The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

The main trading point within Providencetown. Most things can be found here... or you might know somebody who can get you what you need...

Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Soren Lom » Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:27 am


"Huh.. Wonder what that was about, huh?" He said to Quinn.
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Quinn Largo » Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:31 am

"I wouldn't know, mister."

She wasn't about to let up her innocent kid act now.

"D'you think he did something bad?"
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Soren Lom » Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:38 am


The man chuckled, "Maybe. Maybe something good. Depends on who is doing the chasing."
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Quinn Largo » Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:42 pm

"Are you thinking we should find out?"

She was kind of curious, actually. Could be some money in it, if nothing else.
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Soren Lom » Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:46 pm


"We could follow quietly if you'd like..." He said as he began walking slowly in that direction.
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Quinn Largo » Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:47 pm

She nodded and followed along. Crowd like this probably meant they'd lose sight of anything relevant, but she was still curious. Not just about the commotion, but to see the bountyhunter at work as well. Good way of sizing them up.
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:55 pm

As they decide fully to follow the kid, they would have some effort of tracing his steps but a general awareness of one's surroundings brings them past the disturbances left by the passing boy. Finding people reacting to the speed of the Twi'lek coming through; shifted positions, glances about, collecting dropped items. Pushing their way through they'd find the young lad before a much larger being at the corner of the market.

A Houk standing at seven feet tall with a deep and commanding voice, though what he was saying wasn't clear yet the bass of his voice carried across the immediate surrounding before getting fully back into the Bazaar.
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Quinn Largo » Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:38 pm

Seemed like some kind of confrontation. Quinn instantly had a picture of the situation in her head, it was an all too familiar tableaux. Of course, her interpretation might be entirely incorrect; and with the bountyhunter here, she wasn't about to rush in and try and be some sort of hero.

Instead, she stepped a little closer to try and figure out if her assumptions were correct. Maybe she could overhear what they were saying. Or maybe they'd notice they were getting her attention and turned theirs to her instead. In which case she'd be ready to play her most often-played card; the innocent kid.
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Soren Lom » Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:14 am

Banks walked along the path of minor destruction with Quinn at his side. As Quinn pealed off Banks continued onward standing only a couple feet behind the twi'lek as the larger being spoke.
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Honorordeath » Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:33 am

-"ood kid, keep this up and I'll-" the Houk looks up to Banks as he approaches, "Hey! What are you lookin' at, meat?"

Raising his right hand he pointed a big meaty finger at the man, matching him square in the eye. Holding firmly in his left hand the courier bag the kid had but moments ago.

The young Twi'lek, surprised by he changing attention, spun about and shifted a step to the left to get out from between the Houk and Banks. His Lekku curling in around him tighter than they had been previously.
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Soren Lom » Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:34 am

Banks continued to walk forward with confidence. Looking up he replied, “I see you got my belongings back. Thank you for stopping this thief, they were a fast one.”

He tended to be quite a convincing liar... unless of course the Houk knew the truth...
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Honorordeath » Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:58 pm

Without the Twi'lek between their feet the Houk had nothing stopping him as he closed what little distance between them there was. Slipping the bag over his shoulder as he approached to free his hand in a solid, swift motion he stepped over Banks. Towering over Banks the Houk's breath slipped down over him, a rough and unpleasant smell. Finding his eye with his own, dark round orbs set into his head, he let his barely held back rage show. The Houk's hands raised on either side of the man but he held himself back, just leaving his hands hanging in the air and flexing his fingers.

"You some kind of swindler, Space Trash? You got the smell on ya, you're not from 'round here or I'd know it. No, you think you can pull a fast one on me. You're wrong. This here is mine, kid works for me. You're lucky I'm in a good mood, have someplace to be, otherwise I'd find some fun squeezing your skull for this little trick of yours," he said, his voice deep and commanding. The Houk's hands fell back to his sides, his fingers stopped tensing as he relaxed some.

"Nothing worse in this galaxy than a con man. I hear about this again I'll reconsider having that bit of fun. Find a place in my schedule," he elongated the last word a bit, menacingly so.
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Quinn Largo » Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:53 pm

She was kind of impressed with the quick thinking... though it was obviously the wrong way to go in this part of town. Now then, to intervene, or not to intervene? Risky, no matter how well it went. Screw it. She approached closer, trying to make it seem like she wasn't with the bounty hunter.

Looking up at the massive alien, she tried to give off the aura of an inexperienced streetrat with the potential to be molded into a useful tool.

"Uhm... err... Sorry, I don't want to interrupt but... do you... do you work for who I think you do? I'm... I'm looking for work. And I heard... I mean... I saw him--" she gestured toward the Twi'Lek "--and then you and this and... you know..."
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Soren Lom » Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:33 am


Banks didn't flinch as the larger alien approached and threatened him. His face expressed loosely the idea of I've taken things down ten times your size... One more inch and you'll be dead.

He shrugged his shoulders and calmly smiled, "Well I was wagerin' to help this young Twi'lek if he'd gotten himself in trouble by runnin' into you is all. But if everything is on the up and up... then I got no beef with you."
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:50 am

The Houk growled at Banks, clenched a fist. Holding himself back with gritted teeth he looked to the kid, smiled, "You should learn somethin' from this brat over here Space Trash."

"This one," he raised a hand out to indicate Quinn more directly, "knows proper respect. Knows who runs this town. So you know what kid," he looks to Quinn, sizes her up, "come by another time. Ask around town for Grack, they'll show you to me. If they know what's good for 'em," he said with a low rumble to his voice.
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Re: The Unusual and Bizarre (D0, Evening)

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:29 am

"I'll do that and come work for you!"

I won't, though.

She now had a name, at least.
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