by Dartris Ribmatt » Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:58 pm
"It could be worse. And hey, I could have worse company to head to the great beyond should this all go south." With a wink, he moves her along with her to the other door, leading themselves out, as he opens up, the hatch to the lounge area as the others were sitting down, doing whatever it was they would be doing. "...Now Fey, you really should get those doors checked on this ship. I understand cutting costs, believe me, but if your bathroom door is one that only opens up from the outside, that's hardly a bathroom anymore. It's practically a cell, you know." He stares at the two sitting down, smiling warmly. "Well, I must say I am shocked to see the two of you here. Tell me, did you hope to hire them out for their bounty work? Or was this more of a social call. Perhaps this handsome gentlemen has caught you eye over there." He motions to Kai. "I must warn you now, Vida, he's quite the ladykiller. Might end up with a broken heart, or well, whatever it is you call a heart that's currently beating in your chest."
He did not yet let go of Fey's hand, not making it obvious that he was doing so, but enough to where one could catch it.
NPC (Played by Flession) |
Underboss of Noventa City |