Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

A magnificent mountain range that extends to the north from Noventa City, passing the Duskeen Forest to the west and up to the northern pole of Noventa.

Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Sharn » Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 pm

"That is adding some definition to the picture... on the fringes. But what's your immediate agenda after release?"
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:07 pm

The apparition smiled. There was something off putting about it. "I have work here on Noventa that I must finish. Work I began long ago, before my former allies of the Jeda'ii did not appreciate my work, and the witches here sealed me in this place."
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Sharn » Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:08 pm

"How much planetary condition and affairs are about to be distorted if you have your way then? I assume you were locked up because they feared your project. I can sympathise to some extent as I don't like being impeded by lesser beings either. However, I do realise what concentrated Force can do so before anything else I would like to hear a reasonable cost assessment ."
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:15 pm

The form stopped, then turned again away from the pair. "Depends on the amount of resistance then " His voice leveled, as the ground shook again.

"Are you afraid of me?"
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Runi Vizsla » Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:44 pm

"No," Runi spoke up, simply, for her part. She looked at both of them with a reassuring expression. "There's no reason to be antagonistic here. But I don't think it's unreasonable to have some idea of what is going on. I don't think you would just obediently follow along behind of someone told you to, would you, Codex? It seems a little strange to expect it of us."
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Sharn » Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:06 am

"I am wary of you because you conduct yourself in an intransparent way and have an ulterior agenda. It could be much easier if you came clean on what kind of event chain to expect once you're out. I abhor religious cults so I am very unlikely to share the perspective with your former detractors. Nor am I a Noventan patriot. But I am not an idiot to just pull a lever triggering the trapdoor under my feet. Not to mention that your commitments regarding benefits of assisting you have been very nebulous. My decision matrix lacks stakes and intensities, hence there can be no decision until information is provided." Sharn squeezed Runi's hand, then released it and crossed his arms on his chest in a gesture of expectant resistance.
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:22 am

The humanoid form, the eyes becoming much more aggressive, stepped forwards. "Why, my quest continues for full understanding, and mastery, of the Force. To use both the Ashla and the Bogan, without the apathy that is the Bendu. To find the true knowledge that is giving in to both extremes. The Jeda'ii were mistaken!" His voice raised, as the rocks that he had lifted away from the entry way shook, flung about in another tremor, clearly coming from him.

"Only then can things truly matter, can they truly make sense. I brought you here, both of you, because I thought you would understand!" His passions flared, as if something that he had been keeping in check were becoming undone.

"Now. Come with me!" He turned again, and began to make his way into the door.
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Runi Vizsla » Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:41 am

"... Wait, wait, hold on. What's... any of those things?" She held up her hands. "Ashla, Bogan, Bendu... We can't understand without knowing what you're referring to."
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:44 am

The figure began to pace before them, coming back from the door. "The Ashla, the light, life, creation, all of it. The Bogan, the dark, death, entropy. All if it aspects of the Force. The Bendu is that in between. But that means neither removing oneself or mastering oneself, to just... be. And that." He paced up to the pair, his eyes alight with fire. "That is unacceptable. To just let things happen because you decide not to act is no way to live."
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Runi Vizsla » Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:07 am

"Mom never mentioned any concept like the Bendu," she said, holding up her hands. "Everything she said... I'm pretty sure they abandoned a concept like that a long time ago. It's all about dark and light anymore."

"I wonder if the Jedi would still exist if they had a concept like that. But there's no way to tell anymore."
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:12 am

"Well, that's something then." The male figure laughed a bit. "Though I know of several, in my time, who met a being called the Bendu. Couldn't be bothered with anything, unless it directly affected it's domain. As I said, apathetic." The ground beneath them continued to shake, sending shockwaves out through the earth around them.

"Follow me, meet me as I awaken, and I promise you, I can show you all I know, to help you learn and grow and know the truth of the Force. No more piecing things together slowly, no more trying to remember what a fallen order had done. We... we can make a better vision."
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Sharn » Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:23 am

Sharn was conflicted. There was a lot to it that raised his concerns but he also discerned that part of the miscommunication hailed from the Codex's inability to comprehend the world in scientific terms. He was too dipped in the mystical thinking of antiquity. Discounting for that, grandiose curiosity started winning over irritants. He snarled, looked at Runi for signs of disagreement, and if there wasn't much, he would step forth.
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Runi Vizsla » Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:42 am

She looked toward him and shrugged. Maybe, if things went terribly, they could find a way to make it right. In the mean time... dammit, she'd go with him. She put her hand on his shoulder and nodded, stepping forward with him.
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Wed Oct 17, 2018 4:49 pm

The tomb was almost a mirror to the ruins, save for the vast catacombs that served as hallways. Preserved bodies lie in repose in each alcove, some clutching ancient blades in their grips.

The apparition grew more and more permanent, the deeper they all moved into the tomb. Green sconces lit aflame, an eerie smoke and vapor trail emanating from them.
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Sharn » Wed Oct 17, 2018 5:07 pm

Sharn saw a lot of dead people in his life so he took the situation in stride; he paid some attention to what the mummies were holding. Fear of such places often presupposed unscientific understanding of how the world works, and what Sharn thought of superstition was obvious to anyone who spoke for 3 minutes with him. So eerily green light was just green light.
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Runi Vizsla » Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:30 pm

Runi looked around curiously, as well, trying to take in her surroundings without getting too distracted. It WAS really fascinating, though.
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:50 am

After being led through the tomb, the pair are brought to a large, circular chamber. In the center, a sarcophagus, as the apparition fully materializes.

"Here, here I am." He smiled, before fading away into the crypt. The green vapor of the flames began to swirl about the room, a vortex forming over the Sarcophagus. "Witness!" The voice booms throughout the room, as the whole ground began to quake. This wasn't a tremor, this was a full on cataclysm, bodies falling from the forms behind you, the clanging of ancient weapons hitting stone echoing with the booming voice.

Drums? Yes, drums! They began to echo in your ears, filling the room, followed by chanting in an ancient tongue, though something about it resonates deep in your soul, Runi.

The quaking stopped, and the vortex disappeared.

The drums and chanting ended, as the room was bathed in pure darkness. Then, a distant sound, as rolling thunder.

The sarcophagus explodes, shrapnel of stone slamming against the both of you, as the sconces erupted once more. Green, unnatural light bathing the room. Standing where the sarcophagus was...

Human | Commmanding |Fearsome | Stronger in the Force Than You

Clad in heavy, black armor, definitely ancient, at his hip, a hilt connected by a cable to the back of his armor. His eyes narrowed, smiling down at the pair. "Thank you. Both of you. Only once the book was removed, and witnesses present, could I arise." He stepped down, fear just emanating from him, as he clasped gauntlet clad hands on both of your shoulders.

"I am Lord Nygmus. Seneschal of the True Sith." He smiled eerily. "And at last, after twenty-thousand years, I am free."

Runi, and Sharn, please make a Fear 3 check, upgraded once, as just being in his presence is pure Fear, as the Dark Side washes over everything, it permeates the room, the area.
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Runi Vizsla » Thu Oct 18, 2018 12:26 pm

She held up her arms to shield herself from the shrapnel, and when she lowered her arms...

"Oh, um," she replied in an astute and thorough assessment of the situation. "Welcome back. It was a very impressive return."

A question niggled at her. "... What's a True Sith? As opposed to a... um, regular Sith?" It probably wasn't really the time for such things, but...

Cool (Presence) vs. Fear 3 upgraded once: 2eP+2eD+1eC 1 success, 1 threat
Last edited by Runi Vizsla on Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Sharn » Thu Oct 18, 2018 12:30 pm

Sharn's cortisol and norepinephrine levels spiked at the outpour of darkness, but he hid it well via Superior Chiss Paralytic Deadpan.

MM3. Superior Sith Indifference! Destiny! Re-roll, forgot Red.: 1eP+1eA+1eC+2eD 1 failure, 2 advantage

[2 Advantages to hide being quite terrified]
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Re: Hello Darkness, My New Research Agenda [MM3, Closed]

Postby Ender » Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:52 pm

Human | Commmanding |Fearsome | Stronger in the Force Than You

Nygmus smiled as he looked to the pair. Though he admired Sharn for hiding the physical signs of fear, the feeling itself was... palpable.

"The difference, my dear," He looked to Runi, his stature barely level with hers, the smile turning much softer. "Is the True Sith were a people, pure beings of the Bogan. Powerful, Wise, and viewed humans as equal. And you... their blood flows in your veins. I can sense it." He released Sharn from his grip, now both hands on Runi's shoulders.

"Within you their line lives."
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