspicions later, but that's a longshot here.

Still, that faint buzz seems to return. It's unsettling.

"Come on, drink up! I know...Two Duros and a Bothan walk into a bar..." Kaneesa continues on a long, dirty joke he's heard a few times at the Codpiece. "...And he turns to the other and says "I thought YOU just came out of hyper!"
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:25 pm

She gave him a curious look. What's he doing over here at this hour? Doesn't he have his own place to run...? There was an appealing elegance to her movements as she slid onto a barstool.

Then she shot a knowing smile to the Gungan. The twi'lek might be a little tipsy, but she seemed to have that understanding glint in her indigo eyes.

"Hmm.... any of you kind gentlemen buying moi a drink?"
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:28 pm

Kaneesa looks over at one of the guards and grins, leaning in for a whisper. "She's not my type, but I am always ready to wingman for a new friend."

Not waiting for a response, Kaneesa beckons the pretty Twi'lek over. "Certainly! The more the merrier."

Now, I just need an in with these people...maybe they drop their guard around a female.
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:29 pm

There was a small laugh at it, seemingly pleased with his sense of humor. Though any immediate attention he had on them shifted over to the attractive female Twi'lek standing next to you. "Hey...Gungan...is she your employee?" One of them looks over at you expectantly, waiting for a answer.
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:34 pm

"Well, not yet, but I pay very well. Maybe she's some musical talent too..." Kaneesa leans over, putting another cup in the hands of the man who asked the question and whispers. "I think you have a shot with her."
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:38 pm

Fey watched the interactions with an amused smile, her chin resting in the palm of her hand. Men...

"Maybe I sing, maybe I dance?" she said with a teasing giggle.
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:44 pm

"Oh, I would be honored!" Kaneesa seems to reach into his coat to pull out something long and slender...it's a slitherstick. Kaneesa blows on the tip a little bringing it into tune. "If you don't mind m'lady."

Kaneesa does a few scales, and then breaks into a low, slightly melancholy piece of jizz, motioning to Cefey to join in if she wants.

Conning the guards-Deception-Sense Emotions-Influence-Situational Boost-Loom from Clem: 2eA+1eP+2eB+1eF+2eD 1 success, 3 advantage, 1 Dark Side
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:58 pm

The guy you whispered to snapped her fingers to the bartender. "Barkeep, give the lady whatever she wants!" He snaps his fingers and the bartender makes a few moves to the drinks. The music is flowing on as a few of the customers begin to take notice of the music too and begin to get quiet during their performance.
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:06 pm

Well, that was unexpected, a musical Gungan.

It was a tune she remembered, but she couldn't recall any lyrics to go with it, but Fey could pleasantly hum along to the short piece. "Jizz is monsieur's music of choice? You play it very well," she said in a soft tone as it concluded. "Sure. I will sing with you."

And yay! Free drink! "Bartender, give me a glass of that fine bourbon I know you have, s'il vous plaît."
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Re: [D5, ME] Off-Duty Drinking

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:19 pm

"Well, I am little rusty at working in a pair, but I'll see what I can do." A mischievous light is in Kaneesa's eyes as he begins up an old standard...something that he thinks the Twi'lek can match, especially with her accent. This time, however, rather than playing off the cuff, Kaneesa seems to concentrate. He pauses, reaching out to feel the music it seems or...something. He is more acutely aware of his musical partner, though for the life of him he can't pin down what that is all about. Almost in a ritualistic state, he begins to play...

Charming the Crowd with Music-Hard-Boost from accompanyment-Influence-Sense Emotion: 3eA+1eP+2eB+1eF+4eD 1 failure, 2 advantage, 2 Dark Side

(Spending a Destiny point, flipping pips for successes)

It doesn't seem to be going right...but Kaneesa wants it. He really wants it. The music, the flow naturally coming to him doesn't come. It doesn't come naturally...so he grabs it, pushing it through his music, into the people around him listening.
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