A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:08 am

Vida's den closed its doors to the usual patrons earlier in the evening that they might properly prepare for the night that would follow. When they reopened, however, the staff was as welcoming as ever. Food, drinks, and music was given to excess. In the pool area a live band took a central stage. Within the central point of the den staff flit between guests to ensure that everyone had their needs properly met by a trained conversationalist. Bringing with them the exquisite drinks and foods that flowed throughout the establishment.

Guards stood at the front in order to keep out the rabble. However, those in the life, conversationalists, suitably interesting individuals, or those with the funds to pretend otherwise were permitted entry into the party unhindered.

[Restriction: Those with 3 ranks in: Streetwise, Lore: Underworld, Athletics, Coordination, Charm, Deception, Cool, Coercion or Negotiation may enter without contest. Otherwise they must pass a HARD skill check in any of the previously mentioned skills or Stealth. A STEALTH check will offer a BOOST because of the crowds and general wear of the bouncers at the event.]
[This event will continue throughout the night, but aims to take up mostly LE/EN for major events.]
[You may also bribe your way in for a few token, 500 credits.]
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 15, 2018 3:20 pm

It was possible that Cal, in his fine but old-fashioned formalwear might have been able to get in on his own. He did manage to dress the part of a classy gentleman, even if he couldn't necessarily talk it.

But on the other hand, it was also often easier to ask forgiveness than permission. And so Cal slipped casually by as the bouncers were distracted with others.

Once inside, he brushed the rain from his duster and hat. Perhaps he'd let someone take them, although he hoped he wouldn't have to leave in a hurry.


D3LE Auspicious evening, Stealth to snek in, boost from crowd: 4eA+1eB+3eD 2 successes
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 15, 2018 3:40 pm

Dressed to accentuate her figure a young, sprightly, Mirialan appeared in front of Cal just as he brought his gaze back into focus after brushing off the rain from his duster. "I can help you with that," she said, extending her arms and looking to his extra wear that was certainly not needed here.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Lena Arcturus » Mon Oct 15, 2018 3:47 pm

A red head in a a long, ivory dressslowly walked towards the entrance. In white heels. Unusually high heels.

While did I let myself be talked into this? What is that blue ornament doing now, I wonder? She's doing "maintenance"... she's going to misalign the flux fans. Again. The airhead couldn't recognize a plasma capacitor if it we kicking her in the rear!!

Still, she needed to come here. For the group. Yes. For the group. She let out a breath, only to realize the difficulties in actually taking a breath. DDespite the "top" consisting of mainy two strips of cloth, her ribs were already aching, and she realized she brought one lung too many for this outfit.

Oh, she looked decent in the mirror, but it's been ages since she wore anything like this... well, nothing like this. Her old cocktail dresses were more conservative, but she didn't have space to put those in, and not next to the hydro spanners.

Coming closer to the entrance, she started swaying her hip in an exaggerated manner, mimicking the Blue One. "Hiyah sugah." Her local accent was copied from Jelna, and exaggerated to insapient levels. "I heard there's a shindig here. Could a lady join in?" She winked, her face tight from all the make up. Still, she soldiered on!

The guard waved her inside, and she tried not to pay attention to him ogling her rear as she swayed inside.

[OOC: D3 E, "Charm" untrained: 3eA+3eD 1 success, 1 advantage
ImageImageImageImageImageImage Advantage for boost die for next roller!]
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 15, 2018 3:51 pm

The bouncer smiled warmly at Syzygy as she spoke to him and seemed honestly apologetic that he couldn't let her in.

- - -
A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening], Entry, Charm, Hard, +1 Advantage from Pheromones: 2eA+1eP+3eD 0 successes

0 Success, 1 Advantage
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 15, 2018 3:59 pm

Cal gave her a kind, less flirty than average smile. "Thank you, darlin'." Well, at least the smile was less flirty than average. He raised his arms, letting her divest him of hat and jacket.

Underneath, he wore a fine white shirt with dark blue vest and neckcloth, fine tan pants, and... his gunbelt. He gave the girl a wry smile. "Is this one of those 'check your blasters at the door sort of affairs'? I confess, I feel positively naked without at least one."

Casting a glance around, he couldn't help but notice the newest arrival to the party. Cal's eyebrows went up noticeably, as did the corners of his lips. "Well well. Lena Arcturus." He said. Bereft of hat, he inclined his head in respect as he offered her a hand. "My word, you do know how to dress to impress, don't you? You look positively amazing tonight."
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Madame Vida » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:05 pm

Lena Arcturus wrote:A red head in a a long, ivory dressslowly walked towards the entrance. In white heels. Unusually high heels.

Lena found herself with a woman of impossible presence standing in her path as she walked into the party. Having just finished speaking with two of the staff members, a male Mirialan and a Human Female, she turned to find the Lady Arcturus making her way into the establishment barely concealing her discomfort in the dress. "You need not suffer so," she said, her Rylothian accent heavily accentuating her words.

"When was it, you wore such a thing last?" she asked, gracefully making her way across the floor over to just at the woman's side. Looking down over the woman's form with an impossibly amused face that was trained to perfection.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Lena Arcturus » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:10 pm

Cal Arcton wrote:Cal gave her a kind, less flirty than average smile. "Thank you, darlin'." Well, at least the smile was less flirty than average. He raised his arms, letting her divest him of hat and jacket.

Underneath, he wore a fine white shirt with dark blue vest and neckcloth, fine tan pants, and... his gunbelt. He gave the girl a wry smile. "Is this one of those 'check your blasters at the door sort of affairs'? I confess, I feel positively naked without at least one."

Casting a glance around, he couldn't help but notice the newest arrival to the party. Cal's eyebrows went up noticeably, as did the corners of his lips. "Well well. Lena Arcturus." He said. Bereft of hat, he inclined his head in respect as he offered her a hand. "My word, you do know how to dress to impress, don't you? You look positively amazing tonight."

"Cal." She inclined her own head, slowly, awkwardly. The motion still provided more of her breasts to be on display than she intended. "I know how to walk and breathe at the same time in this dress. I consider that a rousing success." Before she could talk more, another presence neared.

Madame Vida wrote:Lena found herself with a woman of impossible presence standing in her path as she walked into the party. Having just finished speaking with two of the staff members, a male Mirialan and a Human Female, she turned to find the Lady Arcturus making her way into the establishment barely concealing her discomfort in the dress. "You need not suffer so," she said, her Rylothian accent heavily accentuating her words.

"When was it, you wore such a thing last?" she asked, gracefully making her way across the floor over to just at the woman's side. Looking down over the woman's form with an impossibly amused face that was trained to perfection.

Lena turned slowly, awkwardly towards the presence. "Ah, but I went to all the trouble for dressing up." She shrugged, barely avoiding a nip slip. "First time for everything." She extended a hand, the motion putting her body more into the light of the places, her skin reflecting the shine. "Lena Arcturus."
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:15 pm

Syzygy Anion wrote:The bouncer smiled warmly at Syzygy as she spoke to him and seemed honestly apologetic that he couldn't let her in.

- - -
A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening], Entry, Charm, Hard, +1 Advantage from Pheromones: 2eA+1eP+3eD 0 successes

0 Success, 1 Advantage

"Sorry lass," said the older, grizzled veteran of some conflict or another. A soldier, maybe even a cop on one of the core worlds back in his prime the bouncer sized the girl up quick and shook his head. "Nothin' against you personally but this sorta place ain't really your type of haunt. Dangerous people and dangerous games. Couldn't rightly let you through on account of my conscience. Trust me, you're better off."
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:16 pm

Tew, complete with a dress and chitzy handbag, was normally a rather charming figure. But perhaps her job's reputation proceeded her and press wasn't welcome. Or maybe someone was told to keep her out. But she certainly wasn't welcome in. And unlike the human woman in front of her, the bouncer really wasn't looking too apologetic about it.


D3, LE, Auspicious Event, Charm, 1 Destiny for upgrade, Hard difficulty: 4eA+1eP+3eD 3 failures, 3 advantage
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:20 pm

Offering her hand with palm facing down Madame Vida allowed Lena the moment, the grasp, and further examined the poor girl. "Would you like it if you were to find a room, change into something a touch more..." she rolled the fingers of her left, non-offered, hand, glancing off to Cal, "functional... unless it is that you're hoping to catch the eye of someone? I suppose~ I could understand such a desire.Not that it is one I find to be well executed, but we all must try our best."

"Madame Vida," she said, once the hand was taken.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:36 pm

This wasn't her usual sort of crowd, and Quinn was by no means as well dressed as anyone there. And certainly looking altogether too young to be in here. But there wasn't a scowl in the galaxy she couldn't turn into a smile in an instant, and she managed to talk her way into the party without any trouble whatsoever. She made her way past all the rejects with the kind of smirk only the brattiest of kids could display. She felt a little bad for them, but only a little.

"Well, now this is looking like something of a shindig," she said, looking around as she was inside. Whatever people usually came here for, she saw it as something else entirely.

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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:48 pm

Quinn Largo wrote:This wasn't her usual sort of crowd, and Quinn was by no means as well dressed as anyone there. And certainly looking altogether too young to be in here. But there wasn't a scowl in the galaxy she couldn't turn into a smile in an instant, and she managed to talk her way into the party without any trouble whatsoever. She made her way past all the rejects with the kind of smirk only the brattiest of kids could display. She felt a little bad for them, but only a little.

"Well, now this is looking like something of a shindig," she said, looking around as she was inside. Whatever people usually came here for, she saw it as something else entirely.

[Automatic Pass]

For Quinn, the room opened up to her. Giving her clear view of the various acts that people partook with one another. A group surrounded a dancer on her stage, mesmerized by the move of her body. Others openly talked and flirted in groups around the central space. Quite some more seemed to talk business wherever they could fit without being disturbed. Some took to kissing on the outskirts of the fun. Others danced and drank to their hearts content.

Out of all the these people, no one approached Quinn. Not right away. No one really knew what to do in regards to her.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:49 pm

Cal Arcton wrote:Cal gave her a kind, less flirty than average smile. "Thank you, darlin'." Well, at least the smile was less flirty than average. He raised his arms, letting her divest him of hat and jacket.

Underneath, he wore a fine white shirt with dark blue vest and neckcloth, fine tan pants, and... his gunbelt. He gave the girl a wry smile. "Is this one of those 'check your blasters at the door sort of affairs'? I confess, I feel positively naked without at least one."

Casting a glance around, he couldn't help but notice the newest arrival to the party. Cal's eyebrows went up noticeably, as did the corners of his lips. "Well well. Lena Arcturus." He said. Bereft of hat, he inclined his head in respect as he offered her a hand. "My word, you do know how to dress to impress, don't you? You look positively amazing tonight."

Sweeping around him the young mirialan woman had quickly removed both, slipping up behind him and speaking softly and in a teasing sorta manner, "Sorry hotshot, den rules. No guns, no weapons. Don't want anyone making a mistake inside they might regret, right?" she said with a charming smile that Cal couldn't see from his angle.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:51 pm

Tewzada Star'Ti wrote:Tew, complete with a dress and chitzy handbag, was normally a rather charming figure. But perhaps her job's reputation proceeded her and press wasn't welcome. Or maybe someone was told to keep her out. But she certainly wasn't welcome in. And unlike the human woman in front of her, the bouncer really wasn't looking too apologetic about it.


D3, LE, Auspicious Event, Charm, 1 Destiny for upgrade, Hard difficulty: 4eA+1eP+3eD 3 failures, 3 advantage

There he was, a hulking mass of flesh and bone. Stepping in front of Tewzada the Houk looked down on the puny Twi'lek and laughed, "No camera's," his deep voice bubbled what must have been a joke.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Soren Lom » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:52 pm


One avid socialite was present who knew Quinn, however and approached with a smile on her lips.

"My my my... What do we have here? Are we playing the innocent little girl routine again?"


D3 LE Party Entrance, Coordination, 2b from talents: 4eA+2eB+3eD 1 success, 3 advantage
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:57 pm

She turned around to look at...

...that woman who hangs around Cal and the bar a lot.

"No," she said with a smile, "We're playing the mobster's daughter routine. They don't let innocent girls in here after all. Besides, I've got range."
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:59 pm

Honorordeath wrote:There he was, a hulking mass of flesh and bone. Stepping in front of Tewzada the Houk looked down on the puny Twi'lek and laughed, "No camera's," his deep voice bubbled what must have been a joke.

Tew frowned; She didn't even have a camera with her of any sort at the moment. For one. For just this reason. But apparently, they thought otherwise. This was quite the setback.

Still, might as well try, "I assure you, sir, I don't have anything of the sort with me."
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Lena Arcturus » Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:01 pm

Honorordeath wrote:Offering her hand with palm facing down Madame Vida allowed Lena the moment, the grasp, and further examined the poor girl. "Would you like it if you were to find a room, change into something a touch more..." she rolled the fingers of her left, non-offered, hand, glancing off to Cal, "functional... unless it is that you're hoping to catch the eye of someone? I suppose~ I could understand such a desire.Not that it is one I find to be well executed, but we all must try our best."

"Madame Vida," she said, once the hand was taken.

"A pleasure Madame." So t he lady of the house appeared. "Thankyou, but I wouldn't want to impose. Besides, I am getting t he hang of this dress." She turned, her shoulders coyly flashing towards Cal then the madame as she did so. "And I promised my friend I'd return it in one piece." She eyed around for a drink, smirking a she saw Cal bereft of his many attachments.

Boys and their toys.
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Re: A Most Auspicious Event [Day 3, Late Evening]

Postby Jelna Vawn » Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:04 pm

Jelna walked up to the event without much care. She had the training and the experience to deal with these situations. And it paid off, as she fit in well with the scum and villainy sorts that were mulling about in the area. Of course, she was keeping her eyes flitting about as she took in all that there was to see. With so many potential criminals, it would do her well to have a log on the guests.


D3 LE Streetwise for Event: 2eA+2eP+3eD 2 successes, 3 advantage
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