(D0 E) Painting the Town Red

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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:11 am

Tewzada Star'Ti wrote:Honestly, Tewzada wasn't too picky about her wine; She just liked it to seem like she was. So she took it gratefully.

Looking up at Korvalus more directly again, she nodded, "Oh, yeah; A lot of new places. It's been wonderful, despite the stresses of travel like warp lag and baggage claim. For now at least, every new destination is a brand new opportunity though, a new adventure. I suppose that might change once I spend more time off world; Growing up in the same part of the undercity for twenty years made me want to see new things like this."

Kor quirked an eyebrow at her "So girl from the undercity scraps her way into a gig reporting for a somewhat dubious news network." he took another sip of his drink "Well that takes fight, not every pretty face makes it out of places like that, seen plenty of them in my day working peacekeeping on Corellia. Take a lot of guts to fight your way out of those types of places."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:44 pm

Jelna Vawn wrote:Jelna perked her brow. She wasn't sure if this stranger was eyeballin' her. "Crew's big enough to watch each other's backs. We're a tightknit sort." She then shrugged. "I'll see to bringin' them around sometime. I'm sure they'll like it here too."

"Big enough, and small enough too, sounds like." Cal said. "In my experience, you get too big, and you end up with a bunch of little groups instead of one big one. And bounty hunter groups tend to stay on the lean side, anyway."

He shrugged, taking another drink of his beer. Good to pace yourself, as a bar owner. And as a thirty-three year old. He smiled. "Yeah, absolutely, bring 'em by. I take it that this means my establishment gets the Jelna Vawn seal of approval?"
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:55 pm

Korvalus Dunbri wrote:Kor quirked an eyebrow at her "So girl from the undercity scraps her way into a gig reporting for a somewhat dubious news network." he took another sip of his drink "Well that takes fight, not every pretty face makes it out of places like that, seen plenty of them in my day working peacekeeping on Corellia. Take a lot of guts to fight your way out of those types of places."

Tew gave a slight smile, holding the wine glass up in one hand and kind of looking at it, "I don't know about guts or fight... Maybe you're right though. I always more thought of it as drive and determination; To make a difference one day and put my beliefs into action. Not that I imagined that things would end up like they have now, but I suppose that's just the way life goes; You take what you can get as it comes to you."

She looks over at the bouncer, "You said you were from off world too, right? Is this the sort of place and thing you imagined yourself ending up, Kor?"
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:57 pm

Kor gave another shrug "fight, determination, force of will, whatever you want to call it. It's a unique trait." He looked down into his drink, slowly swirling the amber liquid "as for me, well I'm not sure what I expected. Probably not this." He sighed a little "but it's not a bad life, quiet enough, only have to bust the occasional skull. Usually just asking nicely gets what I need." The manner in which he said it indicated he didn't ask that nicely at all.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:18 pm

Tew nodded and took a sip of her wine, "...well, what DID you imagine then? If you don't mind me asking then? Or perhaps I should be asking what you wished for. I know for some people they imagine themselves doing what they wanted to do, like with myself. But some people think their dreams are out of reach and imagine themselves doing something else."

She lightly swirled the wine in the tall glass as she looked up at Kor.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:06 pm

"Not sure really, I guess I always assumed I would work for the peacekeepers until I retired, get married, make a few runts, probably get divorced like everyone else I knew. Maybe remarry, maybe die on the job." He delivered the lines with a detached indifference "I never really thought much about the future, when I was a kid I wanted to be a peace keeper, then after school I was there so I guess dream was achieved for a bit."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:13 pm

"So you don't have any family of your own then? I mean like a wife or kids? Hm. Do you regret that, or is it just what it is?"

Tewzada had a natural way of asking questions in a comfortable and to the point kind of way. Not that that meant they were any easier. But at least one got the distinct impression of her being genuinely curious and not likely to judge. Or that just could be the reporter in her.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:20 pm

Joe wasn't bothered by her, if anything he likely appreciated the directness of her questions. Too many people beat around the bush and danced around hard subjects. "Nope, never met the right woman." Though he supposed it was theoretically possible he had some kids running around the galaxy on some of the planets he visited during the service.

Kor regarded Tew for a moment, maybe a hint of suspiscion behind his eyes "you seem awful interested in am old bouncer on a backwater world."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:26 pm

A soft shrug, "I like the sound of my own voice. And I'm a pretty social person; Nothing worse to me than drinking alone. If I wasn't bugging you, I'd be bugging someone else. Besides, you're free to ask as many questions as you want too, or to just change the subject; I'm not that picky about the direction of a conversation as long as it's interesting."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:27 pm

He gave her a long look before continuing "I never said you were bugging me. Just not used to people asking me so many questions."

"So what did you used to do? You're young but not that young for this to be your first gig."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:53 pm

"You mean apart from classes?"

That prompted another quick drink; This was delicate territory for her. Or at least it had been in the past.

"This an that in the under city; Escorting, cleaning duty, dancing... Worked at a speeder wash for a month or so. Whatever I could do that would allow the time and money for classes."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:37 am

Kor nodded a perceptive person might notice his expression soften a touch as she spoke "yeah seen that plenty, good to see you made it past that, most beautiful girls don't make it out of that life, it chews em up and spits em out." He punctuated his sentence with another drink "saw it all to often in my old line of work."
Last edited by Korvalus Dunbri on Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:25 am

Another small nod, "Well, I don't know if it comes down to that fight in me that you were talking about earlier, or if maybe I just had more direction than most. Maybe it was even luck, I couldn't say. I know if you asked me, I would say luck is over-rated; I put a lot into carving out a vision for my life, and I think it's that drive that's gotten me to where I am. Even without a family or money or such."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:22 am

"Well whatever it was I'm glad it worked, otherwise I wouldn't be able to share a drink and a story with you here today." it was a line most would have delivered with a grin or a smile, maybe even a wink, but Kor simply said it and took a sip of his drink. It was a statement, not a flirtation. Kor liked this one, she made a good impression strong willed and ambitious. "So what sort of things do you typically report on, this GNN doesn't have the best reputation if my memory serves."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Jelna Vawn » Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:37 pm

Cal Arcton wrote:"Big enough, and small enough too, sounds like." Cal said. "In my experience, you get too big, and you end up with a bunch of little groups instead of one big one. And bounty hunter groups tend to stay on the lean side, anyway."

He shrugged, taking another drink of his beer. Good to pace yourself, as a bar owner. And as a thirty-three year old. He smiled. "Yeah, absolutely, bring 'em by. I take it that this means my establishment gets the Jelna Vawn seal of approval?"

"The less folk, the more money everyone gets." Jelna shrugged. "They're good folk, though. With them, it's more than just the credits."

The blonde woman smirked. "Haven't seen anyone get roughed up yet. Seems like my sort of place."

It is quite the bother though if a target hides here.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Sun Oct 07, 2018 2:11 pm

Korvalus Dunbri wrote:"Well whatever it was I'm glad it worked, otherwise I wouldn't be able to share a drink and a story with you here today." it was a line most would have delivered with a grin or a smile, maybe even a wink, but Kor simply said it and took a sip of his drink. It was a statement, not a flirtation. Kor liked this one, she made a good impression strong willed and ambitious. "So what sort of things do you typically report on, this GNN doesn't have the best reputation if my memory serves."

"So you heard that..." Tew said softly before chuckling, "Honestly? Mostly holo-star news, some criminal case stuff like trials and such, some local interest stories. I mean, GNN does actual news. We just don't have the clout to get exclusives or press passes to important events. And I don't think that's just our reputation."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Sun Oct 07, 2018 6:25 pm

"I'm not too familiar with it, just know it's not got the credibility of some of the bigger news networks." Joe had seen some of their calendars and the like but had never read or watched any of their news.

Kor nodded at her explanation "makes sense, what do you think it is then if it's not your reputation?"
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Cal Arcton » Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:34 pm

Jelna Vawn wrote:"The less folk, the more money everyone gets." Jelna shrugged. "They're good folk, though. With them, it's more than just the credits."

The blonde woman smirked. "Haven't seen anyone get roughed up yet. Seems like my sort of place."

It is quite the bother though if a target hides here.

Smiling, Cal shook his head. "Don't expect to, neither. People gotta know that they're safe when they come to a place like this. And if people are sort to be causing trouble, they'll figure out that they're not welcome here. And we're not afraid to show them the door."

"And we've got a bunch of people workin here, too." He smirked. "Don't suppose your crew plays any sabaac, do they?"
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:49 pm

Korvalus Dunbri wrote:"I'm not too familiar with it, just know it's not got the credibility of some of the bigger news networks." Joe had seen some of their calendars and the like but had never read or watched any of their news.

Kor nodded at her explanation "makes sense, what do you think it is then if it's not your reputation?"

"Credits, sponsors, lobbying... that kind of thing. The big news networks had people that worked with the senate, then cosied right up to the Imperial bureaucracy when the winds changed. I have to admit, it's probably the right way of doing things from the perspective of running a business, not to mention getting the inside story. But I'm not sure it's worth it if it means censorship and running sponsored propaganda. No matter who's in charge."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Jelna Vawn » Sun Oct 07, 2018 9:18 pm

Cal Arcton wrote:Smiling, Cal shook his head. "Don't expect to, neither. People gotta know that they're safe when they come to a place like this. And if people are sort to be causing trouble, they'll figure out that they're not welcome here. And we're not afraid to show them the door."

"And we've got a bunch of people workin here, too." He smirked. "Don't suppose your crew plays any sabaac, do they?"

"How many you got workin' here?" Jelna asked casually. It was, of course, part of her scoping out the place. "As for sabaac, can't say I do myself, I don't like games of chance. I like myself some honest and stable work." She took a sip from her drink. "Guess bounty huntin' ain't always steady but it is honest unless you're a no-good ruffian."
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