EE4 - The Classic (Podrace)

The famous home of the Charnel Gulch Classic. Races held daily.

EE4 - The Classic (Podrace)

Postby Ender » Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:05 pm

The course had been fully expanded. The track winding around the volcano, as pilots from all over the outer rim had arrived the day prior. Excitement had gone out, that the retired champion, a dug named Sebulba, had come out of retirement this season. Still as vicious and grating as ever, his Plug-F mammoth thundered at the starting line. Yasmin was there, her own custom podracer with a fresh coat of paint on it. The field was deep, with drivers from all over the rim waiting to go on the five lap course, an endurance race of skill and danger and speed.

Special Rules:
The Podrace today is 5 laps. A challenge die is added to all checks, representing the number of drivers and the changing nature of the track, the danger of the high G turns and close spaces with the deep crowd. I will only be rolling for Sebulba and Yasmin.

Instead of a streetwise check to find a pod, sponsors are lined up, wanting drivers to get their pods some fame. They will lend on in exchange for the pilot fronting the entrance fee of 200 credits. Negotiation or Streetwise can be done to reduce this price by 10 percent on a successful check, with an additional 5% dropped for every 2 advantages. Advantages can also be spent to instead Customize the podracer as normal.

Also, the prizes will be substantially higher, as this is a high profile race. Winning the race will also yield something a little extra.

All racers must be in from 24 hours of now.

EE4 - Podracer 1 (Sebulba) - (Agility 3, Piloting Planetary 3, Skilled Jockey x2, 2x Weather Setback, Speed 5, Handling -1, Challenge Die for the number of racers): 5#3eP+1eC+1eS 2 successes 0 successes 2 successes 1 success, 3 advantage 2 failures, 4 advantage

Speed 5, 5 Successes (Lap 1, 7. Lap 2, falls back, Lap 3, 7. Lap 4, 6. Lap 5 drops back. Total Score: 20 pts)

Yasmin Full Throttle, Improved (Agility 4, Piloting-Planetary 1, 2 Setback from Weather, Average Difficulty, Skilled Jockey 1, Enhance Piloting Control): 1eP+3eA+2eD+1eS+1eF 1 advantage, 1 Dark Side
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage ) (Spending a Dark Side from 12 Parsecs to convert the dark side point to a success)

EE4 - The Classic - Yasmin (Agility 4, Piloting (Planetary) 1, Handling -1, Weather Setback x2, 1x Skilled Jockey, Enhance Skill Control (Piloting Planetary), Challenge Die): 5#1eP+3eA+1eC+2eS+1eF 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Despair, 1 Dark Side 1 advantage, 1 Dark Side 1 success, 2 Light Side 2 failures, 2 advantage, 2 Light Side 1 success, 1 threat, 1 Light Side

Yasmin Collision, Lap 1: 1d100 58 (Shields down. Podracers have no shields, flares out engine for 2 system strain)

Speed 5 for 3 Laps, Speed 4 for 2 laps (Lap 1, 6, collision, loses 2 system strain. Lap 2, Falls back. Lap 3, 6. Lap 4 holds steady. Lap 5, 5. Total: 17 Racing Points)
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"
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Re: EE4 - The Classic (Podrace)

Postby Soren Lom » Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:43 pm


TK approached the same sponsor she had for the past three days. She'd built a rapport with the short Chistori who seemed to like the money she kept bringing in for him. As she arrived for the race this evening he pulled her aside and showed her the special pod that he had acquired in secret.

"Fassstest one ever built I hear." The Chistori had told her.

"It'll do. I won't haggle with you on price as long as you let me ride it." TK replied with the same succinct demeanor she always conducted herself in.

The Chistori nodded his approval and TK had acquired for herself one of the better pods on the course.

As the announcer introduced all the racers TK simply stood quietly beside her mysterious new pod. Famous racers like Sebulba were deserving of the cheers and praise from the spectators, but TK needed to prove herself in order to gain any attention. She watched the local champion carefully, wondering what type of show she would put on today... but ultimately kept her thoughts to herself as the festivities came to a close.

TK's approach was to take it slow and simple at first, avoid any of the collisions or problems that would knock her out of contention. She needed a good handle on the course before she felt she could really open it up.

The second lap she increased her speed and began leaning into the turns, shaving off precious milliseconds which brought her closer and closer to the front.

The third lap, however, she ran into the proverbial wall of Sebulba. His experience outmatched her own for the lap, with him preempting her every move with technical beauty. No matter how she tried she was forced to bide her time and wait for the window to emerge which she could burst through.

It wasn't until the fourth lap that the moment she had waited for emerged. Feinting a bit of malfeasance on her part she began to take a turn wider than normal, Sebulba adjusted and with the narrow window he opened TK punched the accelerator and passed him in a flash.

Moving past that obstruction finally let TK open up and show what this new pod could do. She kept her proverbial foot to the proverbial metal for the duration of the fifth lap. She blew by objects, turns, spectators and the rest in record time. She pressed and pressed and pressed... hoping to see herself in first place when all was said and done.


D4 Podrace Streetwise Check: 4eA+2eB+3eD 0 successes, 8 advantage

(Taking a boost in speed with 3 adv. Two boosts in handling for 4 adv. And 1 boost to reinforce the Hull for 1 more point.)

D4 Podrace Lap 1, -4 Setback for Talents and Gear, Handling 1: 4eA+1eB+1eC 1 success, 4 advantage

D4 Podrace Lap 2, -4 Setback for Talents and Gear, Handling 1, 2eB from Adv: 4eA+3eB+1eC 2 successes, 1 advantage

D4 Podrace Lap 3, -4 Setback for Talents and Gear, Handling 1: 4eA+1eB+1eC 0 successes, 2 advantage

D4 Podrace Lap 4, -4 Setback for Talents and Gear, Handling 1: 4eA+2eB+1eC 2 successes, 4 advantage

D4 Podrace Lap 5, -4 Setback for Talents and Gear, Handling 1: 4eA+3eB+1eC 5 successes, 5 advantage

Total- 10 Successes, Speed 5. (GM Scoring: Lap 1, 6. Lap 2, 7. Lap 3, Holds Position. Lap 4, 7. Lap 5, 10. Racing Points: 30)

Lose 200c for Entry Fee.
12 Parsecs | Clawdite | Hunter | Explorer | Poly-Faced |
Carries/Wears: Heavily Modded Blaster Rifle; Model Q4 Quickfire Pistol; Survival Pack; Backpack; Utility Belt; Holographic Costume; Infrabinoculars (Long Range); Explorer's Knife
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Soren Lom
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Re: EE4 - The Classic (Podrace)

Postby Syzygy Anion » Fri Oct 19, 2018 6:00 pm

"I know, I know. I didn't win that race. But, I put on a good show, didn't I? Alright, Fine, I'll pay the entry fee, but I get a better racer this time. That last one turned like a star destroyer."

- - -
EE4 - The Classic (Podrace), Streetwise, Zeltron +1 Advantage: 2eA+1eP+3eD 1 failure, 1 advantage
1 failure, 2 advantage
Advantage to improve Handling

EE4 - The Classic (Podrace), Lap 1, Full Throttle Manuever, Piloting (Planetary) Hard, Skilled Jockey 2: 1eA+2eP+3eD 2 failures, 2 advantage
1 Strain to Syzygy, Advantages to Boost next roll

EE4 - The Classic (Podrace), Lap 1, Piloting (Planetary), Boost from Adv, 1 Challenge, Skilled Jockey 2: 1eA+2eP+1eC 3 successes, 1 Triumph, 1 Despair
EE4 - The Classic (Podrace), Lap 1, Piloting (Planetary), Forgot to include Boost: 1eB 1 success, 1 advantage
4 successes, 1 Advantage, 1 Triumph, 1 Despair
2 Hull Trauma, Critical Hit
EE4 - The Classic (Podrace), Lap 1, Critical Hit: 1d100 70
Navicomputer Failure? Advantage to notice something important

EE4 - The Classic (Podrace), Lap 2, Full Throttle Manuever, Piloting (Planetary) Hard, Skilled Jockey 2: 1eA+2eP+3eD 1 failure, 1 advantage
1 Strain to Syzygy, Advantage to notice something

EE4 - The Classic (Podrace), Lap 2, Piloting (Planetary), 1 Challenge, Skilled Jockey 2: 1eA+2eP+1eC 3 successes, 2 threat, 2 Triumph
Setback to next Lap roll

EE4 - The Classic (Podrace), Lap 3, Piloting (Planetary), 1 Challenge, Setback from Threat, Skilled Jockey 2: 1eA+2eP+1eC+1eS 2 successes, 1 threat
1 Strain to Podracer

EE4 - The Classic (Podrace), Lap 3, Full Throttle Manuever, Piloting (Planetary) Hard, Skilled Jockey 2: 1eA+2eP+3eD 1 success, 3 advantage
1 Strain to Syzygy, +1 Speed for last three laps, Boost to next Roll, Notice something

EE4 - The Classic (Podrace), Lap 4, Piloting (Planetary), 1 Challenge, Skilled Jockey 2: 1eA+2eP+1eB+1eC 1 success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph Boosted by advantages
Boost next roll

EE4 - The Classic (Podrace), Lap 5, Piloting (Planetary), 1 Challenge, Boost from Advantages, Skilled Jockey 2: 1eA+2eP+1eB+1eC 0 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph

2 Hull Trauma, 1 Critical, Navicomputer Failure, 1 Strain to podracer, 3 Strain to Syzygy
Speed 4 for 2 Laps and 5 for 3, 10 Successes, 5 Triumphs

GM Scoring: Lap 1, 6+1 (Triumph), Lap 2, 7+2 (Triumphs), Lap 3, 7. Lap 4, 6+1 (Triumph). Lap 5, Holds +1 (Triumph). Total Score: 31.
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

Carries: Heavy Clothing, Thermal Cloak, Holdout Blaster, Utility Belt, Comlink, Datapad
*Charm or Deception targeting Syzygy receive 1 Setback die
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Syzygy Anion
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Re: EE4 - The Classic (Podrace)

Postby Ender » Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:48 am

"Ladies and Gentlebeings from all corners of the galaxy! Fode and Beed here, bringing you the action live from Charnel Gulch in the Noventa System! The Charnel Gulch Classic is about to get underway, and boy howdy, do we have a deep field!" The basic speaking Fode called out, over the roaring cheers of the crowd sitting in the stands, as well as those watching at home. Beed, speaking in Huttese continued. "That's right! And speaking of deep fields, just take a look at the racers. Even Sebulba has come out of retirement for this one! Just trying to win back some of his old glory. The old Dug has never recovered from his loss to young Anakin Skywalker during the Boonta Eve Race on Tattooine." Fode nodded, looking to his partner. "I wonder whatever happened to that talented racer!"

After the far too long driver introductions, all of the Pods were lined on the starting grid. The roar of Podracing engines kicking on, filling the stands over the cheers of the crowd. Sebulba, as arrogant as ever, looked about the field. Yasmin, for her part, remained focused on the race, goggles over her eyes. After a few moments, the lights began to flicker, the cold wrecking havoc, but pit droids working to keep everything operating.

"Aaaaaaand.... they're off!" Fode called out, as the drivers began the race. Sebulba had already sorted out who his biggest threat was, the Nautolan woman! Slamming his massive pod racer into hers, he forced a collision, slowing her down. Yasmin cursed, working to recover, her engines smoking, as they dodged and weaved around other racers. But in their dance, they failed to notice...

Two new comers moving quickly, and determined to make their way up fields. TK and Syzygy, each piloting craft that were certainly a bit more customized than normal. The improved handling enabled them to duck and dive through the sharp chicane turns, before accelerating down the straightaway. Drafting, overtaking, lap after lap, the pair were able to blow past the competition.

Then, it came to the final lap, neck and neck. TK's racer had been faster the whole race, but through sheer luck, and her own training, Syzygy had pulled some fast maneuvers early, keeping herself in the race. They had left the other racers in the dust, and cameras panned to keep on the two, projecting their two pods battling the cold and each other. The final straightaway, a long, 10 kilometer stretch just before the stands and finish line. The checkered banner was whipping in the wind as the two seemed to be neck and neck. One engine would pull ahead, and then the other.

Time seemed to slow, as their fields of vision only focused on their vehicles, that finish flag, and the glory that would come with it. A flash, and the pair crossed the line. Holorecorders flashed and leapt into action, waiting for the replay, it was just too close to call. Until... it came in. In patented super slow motion, the cameras showed that Syzygy, at the last of all seconds, crossed the line just ahead of the masked TK.

"And I don't believe it! Newcomer Syzygy Anion has won the Classic! Beings from all corners, we might just be witnessing the birth of a new racing legend! Oooh, aaaah! Oooh, aaaah!" The pair of heads bobbed and weaved, cheering on the end of the race!

Final Racing Scores:

Syzygy - 31 Points
TK - 30 Points
Yasmin - 20 Points
Sebulba - 17 Points


Syzygy has won the Charnel Gulch Classic! She nets a purse of 10k credits, as well as the title "Gulch Classic Champion". When dealing with fans of podraces or anyone associated with podracing, she gains a boost die.
TK, for coming in second, nets a purse of 7.5k Credits

In addition, both pilots gained the ability - Too Fast, Too Furious-Once per session, During a chase or a race, they can engage in reckless or foolhardy actions. Add a challenge die to the Piloting Check for positioning, but they also add two boost dice. This lasts for a duration equal to Cunning.
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"
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