Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Nov 02, 2018 4:22 pm

"Now," Vida looked to Kai, "you are beginning to draw my ire Mr. Wryssald. I understand your insistence on reminding me of how my presence, all of a sudden, as it were, has troubled you. Still, you need remember who you are speaking to when you. I will not rise to your provocations, but I will remember them myself. Kai Wryssald."

"Sit," she said, gesturing to the seats, a passive hand over her the top of her drink, "and I will be out of your hair in but a moment."

Meanwhile, Alema accepted the drink and put it down somewhere. Leaning up against a nearby wall with her arms cross over her chest.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:41 pm

Fey closed her eyes briefly, ignoring the darkness of the planet's miasma urging her to violence. When she opened her eyes again, the electric indigo seemed cold. "I sit when I please, and I stand when I want," she said firmly, making it clear that she would not be budged.

"You said you came to talk to someone. Who?" There were, after all, two men aboard who were not part of the crew.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:53 am

Kai for his part, wandered back over to the bar, an fetched a bottle of beer. He didn't open it just yet, instead fidgeting with the bottle opener as he walked over to join Cefey. He had a few words he could share himself. But he decided not to waste the words, it seemed they simply couldn't communicate with each other.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:16 pm

Vida raised a hand, they would wait. Sitting there she awaited her quarry. "We will wait, he will arrive, and then we will be gone."

Alema, instead and during the meantime, took on the demeanor of a bored child. Flitting from one space to another. This particular Twi'lek wasn't all that comfortable with sitting around. It was why she was so much happier letting the bosses make the decisions and just being really really good at backing up those orders.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:50 pm

Black holes and supernovas... Fey sighed silently, and leaned against the wall where she stood, though there was still a tenseness to her form as she was still alert.

What was so important to this woman that she had to break in here if she was interested in Dartris? It seemed unlikely she was here for the Arkanian off-shoot.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sat Nov 03, 2018 5:10 pm

Kai watched Alema fir a few moments, was she hopped up on sugar or something? "Anything I could help you find?" Kai asked after a few moments.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sun Nov 04, 2018 1:17 pm

Trusting Kai to keep an eye on things here, Fey headed back to the holding cell to check on their guest and 'guest'.

She gave a solid knock on the door first, followed by: "I'm coming in". Though she did give them a couple of seconds before opening the door. Could be that Dartris wanted to finish punching the guy's face or whatever they were up to in there. And it was rude to just barge in - the Phoenix operated on a knock-before-entering policy (N/A for prisoners).
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Sun Nov 04, 2018 1:24 pm

It didn't look like he was beating his face in, moreso the opposite, in fact. They seemed to be rather comfortable in their talks. The prisoner actual seemed to a bit of a light-hearted smile to his face.

The man was skilled to get people to lower their guard and open up, after all. Both seemed to as well.

He looked at Fey entering. "Fey, not to be rude or that I don't love seeing you, but I did pay you some sizable money to be left alone with him. I am assuming the Imperials have begun a offensive or something to warrant this kind of interruption."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sun Nov 04, 2018 1:29 pm

"Mm," she gave a slight nod, closing the door just enough so that the noise wouldn't carry but she would still be able to open it up easily. "There's... someone here to see you." Or at least, she was assuming it was Dartris and not bounty-boy.

"While we'd normally not mind them waiting, these ones did break in here and started making demands. Madame Vida, and some red twi'lek too."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:03 pm

Both men give a look of shock, as you mention the two names while Ribmatt shaking his head. "How did she..." He looks over at his current cellmate and stares. "You didn't tell anyo--" He looks back to him. "Of course not! I like my testicles where they are, thank you. Did the--"

He shook his head. "No, they were careful enough. Nothing that would bring her to attention. Though the red was..." Ribmatt stands up and sighs deeply. "Following me. Shit. Fey, what have you told her so far?" The look of worry started to dwindle as a more cool head.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:20 pm

The reaction was... interesting. Was the Vida-woman a jilted lover or something who had taken up stalking as a hobby? Or something else.

"Nothing," she said truthfully. They've mostly tried to get some answers out of the twi'lek pair themselves, without saying who else was on the ship. "She's not exactly been forthcoming herself when asked about why she broke in. Said she's here to visit an old friend, one she wished to make the most appropriate impression upon so he didn't need to be reminded more adequately."

She left out the whole part of Vida saying 'he had taken a fancy to her' because she didn't act spineless.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:49 pm

Ribmatt nods his head. "Good. Hopefully Kai is doing the same thing." He turns to the two of you So, she hasn't figured it out yet because you and Kai are still alive. She's a cruel woman, but she's not careless. Means she hasn't figured what we just did."

Turning to Fey, he gave a deep sigh."Remember the danger I mentioned about the Upper Part of Providencetown. That danger is now on your ship. She's Black Sun..." Turning over and gave a large grin. "Also my wife. We've been....seperated for awhile, though." There is a casual clutch his arm as he said those words.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:51 pm

Now that was almost hilarious. Almost. His wife had been threatening her and Kai after all. And she didn't really feel like being stuck in an marital dispute.

"Interesting marriage you have," she mused with some humor. Seemed like Dartris had a thing for twi'leks. She cast a glance to Drune before looking back to the man who was clearly in a big pinch right now. "Hope you got some interesting explanation to her, because she's not in a good mood."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:19 pm

"You have no idea." A light chuckle came out of his mouth. "I can always take my way out with her. Well, sometimes. Sometimes I can. She's quite the handful if she's left to her own devices. Just have to find the right balance of ego stroking to get her to go away. Though...if I were to do that she would only suspect something..."

He stroked his face. "Listen, I'll just have to wing it. She's probably here to check up on me and get a feel for you. Such a jealous woman sometimes, I swear. Just follow my lead, and we should be fine. Unless she kills us."

He gave a shrug and looks on. "Wouldn't be the first time she tried."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:18 pm

Sounds like most men, she thought when it came to the subject of ego-stroking.

Though the following words did make her more on edge. "And why is she getting a feel for me?" Better not be thinking I'm in need of work in that bordello of hers. "Wait... what? Jealous?"
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:44 pm

"I can't pretend I understand that head of hers." He gives a honest shrug. "Just...jealousy is about the best way I can describe her attitude when it comes with me being potentially with another women, especially a Twi'lek." A younger Twi'lek at that. "Listen, there's about, oh...20 years of history to explain the exact mess that is in your cabin and not a whole lot of time to go over it. Just going to have to trust me a little."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:19 pm

Fey gestured in the general direction of where the others were "Fine. I'll follow your lead here." He knew the crazy hag better than she did, and she had very little interest in talking to her. She gave him a small nod of trust at least as she pushed the door back open again.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:53 pm

He nods and turns looks at Drune, who still looked like a nervous wreck. "Just be quiet and I'll be back before you know it." Dusting himself off from the floor he moves his hand to Fey, extending his hand out to her in a gentile way as he made his way out. "Oh, if it's just red and her, she likely has a small platoon outside at the ready to sweep up. Just be your own natural, lovely self and we'll all get thru this."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:59 pm

Maybe it was just a habit, but she accepted the hand at least. As for sweet lovely self, she wasn't going to make any promises as this entire scenario had left a bad taste in her mouth.

Dealing with someone's crazy jealous wife wasn't a good start to the day. "Peachy," she sighed.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:58 pm

"It could be worse. And hey, I could have worse company to head to the great beyond should this all go south." With a wink, he moves her along with her to the other door, leading themselves out, as he opens up, the hatch to the lounge area as the others were sitting down, doing whatever it was they would be doing. "...Now Fey, you really should get those doors checked on this ship. I understand cutting costs, believe me, but if your bathroom door is one that only opens up from the outside, that's hardly a bathroom anymore. It's practically a cell, you know." He stares at the two sitting down, smiling warmly. "Well, I must say I am shocked to see the two of you here. Tell me, did you hope to hire them out for their bounty work? Or was this more of a social call. Perhaps this handsome gentlemen has caught you eye over there." He motions to Kai. "I must warn you now, Vida, he's quite the ladykiller. Might end up with a broken heart, or well, whatever it is you call a heart that's currently beating in your chest."

He did not yet let go of Fey's hand, not making it obvious that he was doing so, but enough to where one could catch it.
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