Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:19 pm

She watched with interest as the weapon extended into a metal rod.

"It does look lighter." Putting down her own drink, she stepped closer to get a better look. "The way you used it looked nothing like how I've seen vibroblades used."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:55 pm

She held it out, for Cefey to take.

"That's because it was the Way of the Ysalamiri. Also known as Makashi. The 2nd of the lightsaber Forms. It was designed for duels between lightsaber wielders."

She gripped her useless arm for a moment.

"Wasn't the best for that fight. There's other styles that can deflect blasters... but I never had time to learn them."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:05 pm

"Ysalamiri? Makashi? Forms...? There are like, styles or something for lightsabers? How many are there"? The twi'lek was a bundle of questions.
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:15 pm

"Seven. But I only know a little of some of the others. Shii-cho is the oldest. The Way of the Sarlacc. I know that one was developed at the time when the first Jedi moved away from metal blades to the first lightsabers. But it was made to be used against people who didn't have lightsabers, so eventually they came up with Makashi. Then I also know there's Soresu, the Way of the Mynock. Which they developed when blasters started becoming widespread, in order to counter them. So, you know... they're really old."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 05, 2018 5:27 pm

"So seven kind of styles with their own specialities, huh," she wondered if there was a style that would fit her. "It's ok if I have this?" she asked, holding up the training weapon.
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Nov 05, 2018 7:33 pm

"Well, it's a custom piece... but alright. You can keep it to practice with. And I can show you a few things."

[Fancified Training Stick, 100 credits. Damage +1. Crit 5. Encumbrance 2. HP 0. Accurate 1. Disorient 1. Stun damage. Collapses into innocuous looking object]
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 05, 2018 7:45 pm

Her eyebrows went up in surprise. She was used to this level of generosity only from her crew-members, so for Quinn to not only say she could keep it, but also that she would show her some things with it was unexpected.

"Really? Wow... thank you, Quinn. That's... well, not many people have done stuff like that for me before."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:01 pm

"But," she added, "Only if you're not going to use it for selfish reasons. That wouldn't be the Jedi way."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:16 pm

Fey wasn't quite sure what counted as selfish reasons. Would protecting her friends be considered selfish? Probably not... right?

"Uhm... ok." Jedi way, huh. "Not selfish reasons. Got it."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:23 pm

She smiled. "Do you know about the Light and the Dark side of the Force?"
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:25 pm

"Uh... not really? I didn't know there were sides of the Force?" Fey shrugged. "Isn't the Force just, you know, the Force?"
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:51 pm

Oh boy. Now Quinn *really* understood how her master must've felt when first teaching her.

"It's like how a coin has two sides. Only in this case there's more to it. The force is split between dark and light. The lightside is peace, and serenity. It's everything you think of when you think of the Jedi. The dark side is the opposite of that. It is powerful, but it is fueled by all of the negative emotions you may have. Anger. Fear. Hatred. The more you draw on these emotions, the stronger your connection to the dark side of the Force. And that changes you in turn. Twists you. That's something everyone with a powerful connection to the force has to be aware of."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:00 pm

"Fear..." she paused a little as she mulled over the word. "So, that thing that woke up, it's something of the Dark Side then - since everything suddenly felt so wrong and negative and full of dread, yes?"

The twi'lek knew she had certainly let those kind of emotions control her before, but if that incredibly unpleasant feeling that awakened darkness was of the Dark Side... that the Empire had seemed to have this aura to it too sometimes, it was reason for her to steer away from it. She didn't like how those things made her feel, and what it made her remember.

"So the Light side is good emotions, if I understand correctly. Like love, happiness... that kind of stuff?"
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:05 pm

"Yeah, something bad has woken up."

She wasn't sure how much she should say about that particular thing.

"As for the light... it's, like I said, peace. Serenity. Love and happiness could be seen as part of it as well, but as I've been taught some of those can lead to the dark side as well. Love is great, but it can lead you to form attachments. And that can lead to fear. Resentment. And so on."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:20 pm

That all seemed a little odd to her, especially since her attachement to the rest of the group had helped her away from those bad things Quinn spoke of.

"I see," she said thoughtfully, determined to think more about it. "Peace and serenity, huh. Those are hard feelings to come by these days - especially with the situation as it is now. But I'll give it a try."

Fey tilted her head to the side as she regarded Quinn with some curiosity. "So, how does the Force work for you? I met another who could sense the presence of others around them - their feelings and such."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:38 am

"I can do that," she said. "most of the time, at least. When the dark side isn't interfering like it is on this planet. My master could do many more things with the force. She could move things without touching them. She could heal wounds with it. Do amazing things."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 11:52 am

The twi'lek silently thought about what that must look like. Not to mention how great it seemed to be able to mend wounds and injuries with the Force.

"I've not been able to do that, or any of those things. Sometimes, I can feel what others feel, when it's very strong emotions..." it lent some more weight to her theory that people might've developed their talents based on their environments, as a young girl like Quinn had probably had to rely on such senses to survive on her own - unless Kor or Cal actually were her relatives. "Sometimes, I'm able to do some things better than I used to, like I know just how to do something without having much experience with it. But mostly it's subtle things... like, uhm, being more persuasive, I guess I could say? Making people feel or think a certain way."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:57 pm

"That's something my master could do as well. It's a trick I haven't picked up myself. Most of my time training was with the lightsaber, and not the Force. But the Force can do incredible things in the hands of those trained in it."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Nov 06, 2018 1:01 pm

"Well," she looked at the practice-weapon, "guess we all start somewhere. I didn't really learn how to use weapons until somewhat recently, but I guess I'll find a way to use this too."

With the weapon extended, Fey gave it a few small swings to test its weight. "It's much lighter than a vibroblade."
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Re: Fight The Power (D8, LM-EA)

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Nov 06, 2018 1:04 pm

"Lightsabers don't have any weight beyond that of the hilt. That means fighting with them is a bit different."
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