[D8 ME] Connections

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[D8 ME] Connections

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:38 pm

Kor had shot Fey a message asking if she could do a bit of work on his ax and they had arranged to meet at the spaceport to do the work. He walked into the spaceport and looked around for the enrapturing young twi'lek his ax hefted over his shoulder as he moved. Kor figured the work would be necessary if he wanted to be prepared for what was happening soon, it didn't take a genius to feel the tension in the air, to know that something big was coming there way and when it did he planned to be prepared for it.
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:16 pm

It had been a productive day in terms of work for the twi'lek, so she waited in the main hall of the spaceport for the older ex-trooper. He might not know where the hangar for the Ivory Phoenix was, after all.

Being such a big guy, Kor was easy to spot, and Fey raised a blue arm to wave him down. "Evening, monsieur. Still in one piece after this morning?"
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:43 pm

Kor nodded and gave Cefey a smirk "just barely, they wanted to take down that repair operation pretty badly. Still not 100% sure why they wanted to take it out but hey at least we stopped them. but I suppose Kai told you all about what happened there, I won't bore you with a retelling." his accent was certainly core world but there was a hint of the local drawl that was worming its way into his speech likely unbeknownst to the big man.

He looked about the spaceport and back to Cefey "So where do you have your work space set up?"
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:18 pm

"Back at our hangar-space," she jabbed her thumb in its direction, and it didn't seem to be far away. Then again, the spaceport wasn't that big. Beckoning him with a hand, Fey moved to lead him there. "Thanks again, by the way... for helping out the other day."
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:43 am

Kor nodded and followed Cefey waving a hand dismissively "think nothing of it, people were in danger and I had a way to help out so I did. Nothing special really."

He looked at Cefey as they walked "and thank you for doing this for me, I'm sure you have better things you could be doing with your night than mechanic work for an old doorman."
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:53 am

She chuckled and shook her head. "It's quite alright. I like doing stuff like this - feel like I learn more each time I fix something, or make something. I knew nothing about mechanics over a year ago."

"Besides, you helped me out once, and Kai says you're alright. So it's right to help out in return," Fey offered with a kind smile, knowing that Kor was in a similar situation as they were.
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:05 am

Kor chuckled his deep voice rumbling with mirth "doesn't exactly instill a lot of confidence in your abilities." He said teasingly.

He returned the smile to her as much kindness in it as hers had but it looked less practiced on his face, more out of place. "Well Kai seems like good people and from what I've seen you seem alright too."
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 11:58 am

Fey grinned back at him as she opened the hangar-door, revealling the Ivory Phoenix - it was certainly a ship of Corellian make, and probably wasn't a very old model either. Though despite the ivory in the name, it did not have the pristine white color one would've expected. Even the bird painted on the side of the ship looked a bit more grey and matte. "On the contrary, it should. Who else but a genius like moi could learn all this stuff in such a short time?"

The hangar was set up with a workbench and tools of various sorts. "Kai's... a good man," she nodded with a bit more serious tone to her voice. "Helped me a lot. Still is helping me a lot."
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:45 pm

Kor chuckled "i hope that's the case, you seem pretty sharp so I'm not too concerned. So long as you don't break it I'll be happy, she's performed well so far but I think I can get just a little more out of it. We might need it."

Seeing the ship he whistled low "haven't seen one of these in years." His ton was a bit wistful, his eyes far off as the ship brought him back to his home, Kor had lived on Corellia for over forty years. He missed it sometimes.

But hearing Cefey talk about Kai he snapped out his reverie and nodded "yeah Kai is good people. Not sure how much he told you about our past, we weren't exactly friends but I've known him for years."
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:53 pm

"An YV-560," she added, noticing his reaction to the ship. "We've done some custom-work on it though, but it's a good ship." Lena would've been listing all the interesting specs and the like that Fey didn't really understand yet.

Walking over to the workbench, she patted the free space for Kor to put down his axe. "He told me you two served together, and... about that nickname." She held up her hands, indicating she wasn't going to hold that past against him. "I only heard about it when I came to Corellia, you must've left not long after I arrived there."

She offered a friendly smile. "You ran away from the same things Kai did. The same he helped me run away from, so we won't be telling anyone about it. We respect wanting to leave that life behind, and acknowledge we come from the same background, so to speak. It's why Kai said I could trust you, like I did during the night of the invasion."
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:06 pm

"Yeah I recognize it, I grew up on Corellia. I'm no engineer or anything but I know most of the corellia made models by looks alone."

Kor listened to her talk for a moment, his mouth forming a hard line when she brought up the nickname and his past "that......was a long time ago, we all did things we aren't proud of I imagine. I appreciate you being able to look past those things. You're right we've all experienced similar things. I didn't know you were involved with the Empire though. Glad to see you go out."

With that he hefted the big ax and laid it out on the table "shouldn't be too difficult I imagine, just making that edge a bit sharper and harder."
Last edited by Korvalus Dunbri on Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:18 pm

She gave a nod. There was a lot she wasn't proud of either. And thinking about the people she might've hurt during that time... well, maybe she could make for up it somehow, at least for herself. "I wasn't there by choice myself... but yeah, done things I'm not too proud of myself."

Giving the axe a good look over, she gave a whistle herself. "That's quite some hardware, now that I see it up close." And quite a bit bigger than the usual weapons she worked on. "Keep it steady, yes? I'll see what I can do about that edge."
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:41 pm

Kor simply made a deep noncommittal grunt. He knew what that was like and she knew he was aware. Kor saw no value in hashing out old shit and bringing up painful memories. The past was the past.

Kor gripped the shaft firmly and held the weapon in place so Cefey could focus on her work on the head with little worry of the weapon moving unexpectedly. "So how did you all manage to end up here?"
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:47 pm

For being a rookie and not really strong enough to even lift something like a vibro-axe in a fight, the twi'lek at least seemed to know what she was doing as she got to work.

"Looking for work. We mostly do bounties, sometimes other merc-work, investigations, picking up jobs here and there, since we want to keep a low profile." Which was understandable, given two of them at least were on the run from the Empire. "Outer Rim's got a need for people to do all kinds of things, and there's usually less stuff like Imps running around there too. What about you? How did you end up here, with Cal and Quinn?"


D8 Modding Korvalus' mighty shreddin' axe. Pierce +1. Assisted: 1eP+3eA+1eB+3eD 1 success, 3 advantage
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Nov 06, 2018 9:44 pm

"Pretty common story in these parts I suppose. Mine is pretty similar, left the Empire, wandered around for awhile doing what I could for money. Some bounty hunting, some shadier jobs, even a bit of pride fighting while I stayed on a backwater for a few months. I ran into the kid about a year ago, she had talked herself into a situation she couldn't talk her way out of. I cracked some skulls and we travelled together ever since. She has some skills I don't and we watch eachother's backs. Now Cal well, he was just a good man that gave us a place to stay when we got here and gave me some steady work."
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Re: [D8 ME] Connections

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 11:00 pm

"He does seem like a good sort," she nodded in agreement. The others in the crew liked Cal and the Twelve Parsecs too. "Did you know about Quinn's... uh... the little surprise we saw yesterday? Or was that a surprise to you too then?"
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