Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Wreckage from the Battle of Noventa, and subsequent sieges, has formed an artificial ring system of ruined space hulks, half destroyed frigates, and other war materiel. Ripe for scavenging.

Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:23 pm

The sudden shift brought Farkas back to the bridge. It was easy to tell those things on freighters this size and he was used to how Syzygy and the Strange Charm flew. When he saw Dean's holo face, he sighed to himself and sat back down at the scanner. He still didn't fully trust the pirates.
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Sharn » Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:56 pm

Sharn took a good look at the vessel, with any peculiarities in mind, or ways of immediate improvement. He let Sy speak undisturbed.
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Ender » Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:56 am

Syzygy Anion wrote:"Morning. Do you have anything available for breakfast?" she asked, guiding the Strange Charm to the Lady of the Night.

Dean grinned, offering Syzygy a two fingered salute. "I've got a fresh pot of Caf here, and I can definitely make sure we get you some breakfast. I'll have one of the techs bring you to the Grand Mess Hall. It might not look like much, but it's got it where it counts. And I think you might find the grub not too shabby for us scum and villains." He laughed at that, as the ship was brought aboard the much larger derelict capital ship.

True to his word, a protocol droid was waiting at the ramp of the Strange Charm. "Good Morning. I am T-C7N, Being/Cyborg Relations. Captain Windjammer has sent me to escort you." The Droid's arms were stiff as it gesticulated, before moving in a slow manner, leading the group through the busy spacedock.
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:40 am

Looking to the droid, Farkas nods. "Never understood why protocol droids were given such a difficult time moving around. Makes gesticulation and body language more difficult, and harder to communicate with body language. If the folks in charge don't mind I could see about improving your servo control processes T-C7N."
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:52 am

Zygy looked around at the ship as she followed the droid.
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Ender » Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:36 am

Tee-See stopped for a moment, servos whirring a bit, as the deoid's photo receptors lit up for a moment. The expressionless face could not show any response, but there was a certain chipper tone to the response. "Oh! I would like that very much!" The Droids pace picked up slightly, as the task was continued.

The Grand Mess was clearly just the old mess hall, converted to something a little more opulent. The whole place, while cobbled together, had a certain look of people wanting to appear more put together than they actually were.

The trio were led to a table, where Dean was already waiting, still wearing that duster, and as promised, a fresh pot of Caf.

"You all look bright eyed and bushy tailed. Pastries should be along shortly. Our cook and his team were one of the finest outfits out of Alderaan."
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Sharn » Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:38 am

"Is this where you are mostly from?"

Sharn inquired, having counted the number of people and droids on the way to the mess.
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Ender » Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:27 pm

"We are from all over. Some are local, some malcontents from all corners. 'Pirates life for me' and all that." Dean shrugged, sitting down, as an Ithorian came to the table, dropping a tray of incredibly aromatic baked goods to pair with the Caf.

"Momma always said never do business or speak with guests on an empty stomach. Great advice I think."
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:55 pm

Syzygy sat down. "How many of you are there?"
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Ender » Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:18 pm

Dean leaned back, looking to Syzygy. "A couple thousand, if this were an active Venator, we'd be well under a skeleton crew, but for a pirate outfit, it's a fair number. And that's between pilots, techs, even families. Some people just want to be free, not bound by a planet, or by obligations they have. Others want to just pillage. We've got all kinds here. Decent amount of craft, too, mainly older freighters. Those Cloakshapes are our most common fighter, though we've got a couple Uglies thrown in." He smiled for a moment. "I came on with my own freighter,a YZ-775, the Twilight Jumper. She's got it where it counts, plus a surprise if I needed one."

He shrugged again. "We're ready if we were found out by the Hutts, or anyone wanting to put us under the thumb of another organization. Piracy is only one of our means of earning. Smuggling, transporting people who want to get away without too much fuss or paperwork. It's not steady work, but it's good."
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Sharn » Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:51 pm

"So you won't be opposed if we move in?" Sharn chuckled as he sat. He looked at Ithorian's fare with nutrition-counting scrutiny while reaching for the caf.
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Ender » Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:57 pm

Dean laughed heartily. "Now, we've only just met! Let's see how our arrangement works out. Who knows, you might just be looking at your new home. Or maybe we stay at good friends who keep tooth brushes at the others house." The Pirate Captain relaxed a bit, taking a decadent looking pastry, and dipping the end of it into his caf for a moment, before taking a thoughtful bite.

"Like I said, you at least have a place out here where you can refuel, get repairs done if you needed. Not many from the planet itself get that, and we like it that way."
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Sharn » Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:04 pm

"Then let's clear one thing outright. For me salvage is means to an end. I am primarily a scientist, an engineer, a shipwright, specialising in applications of hyperenergy. And 'a/an' is only grammatical here, because I am more in the realm of 'the'. Like 'the best there is'." He mused. "Once you realise the veracity of this statement, you'll be honoured to have my toothbrush at your space villa, Captain Windjammer."
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:23 am

"He really is at the top of his field," Farkas agrees with a nod. "And I'm nearly the top for my own field. It will be nice to have another place to do our work."
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 23, 2018 2:46 pm

Dean listened for a moment. "That may be true. But I haven't seen that genius in action, only your skills as a team in dangerous situations, which can be quite valuable." His arms crossed his chest.

"Actions will speak louder than words. I eagerly await seeing that action."
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:02 pm

"Watch the podraces tonight." Zygy suggested. "To see what I contribute."
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Sharn » Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:33 pm

Sharn said nothing for a moment as he was too distracted to deign in addressing the doubt in his capability (which was of course self-evident). He pondered feasibility and modalities of... fixing the Venator. After all it had been the KDY that had been building them, and they did not differ that much from the star destroyer designs of the Imperial era.

[Any roll to discern what it would take to repair it?]

The audacity of it was beyond the scale, but an Imperator was likely on the way, and there was only so much protection a lame-duck ship could count on amid the debris. Any increase of function might be giving him the edge he wanted. Hence, the operability of its weapons systems was the immediately next concern.
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 23, 2018 4:12 pm

[No Roll Needed. You can tell that the thing is beyond repair to get her spaceworthy, at least, given the timeframe that a likely invasion could take place in]

Dean grinned at Syzygy's demeanor. "Alright. I'll be there in the crowd. See what you can do then." His grin was sly, as he regarded the others as well.
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Sharn » Thu Oct 25, 2018 1:20 am

"We may address the comm jamming issue. What do you know about it?" Sharn interceded.
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Re: Stormy Dun Yells [EM4]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:50 pm

Farkas pays attention to see if they have any useful info. He suspects that he'll be a main player when it comes to this particular issue.
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