by Kai Wryssald » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:11 am
"Ma'am." He looked back to Vida. "It wasn't Miss Alema that threatened my friends. It was you." He paused. "What was it you said? You have nothing to fear, but should you make a mistake everything to lose. If I recall correctly, now that might not of been your intention, but from the sound of it, it was a ultimatum. Which is a word I learned fairly recently." He smiled briefly. "Our pilot got me a word calendar for life day. It's helped me learned quite a few words. But I'm off topic."
Now if I recall correctly a a Ultimatum is..." He trailed off for a moment. "A final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations." He looked to Cefey. "Did I get that riot, Honey?" Turning back to the pair of woman. "Now you can say I picked a fight, and try to take the morale high ground. But I was honest with you, when I had no reason or rhyme to. I could of sat on my words and you would of been none the wiser, and now I'm explaining to you all peaceful like why I feel the way I do. I even offered you a drink."
"Furthermore.. That's another word from my calendar. As my friend here pointed out, you came uninvited onto our ship, and while Miss Alema, assures me her weapon isn't much of one. She also told the truth of it, that it was a weapon. Now I'm not sure about how things are from where you are from. But when you walk into your living room, and there is a armed individual standing there, you don't merely take them; or their employer, for their word when they say they have your best intentions in mind.
"You'll also note that in my offer to make you a drink, I offered to disarm myself, should you choose to sit and share a drink with us. You can't rightly make someone a drink while aiming a blaster at them after all. So once again, make yourself at home, give us a reason to believe your words aren't just words, i'll put my blaster down, Miss Alema can put down her wrench, and we can discuss all this like civil individuals. Perhaps we can come to understand why we have come to this point, and then threats can be retracted and all that business. Or we can just continue butting heads. Ball is in your court."
Human * Ivory Phoenix * Former Solider * "Darling" * The Muscle *