[Day 2 LE] The Manka Sleeps Tonight

Local watering hole.

[Day 2 LE] The Manka Sleeps Tonight

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:15 pm

The Kor's shift at the bar was ending and he needed to check up on the Manka. They had constructed a solid but simple steel wall behind the bar where Kor used to house his gym. The area was spacious enough to fit the beast with some room to move around.

Kor had been checking up on the Manka here and there throughout the day when he had time. It was still recovering from their fight and didn't have a ton of energy. Kor brought with him a couple pounds of nerf steak that was due for disposal anyway. The cat needed to eat to keep its strength up. Kor was suited in his armor just in case the big cat had more fight in it than it showed. His ax was left in the hallway right by the door in case he needed it, but he hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Kor opened the door tentatively not afraid but wanting to be able to assess the situation before opening it fully. One hand was on the door and the other held the plate of steaks.
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Re: [Day 2 LE] The Manka Sleeps Tonight

Postby Flession » Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:58 pm


The beast lumbers around the cage, lying down. It was clear that he was still in pain, but he looked at you as you stared at him. As you approach, he roars again as you approach And, as you get closer, he roars at you, the unnatural feeling of his ability encompassing you.

You feel fear moving in you, a unnatural feeling. Your body shakes, his appearance feeling more and more intimidating as you stare at the beast, though there is not much he can do where he is, despite the attempt. It took a lot out of him, though, as he lies favoring its side where you hurt it, but at least he got the message across. His body lies down, complacent to you for the moment, a sheer moment of defiance against the victor in a desperate attempt to establish his rule once more against his better.

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Re: [Day 2 LE] The Manka Sleeps Tonight

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Sat Oct 13, 2018 5:05 pm

Kor shivers and stops waiting for a moment as He composes himself. He can't manage to entirely shake this feeling but he does get to a point where he can move again "come now, no need for that. I'm just here to bring you some food." He slowly approaches the cage "healing from a wound like that can work up an appetite." He said as he neared the area and set the food down before scooting it into claws reach of the cat.
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Re: [Day 2 LE] The Manka Sleeps Tonight

Postby Flession » Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:04 pm

The cat growls at it, but moves slowly to the plate, having pride enough not to show appreciation for the meal, more so like it was expecting it. He takes some bites from the meat in silence, granting you what may be a nod of silent gratitude. The beast seemed calmer than before as he eats, distracted by the food than your presence.
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Re: [Day 2 LE] The Manka Sleeps Tonight

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:42 pm

Kor sat and watched the big cat as it ate the meal, he remained quite though just watching and thinking. Several minutes passed this way nought but the sounds of the city and of the animals meal. Eventually Kor's voice broke in "That's a neat trick you have, kind of similar to what I do to people." Just more unnatural he thought to himself.
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Re: [Day 2 LE] The Manka Sleeps Tonight

Postby Flession » Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:42 pm

The Alpha continues to eat his meal in relative calm, not really eager to communicate his frustrations of being locked up inside of a cage as he was. On occasion, he glances up at you staring on as he eats, checking to see if you were complacent in your fear of him.

After the food is finished, the Alpha lies down on its belly, unsure what to do next
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Re: [Day 2 LE] The Manka Sleeps Tonight

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:47 pm

Kor approaches the cage slowly and gently reaches a hand towards the big cat just to see how it will react to his presence.

"I don't want to keep you in there, but until I know you aren't going to try and kill me I have to." His spoke in clear firm tones, the beast probably couldn't understand his words but he tried to convey emotions of calm to keep the cat calm.
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Re: [Day 2 LE] The Manka Sleeps Tonight

Postby Flession » Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:53 am

He seemingly understand your emotions, gathering a strong sense of feeling as he lies down on the ground. It seemed as though he could sense it just by looking at him. While he could not understand the actual Basic he was saying, the emotion behind it was clear enough to understand.

Though it did not stop him from being angry about his situation. He growled and stood up, growling at the chain that kept him on the ground.
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Re: [Day 2 LE] The Manka Sleeps Tonight

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 17, 2018 4:29 am

"I know this isn't what you want but you're hurt and you'd die out there. You don't have to be here forever but you need to be here at least until you're healed." Concern and more calm was in his voice as he spoke.
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