by Sharn » Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:53 am
Sharn had no patience for persuasion, or any other social interaction for the record. The introduction had already run lengthy. He swang back to sitting straight.
"I want to appropriate the abandoned Sienar facility and restart it. Everything there should be familiar, they built their TIE program on KDY technology and personnel. Hence I want to haul down some reparable light craft from the orbit, fix them, improve them and marketise them for initial capital injection. In the process we ought to obtain a strategic investor and an approval from authorities as entrepreneurs bringing jobs to the planet. All the while working on the next generation of whatever craft is in investor's demand, civilian or military."
He paused. "In the end, it's all means to an end for me. I want a well-equipped research facility and steady funding with enough clout attached to it that I am no longer bothered by trivialities. The condition I enjoyed as the executive in KSE. I tentatively assume you are all intelligent enough to see your own aspirations finding fulfilment via this endeavour."
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm
Curved-hilt Lightfoil 'Ruin', Intelligent Toolbox, "Breaker" Hydrospanner, Multi-Goo Gun