CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

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CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Sharn » Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:16 am

In the yellow light of the hangar the blue man chiselled the red crystal with darkness swirling around him. He was pleased to discover that many of the changes of shape he could induce by will alone, reworking molecules through quantum mechanics. A thrust of energy here, a thrust of energy there... he was not following intuition though, it were the myriad equations rushing through his brain at the speed of electron hops that had been guiding his effort. After several hours of non-stop effort that felt as if the time had collapsed on him the initially raw geode was arriving at the perfection of form and output. He knew this, because he had carved many kybers in his life, though never this way and never for this.


MA7. Superior Crystal Modding. More Vicious. 2 Dark Pips (Vergence, Crystal): 2eP+3eA+1eF+1eD 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Light Side

LA7. Superior Crystal Modding #2. For Damage. 1 bonus Advantage. 2 Free Pips.: 2eP+3eA+1eF+2eD 1 success, 3 advantage, 1 Dark Side

[Calculations in PF]


Finally, the desire to see the effect caught up with him and he zapped Ruin on with the characteristic snap-hiss, and the ominous lightblade slithered into its full power. His one knee bent, straightened leg widened the stride, the arm was raised holding the blade perpendicularly, being but a point rather than a line to the enemy. From these high quarters he descended into elegant, thoughtful motion, unhurried but well-timed, meticulous and executed with mathematical precision. Nothing was random. Everything was the result of the body aligning to the unstoppable flow of strings of code that reality rendered unto. It was no different to him in essence than strokes of fingers on holoboard as he would be figuring out octonion equations.

One could understand the world but it was with the right tools and the skill to apply them that the world yielded to superior will.
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Ender » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:24 am

Step. Step. Clip. Step. The sound of boots against the plating of the spaceport durasteel floors. The Force had brought her to this place, the pull of the Dark Side. Her mask kept her face obscured, as she observed the Chiss, hunched over his workbench. She didn't say anything, not for a long time. Allowing him the time to concentrate on his work. Once, hours later, he was done, the snap-hiss of the saber ringing true, she finally broke her silence.

"How many members of the former Empire are here on this planet, with such prodigious gifts. It makes me wonder how we missed them all under our noses."
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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Sharn » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:42 am

"In the dark spot right under the lamppost." He replied, his mind delivering an answer even before he could take in the situation. It was the Inquisitor... "You chases stray dogs all across the galaxy without looking back."
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Ender » Fri Nov 02, 2018 2:16 am

"An apt analogy, I suppose." She spoke through the vocoder, still stepping closer to the blue hued man. "Impressive. Most impressive." She commented, looking at the saber, feeling the power radiating from it. "Of course, a designers mind. Should be no surprise you were able to already complete your own lightsaber, and with your own touches." She mused at him, looking down at him. "I take it that means you think yourself not a stray dog?"
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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Sharn » Fri Nov 02, 2018 2:27 am

"Correct. I hold myself in high regard and I rarely disappoint myself. Superiority is in my blood." He replied calmly. "As is in yours."
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Ender » Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:47 am

Her lips curled slightly, hidden beneath the mask. "A charmer. No wonder Runi speaks highly of you." Her tone was amused, as she extended her hand. "May I?" Indicating to the lightsaber, feeling the energy of the dark side radiating from it. "Always a joy to admire the work of creation such as this."
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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Sharn » Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:27 am

Key variables: Runi's mother, Inquisitor, True Sith, intentionally pleasant, likely skilful and temperamental. Defenselessness without lightsabre. Outright rejection may cause a negative turn to the conversation.

Sharn smiled. "Truth is always the most alluring." He flipped the hilt in a way that would indicate his aptitude with it. "Ruin is a personal thing. With your mask on, it is impossible to become duly acquainted with the grandmother of my future offspring. But I will lead the way in this regard. I am Csas'har'nuruodo, son of Nav'eere'nuruodo, Aristocra of the Second Ruling House as well as the favoured cousin of Grand Admiral Thrawn. As of now, also the brightest mind in the galaxy. I have been anticipating this meeting."
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Ender » Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:45 pm

"Such confidence." The smirk could be heard in her words, as she delicately took the weapon in her hand. It was as if a jeweler was looking at a precious gemstone carefully, moving it slowly, examining ever facet and detail to truly understand the thing. "Your Kyber crystal... it yields such raw power. To feel it flowing through you as you wield this weapon. It must be incredible." Her words were quiet, though the accent distorted by the mask.

"And what exactly are you anticipating here, Csas'har'nuruodo?" The name was perfectly pronounced, the keen intellect of the Inquisitor showcasing the talents of the woman before the Chiss.
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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Sharn » Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:51 pm

"I surmise that you have ways to feel it if such is your desire." He mused, watching how she handled his precious lightsabre closely. He had it for just a blink but he already felt incomplete without it. Her flawless pronunciation of Cheunh raised his brow in quiet knee-jerk appreciation. "Define here: with you, with your daughter, this ship, this planet, this galaxy." She wasn't making concessions with regard to some symmetry to the meeting, showing no face, sharing no name. It was unnerving him, but still it remained a tertiary concern.
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Ender » Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:54 pm

And with the same delicate touch, she returned the weapon to the man before her. Her hands slowly made their way to her mask, before the hissing noise of the visor sliding, exposing the bridge of her nose, the color of her eyes, the complexion of her skin.

"Let us start small. The anticipation of my visit. I sense much excitement from you, but that could simply be your self satisfaction with your work."
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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Sharn » Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:11 pm

His gaze immediately went toward the opening in her mask, and remained there with intensity. Not to challenge her to the battle of stares, but to acquire the comparative material by studying the details of her fenotype. He behaved like a biometric retina scanner.

"My self-esteem is in lockstep with my capability." He commented, accepting the sabre back and buckling it. "My expectations with regard to this meeting are potentially threefold and interlocked, related to your identities as Runi's mother, as a True Sith and as member of the once-mighty Inquisitorium. The positive outcomes range from paternal endorsement, to agenda inclusion, to shared insights on lightsabre combat, your species and the nature of the Force. If not for my growing loyalty to Runi I would also add your identity as a woman to the list, for I now have the opportunity to glean into where what I desire in her has come from." He cocked a brow. "I suppose comparing has been a part of my anticipation after all."
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Ender » Mon Nov 05, 2018 7:28 pm

His intensity was matched by her own. She was a woman who was used to being in control of every situation. This was no different. "Your growing loyalty is commendable. And proves your belief in your own intelligence, if not survival instinct, is indeed well deserved." There was a hint of a laugh to her voice.

"Endorsement would come from more than one initial meeting. But you are off to a good start. My agenda is my own, for now. Guided by the Force, as all things are." Golden gyed eyes remained focused on his crimson ones.

"Do you expect to use that weapon often, Csas'har'nuruodo?"
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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Sharn » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:30 pm

"As often as some fool would oppose me and wouldn't react positively to a well-reasoned request." He grimaced wryly. "So, often enough."
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Ender » Tue Nov 06, 2018 2:37 am

She laughed, whether or not it was intended as a joke, the Inquisitor took it as such. "Always the way people who suffer no fools think and act. I am not surprised by that response at all. And may I call you Sharn, Csas'har'nuruodo? My Cheuh may not be up to full practice, but that is the common shorthand, is it not? You may call me Rhaina, if that would make you more comfortable, or rather, more amenable to using the common name." The laugh remained in her voice, tilting her head slightly to look up at the man.

"Cutting down insolent whelps will only go so far, and may actually harm any positions you have of reasonable requests in the future. Something to keep in mind. A velvet glove should be used to protect an iron fist, if only to show two sides of strength. A lesson for you, if you'll have it."
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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Sharn » Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:36 am

"I shall have it, Rhaina." He chuckled, nodding in consent. "In return, I have a reasonble request. Show me your face." He studied the eyes in the vizor.
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Ender » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:22 pm

"An odd request. But I suppose allowable if you are as close to my daughter as you say you are." She smiled beneath the mask, before it slid open, revealing the pointed bone structure along her jaw, her chin. The golden highlights of make up and piercings. Her eyes flashed with keen impressment, as her arms folded across her chest.

"Is it everything you hoped for, Sharn? Or only seeing what Runi may have gotten from me?"
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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Sharn » Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:44 am

"To make an elaborate judgment on the latter you would have to take off significantly more, Rhaina, and show me your form." He studied her features appreciatively, taking note of the ridges that turned recessive in Runi. "But it is already clear that much of what I so desire in her she has taken after you. Your genes are worthy of mine, and your blood's strength is worthy of my commitment." He was serious, but there was something playfully daring in his smug expression, as if he was having great fun with his thoughts." Superiority calls for superiority. "
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Ender » Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:21 am

There was a sneer in her face at his comments. "Watch your tongue. There is a thin line from humor and outright rudeness." The sneer softened slightly, as she regarded him. "She is no mere vessel for your genetic beliefs. If this is your idea of romantic flirtation, you've got a lot to learn, though I am sure your brilliant intellect could handle that."

Then a smile.
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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Sharn » Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:43 am

"As far as intellectual pursuits go, I can handle everything." He didn't seem abashed by rebuke in the slightest. "Like grasping Mother Inquisitor's Lightsabre Form."
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: CMYK [Strange Charm, MA-LA7]

Postby Ender » Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:05 am

"You wish to see my stance, then." She smiled slightly at that. "It has been a long time since anyone has seen that." She took a few steps back, standing straight and tall. "I have always preferred the Resilience Form." In her hands, a disc shaped hilt appeared. The blade ignited, humming in the air, as she assumed the opening stance of Soresu, and then, a wry smile, as she stepped into another, taking the blade hilt in both hands, as the second half of the blade ignited, and it began to rotate around the disc.

"Though times have changed."
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