Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Local watering hole.

Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Soren Lom » Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:09 am


Six smiled in a friendly manner and replied, "Ooh, how'd you lose it... if you don't mind me asking? Usually a cool or heroic story behind something like that."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Quinn Largo » Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:22 am

Quinn made a bit of a show looking glum about her hand's prospects. It was a much more decent hand than her expression might suggest, though.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:28 am

"Well,'s not a whole lot of excitement, sad to say. I was looking forward too much, neglecting to occasionally check my back. Someone saw that too and took advantage of my blindness, but hey, any ambush you can walk away from..." He laughs and checks his cards. "Still, adversity gets thrown for you, you get two choices: wallow in self-misery, get drunk, curse your fate....or you learn from it, pick yourself up by your bootstraps and move forward, learning from what just happened. The second's not a easy path, you know, but now here I am, enjoying sabbac with you fine people, drinking whiskey, and waiting for steak."

Looking out at the bartender he smiled at him and looked back to his men. They seemed to not really move or act beyond the motions of typical patrons, choosing not to order, asking for water, and looking over some datapads to appear busy.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:12 pm

Farkas listened, but had no intention of sharing his history. His past was for the past. He seemed to be doing some mental calculation, not looking at anyone in particular, as though their hands had no bearing on his choices for betting and playing. He was playing a pure numbers game with himself and seemed pleased enough to be doing so as he adjusted his glasses. He didn't even seem to care if he won or lost. Kind of like playing against a computer that didn't understand the purpose of a social game. Except that unlike a machine, it was relatively easy to read him.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:40 pm

Cal leaned forward, resting his hands casually on the bar. He smirked. "Well, far be it from me to criticize those who try to find a solution to their problems at the bottom of a bottle. After all, I do own a bar."

He straightened. "But on the other hand, I like to think of this as a place where the beer's for relaxing, and problems are for solving. I don't think you'll find many of the wallowin' sort here, Mr. Ribmatt. We're more of the gettin' things done type."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:06 pm

Kor looked at his hand and shrugged, not bad, not amazing but it will have to work. He listened to the conversation between Cal and Dartriss but kept quiet for most of it towards the end he piped up while his eyes were focused on his cards "unfortunately some problems can't be dealt with, some you just have to live with." There wasn't a particular emotion on his face or in his voice. There was a pause as he took a drink and looked up "but yeah for the most part we prefer to make problems go away."
Last edited by Korvalus Dunbri on Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Soren Lom » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:16 pm


Six shivered her shoulders and smiled excitedly, "Everyone here is so badass. It's like watching a well-written movie with everyone capping off one spine-tingling line after another."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Wed Oct 03, 2018 6:40 pm

Farkas caught up with the conversation. He had been hearing it, but not really letting it sink in. But Six's comment made him feel a bit out of place. Badass was never a word that anyone would have used to describe him. He was a single, slightly pudgy, nerdy, older gentleman that enjoyed video games, mathematics, and tinkering with electronics. Sure, he could slice and used to be an intelligence analyst... but he did so from the safety of an office or ship terminal. He had never even fired a blaster... though he got to hold one once. Badass was definitely not in his job description. He started building a statistical model for different possible hands that people could have in his head and measured his odds, which made him feel a little better.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 03, 2018 7:31 pm

Kor snorted at Six's comment and fixed the deveronian with his good eye "no such thing as a badass Six. Just people who are willing to do what's necesarry and people who aren't."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Oct 03, 2018 7:37 pm

Cal chuckled, smiling. He gave Kor an approving nod before glancing at their guest. "See? And wasn't I just saying how my group here has a way with words?"

He went back to polishing the bar, still keeping eyes and ears open.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:51 am

Cal Arcton wrote:Cal leaned forward, resting his hands casually on the bar. He smirked. "Well, far be it from me to criticize those who try to find a solution to their problems at the bottom of a bottle. After all, I do own a bar."

He straightened. "But on the other hand, I like to think of this as a place where the beer's for relaxing, and problems are for solving. I don't think you'll find many of the wallowin' sort here, Mr. Ribmatt. We're more of the gettin' things done type."

"What I like to hear, sir. Given the late instabilities as of late, it's not hard at all to want to sink into a few bottles of cheap whiskey and drink your sorrow away. Yet here you all are, playing your cards, doing what you can to make a living. Why, that does show some good resilience for your little group here."

Korvalus Dunbri wrote:Kor looked at his hand and shrugged, not bad, not amazing but it will have to work. He listened to the conversation between Cal and Dartriss but kept quiet for most of it towards the end he piped up while his eyes were focused on his cards "unfortunately some problems can't be dealt with, some you just have to live with." There wasn't a particular emotion on his face or in his voice. There was a pause as he took a drink and looked up "but yeah for the most part we prefer to make problems go away."

"I do like the sound of that, Kor. Problems you can't deal with, you just remove from your life..." He let that linger for a moment as he to his hand once more, scanning the table for any tells. A new group would be hard to figure, as they wouldn't be able to give a proper read. But that was nice about being meeting new people. A new challenge for himself.

Soren Lom wrote:Six shivered her shoulders and smiled excitedly, "Everyone here is so badass. It's like watching a well-written movie with everyone capping off one spine-tingling line after another."

"Well thank you, Miss Six. I can't say I've ever been in such things for my quick thinking skills and char. Plus I don't think I would do well with being on camera. Always been a bit camera shy. But I think the big man here is right; we just have that much more ability to survive against what gets thrown at us. Maybe next time, someone has it better than you or Kor here. No 'mount of badassness can stop a well aimed blaster, I'm sorry to say."

Looking back over at Cal. "Yeah, you got some sharp ones here, lawman. That little one, especially, seems like quite the firecracker if she gets lit." The science man did seem somewhat out of place, unfamiliar with the talking and the reading of people that came with this game. "Got a good hand there, Farkas ? Seem rather focused on it."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Soren Lom » Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:17 am


Six giggled and shook her head, "Oh you're being so silly Mr. Ribmatt, I wasn't saying you should be in a movie. I was saying like you totally are like the type of people a girl like me sees in a movie. It's like you guys don't even hear yourselves and how cool you are."

She puffed up her chest and began imitating Kor with a deep voice, "We do what's necessary. I've killed more people than you can imagine."

Then she scrunched herself in tight and began imitating Quinn with a high-pitched voice, "Oh dear me miwster. Pwease teach me how to pway cards, I'm so helpwess."

She chuckles and says to the group, "Meanwhile she's probably stolen all of your creds out of your pocket and is bluffing like a champion card player."

She smiled and looked over to Farkas, "Even Mr. F over here is exactly the type of ultra braniac in the movies that you know just has everything figured out even if he's struggling to keep his emotions in check."

She smiled and leaned back a bit, "You all are so cool it's like... nuts."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Quinn Largo » Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:08 pm

Her eyes went wide as Six imitated her.

"What? I would... I would never steal like that!"

She would though. If she could. But fast fingers were never part of her repertoire. Instead, she preferred to make people hand over their credits, rather than pickpocketing for them.

"And... and I don't sound like that!"

Do I?
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:10 pm

Farkas shrugs at that, "Not particularly. Lots of people smarter than me. I just kind of miss working an eight hour day in an office. Both war and the end of war have different ways of shaking up a comfortable mundane life."

He fiddles with his cards a bit before making his next play. "In a movie I would be a person driving to work in an establishing shot over a city. Because there are plenty of people out there that are content to make a living by being pretty good at their jobs."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Thu Oct 04, 2018 1:57 pm

Cal looked over to Farkas, frowning just a touch. "This is my first time meeting Farkas, myself. First time of many, I hope." He gave the man a nod. "You're always welcome at the bar, and at the sabaac table besides." Maybe not to any discussions of crime they happened to be having, though.

His gaze continued, passing over Six as she puffed up her chest... Cal shook his head as he looked away, a slightly confused expression on his face. It was a little strange being friends with a shapeshifter sometimes, especially if you were the only one who knew what they were. He glanced back at Six with a smirk. "Seems like you've got everyone pretty well figured out." He shrugged. "What can I say? Both my former job and my current one involve a certain amount of, shall we say, personality projection. I'd like to think that it's just because of who I am, though. I never was very good at make-believe."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Soren Lom » Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:28 pm


"Oh my, y'all are being so serious! Sure we all have our faces we put on for the world to show. And sure, very few people I've met look as good with everything bared as when they do when they're still posturing." She gave a sultry look up and down of Kor.

"Maybe he does..." She said with a smile followed by a suggestive whistle.

"But anyway. I'm just saying all of you are so interesting. I wish I had half the personality you do. I'm just a woman who enjoys a good drink, good company, and talking too much for her own good."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:12 pm

Kor snorted again as Six spoke, and continued looking through his cards he'd seen Six in here before flirting and batting her eyes at men. Kor didn't have the patience for flirting these days and shot Six a look over his cards. It's not that he wouldn't, he just would rather get the point and this wasn't the place or company for such a direct discussion.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:50 pm

Returning Cal's look, Farkas nodded. "I like it here. It's clean and not loud. As much as I go out anywhere, this seems my kind of place if I need to relax away from the ship. Or avoid too much eye strain. Sli... programming can be stressful on the eyes. I didn't always need glasses," he says. He didn't assume it was necessarily bad that they were aware that he was a slicer, but he also wasn't trying to advertise it. A slip of the tongue, courtesy of not being the most social person.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:56 pm

Soren Lom wrote:"But anyway. I'm just saying all of you are so interesting. I wish I had half the personality you do. I'm just a woman who enjoys a good drink, good company, and talking too much for her own good."

"Is that a fact, miss?" Cal sounded amused. "Why, I'll bet that if a person got to know you better, they'd find hidden depths." And how.

Call turned back to Farkas, giving the man a slow understanding nod. "Well, come by any time. We'd always welcome a new regular, especially a well-mannered one like yourself." He smiled. "And I don't wear glasses myself, but owning a bar has been a bit unkindly to my waistline."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:48 pm

"I'm bout satisfied with this place to, at least of atmosphere. See how the food is, though." He chuckled at his statement, relooking over his cards as he continues. looked over Six and smiled. "Six, darlin', I know what you mean. Sometimes you gotta talk till the ideas get out, fill the void in until your mouth catches up with your head." She did seem rather interested in everyone. Wasn't sure how legit it all was, really. "Well then, I wouldn't worry about it too much Farkras, I'm sure in no time Noventa will be back to the way it was, minus that whole nasty empire biz to deal with. Just gotta tighten the belts, know what's important, and settle in for a fun ride until then."

He grabbed another card from his hand and switched it out of the previous card from the interference field, giving a satisfied look on his face. "You working on a ship, then? Which one? I only recall we only have a few regulars out there right now, few traders, that bounty huntin' group, and that blue fellow with his group." He seemed rather informed about the goings-on of the that area, for sure. Though for those who knew him, it would make sense. "Hopefully your hands better than your skills around a pretty lady like this one, Kor."

He looked over at the two men at the tables once more, nodding to them and gave a smile before back to Cal. "Hopefully I'll get you running ragged to burn off those nerf steaks while sittin behind that bar all day."
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