MA7. Superior Crystal Modding. More Vicious. 2 Dark Pips (Vergence, Crystal): 2eP+3eA+1eF+1eD 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Light Side

LA7. Superior Crystal Modding #2. For Damage. 1 bonus Advantage. 2 Free Pips.: 2eP+3eA+1eF+2eD 1 success, 3 advantage, 1 Dark Side

[Calculations in PF]
Finally, the desire to see the effect caught up with him and he zapped Ruin on with the characteristic snap-hiss, and the ominous lightblade slithered into its full power. His one knee bent, straightened leg widened the stride, the arm was raised holding the blade perpendicularly, being but a point rather than a line to the enemy. From these high quarters he descended into elegant, thoughtful motion, unhurried but well-timed, meticulous and executed with mathematical precision. Nothing was random. Everything was the result of the body aligning to the unstoppable flow of strings of code that reality rendered unto. It was no different to him in essence than strokes of fingers on holoboard as he would be figuring out octonion equations.
One could understand the world but it was with the right tools and the skill to apply them that the world yielded to superior will.