Once the droid hops into the ship, the thrusters are hit and you all speed off into the wet darkness. You start to make your way thru the city when a blaster shot shoots off nearby you, hitting the crashed ship's hull as you maneuver by. It's a slick little airspeeder, with a few cannons and a moving a lot faster than what you'd expect. This was going to be a challenge. "We need to stall to get the buoy ready." The person in the Shadowcloak shouted, his voice distorted from the sudden tone change. "Keep him busy while we get this going."
Gonna Catch You, I'm Your Space BoyStar this encounter at the max speed of the vehicle (3). You're ducking and weaving thru the city avoiding being shot down. This will be done in three rounds, but for brevity's sake, you will roll all 3 rounds at once. 2 Strain may be taken to do a additional maneuver as normal. Choose a action and a maneuver to do for each round and complete the action. You are going against a HSP-10 Pursuit Airspeeder (stats below).
Every round, the ship will attempt to attack you by Gaining the Advantage (Roll 2eP+1eA+2eS) with setbacks due to the weather and shooting you with the light blaster cannon (1eP+2eA+2eS). Crits for its and your attacks apply as normal.
If the ship successfully survives the 3 rounds, you manage to avoid the ship entirely. If you manage to successfully shoot down the ship, there will be a extra 2000 credits added on to your pay for the assurance of not being followed.
In the meantime, the rest of the crew will be prepping and deploying the buoy for its launch. Make a Hard Computer Check to give the correct transponder code needed to locate the buoy once it is launched. This roll can be assisted. You have 3 rounds to make this check, otherwise it is launched without the correct transponder code and will be difficult to find once it is done so. You can also spend one of your turns utilizing the
Overcharged Shields Attachment at a Average Mechanics check to grant the Airspeeder a 2 Shield bonus for 1 round plus 1 round for every advantage rolled.