Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Local watering hole.

Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:41 am

Dartris Ribmatt wrote: He grabbed another card from his hand and switched it out of the previous card from the interference field, giving a satisfied look on his face. "You working on a ship, then? Which one? I only recall we only have a few regulars out there right now, few traders, that bounty huntin' group, and that blue fellow with his group." He seemed rather informed about the goings-on of the that area, for sure. Though for those who knew him, it would make sense. "Hopefully your hands better than your skills around a pretty lady like this one, Kor."

Kor looked at Dartiss over his cards "never claimed to be particularly skilled with either thing. I'm more of a hands on man, less about words and banter."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Soren Lom » Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:41 am

“Oh my.” Six said with a smile and giggle.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Quinn Largo » Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:57 pm

Quinn slinked back further into her seat in response to the new direction of the conversation, and stayed quiet while playing her hand. Not that she was actually embarassed or anything; she was still just in that 'zone'. Even if Six had called her out on it, it wasn't like anyone had any proof that she was just acting!
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:35 pm

It seemed as though play was proceeding. A bit of time had passed.

"Order up." Cal said, carrying the plate with Ribmat's order. The chef had given it his best, naturally. "Why don't you give this a try, and see if it isn't just how I said it is?"" We waited for the crime lord, if that's what he could properly be called, to indicate where he wanted to eat his meal.
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