Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:13 pm

Kai always forgot about head massages, they weren't what usually came to his mind when he heard massage. "Alright." He offered easily before peeling off his shirt, placing the garment in his lap

"What kind of massage were you after? Foot? Or you want a back massage?"
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:17 pm

"Back and shoulders for me I think." She was probably all tensed up too.

But now it was Kai's turn, and she started with his shoulders to make him relax.

"... You doing ok after today?" the fight some hours ago had been messy, and she hoped it hadn't been too much like what he had wanted to leave behind. That it hadn't seemed too much like what he did for the Empire.
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:26 pm

"Back and shoulders it is." He agreed, resisting the urge to ask if she was going to take off her shirt too. Things would probably devolve if she did after all.

A contented murmur escaped his lips as she hands touched his skin, he had really been needing this. "Yes, and not." He offered after a few moments. "Honestly it was like being on the opposite end of things for me. I used to be on the other end of that fight, if that makes sense." There was a lingering pause. "That bit at the end though... Well, it brought back some memories."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:38 pm

In hindsight, the art of massage was probably one of the things she regretted the least to have excelled at when it came to what she had been taught. Even if Kai's muscles needed a bit more strength to loosen up compared to the others.

"Hmm..." Fey rested her chin on his shoulder for a moment, knowing she didn't have to pry further if he needed to talk about it. He knew he could if he wanted to. "I wonder if they think it was worth it. To lose so many of their own to protect one guy."

Lufting up her chain after that little break, her hands found the knots that needed work.
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:45 pm

"Hmmm..." He considered that for a few moments. "I think some will, some won't. Some people will have lost fathers or brothers, maybe even sisters or mothers, and those won't understand why their loved ones will have had to die to protect one fellow that hadn't even been there for the last decade. " His brows knit together. "In a town that size it will probably create no end of trouble, and eventually some families will fight over it, maybe leave over it. Could kill the whole town, in that no one stays there anymore. Hard to say exactly."

"Either way, that Weasley isn't in for a pleasant retirement."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Fri Nov 02, 2018 4:10 pm

"And you say you aren't smart," she teased and gave him a pat om the head. "I never would've thought about that. But... you're right about it."

Not that it was their problem unless those folks stiffed them completely on pay.

"But... you know you don't have to do jobs like that if it's too much for you. I won't complain if you don't want to."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 4:45 pm

"Well, I'd say it's because I know a bit more about how little communities like that work." He hadn't exactly been a part of one, but he had been around them. "that bar owner is probably one of the towns major business people. If not the major business person, she likely has a lot of sway. Could be she did a bit of forcing her morals on the others." Of course that might not be the complete truth to it.

There was another pleased murmur as he found a especially tough know in his shoulders. "It's not so bad really, not being on this side of it. At least I get a feeling that's i'm doing the right thing." Which was definitely an improvement in his books. His lips curled into a smile. "Don't worry though, I'll be sure to tell you if I don't want to do a job. As long as you do the same for me at least."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:10 pm

Noticing his reaction to her work made her smile, and she reflected briefly on how this was different; because she was choosing to want to make him happy and satisified. Having the choice... it made her smile widen a little more. How lucky she had been to cross paths with someone like Kai when she had decided to run away. "I know," she said softly, "I promise I'll always let you know."

Feeling like he was doing the right thing was maybe as important to him as having the freedom of choice was to her, Fey thought idly as her hands continued their work by moving slowly from his shoulders and to his arms. "Did it feel right to you when you helped me run away?" she asked, having always been a bit curious about it. It wasn't that she hadn't seen her fair share of troopers during her time in the Empire, but it was almost impossible to have known who they were since they had always worn those helmets. She had no way of knowing if she had seen Kai at all before they were both running away.
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:48 pm

"Thanks. As long as we all talk to each other, I think we can always make it through whatever we encounter." Perhaps that was a bit too bright of a way to look at things, but he believed it.

"Yeah, it did." Kai offered a warm smile. "I never was much for what the Empire represented, and well, I'm not a fan of slavery either. When I helped you out it felt like the first good thing I've done in years." Itd been liberating in a lot of ways for him as well. "I should say thanks more often for dragging me along on all this."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:04 pm

"Heh, I guess we have to thank eachother quite a bit for that. Getting away from the Empire, joining up with the others, living lives we feel more satisified with than what we had." And never once had she'd felt that Kai or the others were owed her affection for what they'd done for her.

They were a good team. All of them. Sure, they had their bad moments too and the occassional fights, but in the end they always came back together. And the thought that they almost lost Jelna had been terrifying. It was like reliving all the emotions of the loss of Zerra.

"Joining the Empire was just a way into the world, right?" she asked, working on his right arm. "Since you didn't care about what they stood for."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:29 pm

"Yeah. I really didnt want to stick around dantooine any longer, and there wasnt a whole lot of options on other ways to get out. I suppose the rebellion was a possibility, but I dunno that just felt like working for free." Rebellions weren't known for great pay after all.

"That, and well I figured on them losing." It had seemed like the reasonable outcome after all. A contented sigh escaped his lips as she continued her work on his arm. "Kinda happy them didnt of course."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:35 pm

His content sigh made Fey ellicit a pleased chuckle. She was glad to see and hear him relax.

"Dantooine sounds like the most boring place in the galaxy whenever you speak about it. It can't be that bad?" she giggled a little. "At least is sounds nicer than Ryloth. And well... I hated everything about Corellia, even if the planet now in hindsight isn't so bad."

Her sigh had a contemplative touch to it. "Maybe I'd do go back there someday. Like many many years in the future, and see it with different eyes."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:58 pm

"Its probably not that bad." He agreed with a chuckle. "A lot like Noventa here in all honesty. It's just not where I wanted to be, not what I wanted to do." It had took him a while to put all of that together.

"Greener I'd say then here, but similar in a lot of ways." He listened for a few moments as she talked and let the silence linger for a few moments before commenting on her final statement.

"If you want to, I can understand not wanting to go back there. Well, at least a little." Though she had a whole mess of bad memories he could never understand. "Still no rush to visit there. There are enough planets in the galaxy to occupy us for years to come."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:08 pm

Having moved down his arm, she gently took his hand between hers and both her thumbs pressed slowly into the center of his palm. "I know. It's just... in a way, it's a bit like overcoming it all. I hate how everything that happened still shapes my everyday life, even after leaving it behind."

She leaned against him and sighed softly. "Moments like these are great though. It's one of the things I like about spending time with you like this; that I always feel like it's something I choose to do, because I like it, and because you never made it seem like I owed you anything except what I wanted to give."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:04 am

Kai's head had trouble processing anything beyond the soft form leaning into his back, and the feeling of breath against his skin. But, he did manage a answer after a few moments. "You're a lady, Fey. I always try to treat you like one."

"Even if I'm a bit aroused right now." He admitted with a chuckle. "Wouldn't be right to demand anything from you, or treat you like you owe me."

"As for our past lives... Well, I'm hoping we can leave with all the way behind some day. I think we're still not very far down that road though."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sat Nov 03, 2018 5:35 am

Her face smushed into his back and he could feel her laugh almost as much as he could hear it. "Lewd, Kai."

"Still, no one called me a lady before you did. Thank you." Letting go of his hand, Fey wrapped both arms around his waist in a warm hug. "Even if you're lewd."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:37 pm

"Well, we both already know I'm a pervert. The lewd part probably wraps up with that." He agreed with a soft laugh, one of his hands going to cover hers as they wrapped around him.

"Still you are a Lady, and deserved to treated like one." He sighed softly. "Had a fancy restaurant all picked out for us to go to, then all this invasion stuff happened. It just seems like a bad time now."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:41 pm

"Aw... that is a shame. Now I won't get to see you all dressed up for me." That was a pity. Yet another reason to dislike those Imperials. "Maybe something to look forward to once they're gone. Or we're gone." Whichever came first.

She eventually easened up the hug so she could return to massaging his other arm. "There was also supposed to be this Open Mic-night at the Twelve Parsecs. And I was so looking forward to it too," Fey sighed wistfully. "It's been a while since I last got to play some music."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:09 pm

"I think it will be the second over the first." Kai mused, a little disappointed that the hug ended. "I'm sure we will find time though, and maybe we'll be lucky."

He turned his head to glance in her direction. "I'm sad about that too, im sure on the off chance these imperial's leave Cal will still host it though. I'd like the chance to hear you sing."
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Re: Doctors Orders (Day 7 Late evening Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:19 pm

She shot him a grin as he turned his head. "I can always sing for you guys, but it's just not the same without music to accompany."

Casting a glance to his hand, she thought back to him punching down Drune earlier that day... and thinking Kai should probably have something to use for when it was nescessary to use the fists rather than the gun. "What about you? Any talents to show for on the stage? Singing, playing an instrument, stand-up comedy... ventriloquism?"
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