Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

A magnificent mountain range that extends to the north from Noventa City, passing the Duskeen Forest to the west and up to the northern pole of Noventa.

Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Runi Vizsla » Fri Oct 19, 2018 1:33 am

"That's... I'm probably the last one, though," she said. She glanced over to Sharn, but... she was also distracted. He could answer so many questions. "... What will you do now? I have... so many questions. And I'm sure Sharn will, as well..."
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Sharn » Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:57 am

Sharn felt reprieve when the reincarnated being left his arm to focus on Runi. It let his brain restart its computation functions, and 'True Sith' triggered the memory search for slightest indications of what it meant. A people... Last of her kind? He licked his lips and sweat laced his body head to toes. His memory, his mind, were in hormonal bath so intense that he was feeling as if he had been administered a psychoactive agent.

Something rang. Like a tolling bell.

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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:28 am

You had heard, once, of a species called the Massassai. But the thought of it, the trying to remember that knowledge, sends you to your knees, coupled with the fear you are just feeling coursing through you. Trying to put together the thoughts of a long forgotten species is all but impossible, in the presence of the Seneschal.

Nygmus ignores Sharn, his gaze looking Runi over, assessing her. "As I told you, my dear. I will continue my work. I am sure you can feel it. This place, is awash in the Bogan. The gate where you found the book, was the first place I bathed in it, forcing the Force to my will, asserting it. Soon, the whole system will feel like it, a vergence in the Force." He stepped away, taking in a deep breath.

"Others will begin to feel it, to know the true power that is hidden here. This system will be so much like home, and from here, it will spread throughout the galaxy. And then... all will experience the truth. The purpose of the Force. To be used as the ultimate expression of the self."
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Sharn » Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:40 am

Sharn was helpless, and he could recognise it. His mind malfunctioned, his resolve collapsed, his body betrayed him. At that moment, he was no partner for this Force-User to deal in any terms that would not dig him deeper into the hall. That, understandably, made him very angry but he bottled it up for now, just sitting on the floor and watching the scene unfolding before him.

Massassai was telling him nothing more at the moment. Was it even a word?
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Runi Vizsla » Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:27 pm

She looked toward Sharn and then back at Nygmus. "... I can feel it." It feels... terrible. But... Home... My other people... "... Do you think they're gone forever? The True Sith. Or..."
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:07 pm

"I do not know. We had only just encountered them when I was a boy. I trained with them, learned my arts." He shook his head, before looking to Sharn. "Give it time, and you will feel this as naturally as your arrogance, Chiss." He knelt, lending the man aid to stand.

"You both have helped me so much. The ground is no place for you."
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Sharn » Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:11 pm

"I am discerning the new situation from the ground up." Sharn joked darkly as he rose. "What now, Lord Nygmus? How we can advance our agendas now that yours is given free rein?"
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Sun Oct 21, 2018 3:04 am

He breathed in deeply, as if tasting the air for the first time in millennia. "You are free to pursue whatever goals you like. I still must... learn about this new world. This new era. Which means much meditation, and study, on my end." He seemed to enjoy Sharn's dark joke, endearing him to the azure man. "Of course, as a thank you, I would be willing to impart my knowledge upon you, to teach you, as I was taught." He looked to the pair.

"But I would not expect either of you to answer that question so quickly. After all, we have so much to discuss." He indicated to the hall, beginning to make his way up and out. "We must hurry, my friends. This temple will likely fall as the tremors grow, and we would not wish to be buried again." He laughed a bit.
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Runi Vizsla » Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:10 am

She chuckled at Sharn's joke, as well, appreciating the levity under the circumstances. "Well, we have the knowledge handy, even if mine isn't perfect." At the indication they should go, she nodded. "Yeah... Much as it's satisfying to bring down the house, I don't think they usually mean it quite so literally." With that, she starts making her way with the other two toward the exit.
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Sharn » Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:35 am

Sharn rushed his steps. "How can you be contacted, so that we can learn what you can teach us?"
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:22 am

"A good Teacher is there when the student needs. I will be nearby, my presence in the Force should be as a shadow to your own." He smiled darkly, the heavy armor clanging against the stone with each footfall.

The heavy hands clapped upon the backs of the pair.

"We will make a better world."

Sharn and Runi gain -

Sith Lord Mentor: Lord Nygmus-
Benefit - The Cost to learn the basic Heal/Harm, Misdirect, and Protect/Unleash Force Powers are reduce by 15 xp, to a minimum of 5 xp.
Drawback - When rolling for Morality, if the roll is negative due to Conflict, double the amount of Morality lost.
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