A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:21 am

Kor wasn't usually one for parties but this event seemed to be a bigger affair than this city was used to seeing. Kor actually dressed up fully for this event, wearing a well tailored suit in black and white with silver cuff links. Kor may not have been the most experienced with these kinds of events but he went to plenty of formal functions while in the military so he wasn't a complete novice at classy parties.

Kor strode towards the establishment looking every inch that he belonged there and when stopped at the door he would muster every inch of his intimidating nature, using his full height and a deep, commanding voice one that was actually more clear and articulate than he usually was. His core worlds accent was rather prominent even "I will be joining this party one way or another young man." he would say to whatever bouncer tried to turn him away, he was clearly quite effective as he incited a gulp from the young and slightly small doorman and was ushered inside the building.

Once inside Kor looked about the room scanning to see what activities were occuring and to try and identify any familiar faces in the crowd.

coercion roll to get inn the party 1 strain to reduce difficulty average difficulty: 1eP+2eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Yara Suhr » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:12 am

After some awkward back-and-forth with the bouncer Yara eventually recognizes the universal body language for “a small gratuity would make this problem go away.” With an internal sigh—I suppose it’s impossible, but I do wish these kinds of people would just be straightforward sometimes—she makes the necessary exchange. At least she reaps a bit of goodwill from the fact that she’d once neatly reattached the fellow’s severed finger without disclosing her suspicions about what exactly he’d been doing at the time of the accident to any relevant authorities. Her pockets are lightened, but not as much as they might have been.

She takes a few moments to hover by the doors and scan the room after entering. It’s certainly a colorful sight. Depending on one’s point of view, her own choice of costume is either underdressed or a solid example of Core-Worlder understated sophistication; either way, it certainly makes it unlikely she’ll be mistaken for the help.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:24 am

Yara Suhr wrote:After some awkward back-and-forth with the bouncer Yara eventually recognizes the universal body language for “a small gratuity would make this problem go away.” With an internal sigh—I suppose it’s impossible, but I do wish these kinds of people would just be straightforward sometimes—she makes the necessary exchange. At least she reaps a bit of goodwill from the fact that she’d once neatly reattached the fellow’s severed finger without disclosing her suspicions about what exactly he’d been doing at the time of the accident to any relevant authorities. Her pockets are lightened, but not as much as they might have been.

She takes a few moments to hover by the doors and scan the room after entering. It’s certainly a colorful sight. Depending on one’s point of view, her own choice of costume is either underdressed or a solid example of Core-Worlder understated sophistication; either way, it certainly makes it unlikely she’ll be mistaken for the help.

Dressed in a dapper formal black suit a Devaronian made his way through the crowds to present himself before Dr. Yara Suhr. Brushing his cuffs the gentlemen bowed his head in recognition of the woman's dazzling beauty on this fair night. "Dr. Yara Suhr, of the Neda Ulaby Memorial Medical Center, what a pleasure it is to have this honor of receiving you tonight," he flashed a grin. "Why, had I thought to see you tonight I might have made it more of an effort to greet you," he glanced to the man who had permitted her entry then back to Yara herself. "What is it, I wonder, that brings you all the way from your clinic on this splendid night?"
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:28 am

Korvalus Dunbri wrote:Kor wasn't usually one for parties but this event seemed to be a bigger affair than this city was used to seeing. Kor actually dressed up fully for this event, wearing a well tailored suit in black and white with silver cuff links. Kor may not have been the most experienced with these kinds of events but he went to plenty of formal functions while in the military so he wasn't a complete novice at classy parties.

When Kor was permitted entry a young, sprightly, Mirialan woman flit from her conversation over to arrive on soft footfalls just before him. Smiling up to him with a pleasant charm, dressed to accentuate her body and it's form, "Welcome to the Den, Madame Vida wishes for you to enjoy your time tonight, Sir. With that in mind I wonder if there is anything someone like me might be able to do for you?" she asked with an inviting smile.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Yara Suhr » Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:46 am

Honorordeath wrote:Dressed in a dapper formal black suit a Devaronian made his way through the crowds to present himself before Dr. Yara Suhr. Brushing his cuffs the gentlemen bowed his head in recognition of the woman's dazzling beauty on this fair night. "Dr. Yara Suhr, of the Neda Ulaby Memorial Medical Center, what a pleasure it is to have this honor of receiving you tonight," he flashed a grin. "Why, had I thought to see you tonight I might have made it more of an effort to greet you," he glanced to the man who had permitted her entry then back to Yara herself. "What is it, I wonder, that brings you all the way from your clinic on this splendid night?"

"Social realities," Yara replies, the corner of her lips twitching up. "Difficult to get much of anything done on this planet if you never come out of your office and nobody knows who you are."

"But you have the advantage of me, Mr...?"
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:52 am

Honorordeath wrote:When Kor was permitted entry a young, sprightly, Mirialan woman flit from her conversation over to arrive on soft footfalls just before him. Smiling up to him with a pleasant charm, dressed to accentuate her body and it's form, "Welcome to the Den, Madame Vida wishes for you to enjoy your time tonight, Sir. With that in mind I wonder if there is anything someone like me might be able to do for you?" she asked with an inviting smile.

Kor looks to the younger Mirialan and gives her a once over, taking in her form for a moment, appreciating the beautiful young woman "Perhaps if I was 20 years younger I could think of a few that would be entertaining for the both of us." he said bluntly as he unbuttoned and shrugged off his coat revealing a very well fitted white button up that certainly accentuated his muscular body with a tie and black pants.

He looks down at the Mirilan once more "So tell me. exactly what are we celebrating this evening?"
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Rullarc Mulgin » Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:55 am

Yara Suhr wrote:"Social realities," Yara replies, the corner of her lips twitching up. "Difficult to get much of anything done on this planet if you never come out of your office and nobody knows who you are."

"But you have the advantage of me, Mr...?"

"Mulgin, Rullarc Mulgin, Dr. Suhr," he said with a wide grin. Sizing the woman up for a moment before beckoning to the guard that had permitted her entry. "I do quite agree on your thoughts about that particular idea Dr. Suhr. I also find myself beset by the workload placed before me, locked away in my office for more hours than I might otherwise desire. There is a certain touch, an understanding, of the world that surrounds us we lose when we lock ourselves away like that."

"Would you join me for this evening I wonder? Dr. Suhr?"
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Yara Suhr » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:05 am

"Oh." A rapid mental recalculation ensues. "That sounds like a pleasure, Mr. Mulgin," Yara says in what she hopes comes out as an amiably neutral sort of tone. "Though I wouldn't presume to monopolize the host for the whole evening."
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:11 am

Tewzada Star'Ti wrote:
Honorordeath wrote:"Hah! Don't waste my time, Twi'lek, you know who's party this is? Fifty credits ain't worth scrappin' my boot with."

"Is that so?"

Perhaps she should have started lower, so she was working up to that much; As it was, she had a feeling this might turn into something not worth her credits.

"Perhaps one-hundred then? Surely that would be more up to the sort of... atmosphere you are referring to."

"Hah, you really don't know what kinda place you're in do ya? I'll take 700 off ya, no less. Or.." he looks about, a smirk seeming to grow on his flat face. "We could work out a deal, you and me. You promise me a favor sometime and I'll let ya in, for free, what do ya say?"
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:14 am

Korvalus Dunbri wrote:Kor looks to the younger Mirialan and gives her a once over, taking in her form for a moment, appreciating the beautiful young woman "Perhaps if I was 20 years younger I could think of a few that would be entertaining for the both of us." he said bluntly as he unbuttoned and shrugged off his coat revealing a very well fitted white button up that certainly accentuated his muscular body with a tie and black pants.

He looks down at the Mirilan once more "So tell me. exactly what are we celebrating this evening?"

"Life?" she responded, a bit unsure herself. With that same enrapturing smile the young Mirialan flit behind the behemoth of a man and moved with her hand grasping the collar of the coat he was removing, insistent on seeing it discarded for him. "Rullarc Mulgin, the boss, wanted to have a party and so he did. Maybe the better question is, why did you come?" she teased.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:18 am

Yara Suhr wrote:"Oh." A rapid mental recalculation ensues. "That sounds like a pleasure, Mr. Mulgin," Yara says in what she hopes comes out as an amiably neutral sort of tone. "Though I wouldn't presume to monopolize the host for the whole evening."

"Only so long as I want to be occupied, of course," he said with a devilish grin. Looking to the man that approached, the guard that Yara had given the bribe to and Rullarc opened a palm. Without a word the man offered the credits into Rullarc's waiting hand which he then turned and, with a quick beckon for her to open her hand, placed them back into Yara's waiting grasp. "Consider it the gift of the house tonight, Dr. Suhr."
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:30 am

Honorordeath wrote:"Hah, you really don't know what kinda place you're in do ya? I'll take 700 off ya, no less. Or.." he looks about, a smirk seeming to grow on his flat face. "We could work out a deal, you and me. You promise me a favor sometime and I'll let ya in, for free, what do ya say?"


Well then.

"As if I would want to owe a favor to someone ugly enough to make a Hutt look like a pageant winner."

Clicking her purse closed Tew ducked out of the line. She turned around one last time to kick a pebble at the bouncer with a high heeled shoe before stomping off.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Lena Arcturus » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:35 am

Honorordeath wrote:
"Wearing it like that, darling, it is going to tear," she said with a soft, almost teasingly insidious smile. "As you desire," she waved off her own insistence. "I wonder, what is it about that man," she said, her eyes flitting over toward where Cal was, "that has you so enamored with one another."

"Oh? The madame is an expert on wearing dresses, that much I see." She eyed the woman. "Any suggestons perhaps?" She glanced at the man. "Enamored is a strong word, I would say. I just like his bourbon."
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:47 am

Lena Arcturus wrote:"Oh? The madame is an expert on wearing dresses, that much I see." She eyed the woman. "Any suggestons perhaps?" She glanced at the man. "Enamored is a strong word, I would say. I just like his bourbon."

"Enamored, this is the word I would use for he with you," she said with a subtle smile. Bringing a hand through the air whimsically. "but I appreciate a woman who knows what it is she desires. Your dress is not one of these things. If it is something you truly wish to wear than so be it, but should you have such an urge as to dress into something far more... suitable. You need only make use of one of our many rooms," she indicated down toward the rooms left for private use.

"I would not miss a single dress from among the many I possess," she said with a light smile. "Consider it a gift. A gift of comfort."
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Lena Arcturus » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:56 am

Lena pursed her lips and glanced around, searching for Jelna's eyes, as well as Cal just in case.

"You suppose to know me well just from a first impression." She picked up a glass of.. something from a waiter. It was deep red. Not blue milk at least. Her fingers fiddled around the glass. "I guess it cannot hurt to see what is it that you have. I am not a girl that plays dress up on the first occasion though." She eyed around meanwhile, taking into account the security and their positioning. It would be good to put more people between her and them if it came to.. anything.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Jelna Vawn » Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:10 am

"Ya work here or ya just bein' nice?" Jelna asked the shirtless guy with a small smirk. She straightened out her blazer jacket and stuffed her hands into the pockets. She really liked it when her clothes actually had pockets. "Whole thing is paid for, huh? Might have to try some of the finer selection then."

She glanced over at Lena, kept eye contact, and then looked past her for exits and the like. Armed security was of concern, same with those blending into the crowd. "I tried some locally brewed beer 'round these parts but not much else. Anythin' you recommend?"
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:54 am

Lena Arcturus wrote:Lena pursed her lips and glanced around, searching for Jelna's eyes, as well as Cal just in case.

"You suppose to know me well just from a first impression." She picked up a glass of.. something from a waiter. It was deep red. Not blue milk at least. Her fingers fiddled around the glass. "I guess it cannot hurt to see what is it that you have. I am not a girl that plays dress up on the first occasion though." She eyed around meanwhile, taking into account the security and their positioning. It would be good to put more people between her and them if it came to.. anything.

"Try not to be so nervous, girl, it's a party," she said, her eyes flicking off toward two Twi'leks that were unaccompanied. With a raise of the Madame's hand the two girls approached with amused expressions. One of green skin with patterns that trailed down her lekku and the other of blue skin without any such markings but adorned with wonderful jewelry. "My girls," she said looking between the two Twi'leks, "please see that our guest does not want for comfort. Offer her a chance to slip on something far more.. shall we say, sensible."
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:59 am

Jelna Vawn wrote:"Ya work here or ya just bein' nice?" Jelna asked the shirtless guy with a small smirk. She straightened out her blazer jacket and stuffed her hands into the pockets. She really liked it when her clothes actually had pockets. "Whole thing is paid for, huh? Might have to try some of the finer selection then."

She glanced over at Lena, kept eye contact, and then looked past her for exits and the like. Armed security was of concern, same with those blending into the crowd. "I tried some locally brewed beer 'round these parts but not much else. Anythin' you recommend?"

"Little o' both," he said, shifting around the crowds and waving over a friend. Taking from him a glass of something that had an interesting color to it. "Promise, have one o' these and you'll never wanna drink anything else ever again. Now, I'm hopin' my being nice is suiting you nice and fine. Gotta make the guests feel welcome when they come on through. Otherwise," he smirked, shrugged, "well, we just ain't doin' it right if that's not the case."
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Lena Arcturus » Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:14 am

Lena raised an eyebrow. "Two girls? Oh my." she replied in a dry tone, taking a sip from an awfully sweet something. I can't even taste the alcohol in this!

"Do I look that terribly out of my depth madame?"
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:30 am

"You are dearie," she said, her voice smooth, deeper than most women of the profession but there was an allure to it that was undeniable. Vida looked between the two girls once more and each laid a hand on Lena's shoulder, one for each.

"Come with us, Miss, we can see you comfortably dressed in no time," the blue Twi'lek teased. "Is that all we're going to do?" added the green Twi'lek to her right. "That was all we were asked to do," replied the blue Twi'lek once more. Ever present was the teasing nature of their tone. Having quite a bit of fun already with this woman whom they oh so recently met.
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