by Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:53 pm
"An YV-560," she added, noticing his reaction to the ship. "We've done some custom-work on it though, but it's a good ship." Lena would've been listing all the interesting specs and the like that Fey didn't really understand yet.
Walking over to the workbench, she patted the free space for Kor to put down his axe. "He told me you two served together, and... about that nickname." She held up her hands, indicating she wasn't going to hold that past against him. "I only heard about it when I came to Corellia, you must've left not long after I arrived there."
She offered a friendly smile. "You ran away from the same things Kai did. The same he helped me run away from, so we won't be telling anyone about it. We respect wanting to leave that life behind, and acknowledge we come from the same background, so to speak. It's why Kai said I could trust you, like I did during the night of the invasion."
Rutian Twi'lek | Honey | Former Slave | Performer | Clever Girl | Force Sensitive | Ivory Phoenix crew
Profile | Theme"Theft, it is an especially sweet vice. More elegant than vandalism and more complex than simple robbery."