by Flession » Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:45 pm
Such a place was always open and always eager to take people's money. Surprisingly active for such a morning, as plenty of people in Providencetown try to make their winnings to get off the planet before things started to get worse. They were like rats on a sinking ship. No one wanted to stay and fight here; at least that much was obvious.
At least the only difference in the morning time was caf and juice was being served more than the usual alcoholic affair you've become accustomed to. Still, sitting down at the Sabbak table once more, the others give you a look around the table. "Looks like you've had it rough kid. Trying to play up the sling for sympathy, then?" One of the table-goers, a Bothian male, says to you with a bit of snark attached to it. It "Ain't gonna work with me, I want off of this kriffing planet before the Imperials start messing with the nonhumans again."
AGM | "In my experience, there is no such thing as luck." |