by Cefey Raneth » Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:57 pm
The twi'lek's room was probably not as exciting as some people expected. Some clothes hung on pegs on the wall; mostly coats and jackets, including the duster she wore when heading out into trouble, while the nicer clothes were easily available on racks, and other garments tucked away into boxes and containers. She did keep a full-sized mirror as well, along with a smaller one on a simple table where she kept all other personal items like jewelry, makeup, and what looked like an unknown number of creams, lotions, and oils.
Compared to the two other ladies on the ship, Fey was a real girly-girl in many ways. She liked perfumes, jewelry, pretty clothes, and nice shoes. While some of it were things she had taken with her when fleeing from Corellia, like the more luxurious dresses, a lot of it was things she had bought herself with her own money. So in a way, the hoarding was almost like a way for her to prove to herself that these were things she had acquired herself.
"Yeah? We spoke about that dress, and Lena, when I helped him back to the bar after we stopped that hauler," she grinned as she thought about that, "and I kinda tried to set him up with a date with her. I think he's more interested in the doctor though."
The bed at least was tidy, and she patted it for Kai to sit down next to her. "He's a nice man though. Kind of... fatherly?"
Rutian Twi'lek | Honey | Former Slave | Performer | Clever Girl | Force Sensitive | Ivory Phoenix crew
Profile | Theme"Theft, it is an especially sweet vice. More elegant than vandalism and more complex than simple robbery."