Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:29 pm

Drune looks over. "Sorry I pissed off your lady friend." He says bluntly, not really sure where to go from that apology he just gave. "I'm also sorry you took this job too, asshole..."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:32 pm

Ribmatt immediately clutches his cybernetic hand tightly upon his arm, causing him to yelp in pain. "Don't be starting stuff again, Drune." He drops him back on the ground, making him fall as gracefully as a brick. "Now why don't you two give us some time alone so we can hash out any further hard feelings. I'll give you a holler when we're done, okay?"
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:36 pm

"Yeah, I think that's for the best right now," she agreed, turning her back to head out to the hallway first.

"You didn't have to apologize for any of that, Kai." Her voice was softer as she spoke over her shoulder to him and stepped outside.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:39 pm

Kai shrugged, as he closed the door. "It didnt hurt anything." Was his soft response as he stepped forward to join her, his hand moving to take hers.

"And it was good for me to say anyways. Helps clear those darker urges we talked about from my head."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:41 pm

With the door closed, giving them a moment of privacy, she accepted the offered hand and leaned against him.

"Do you think she's ok?" Fey asked in a hushed voice.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:44 pm

Outside, waiting in their lounge area and in view as soon as they would step out would first be a particular female Twi'lek. Tossing a wrench in the air and catching it with the precision only being more picturesque because of the slight mechanical whir of her cybernetic arm.

"Yo," she said casual as can be.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:50 pm

Cefey Raneth wrote:With the door closed, giving them a moment of privacy, she accepted the offered hand and leaned against him.

"Do you think she's ok?" Fey asked in a hushed voice.

"Yeah, shes fine." They would know by now if they had killed her. Further explanation was halted though as slated stranger made her appearance, and Kai drew his blaster; there was a prisoner on board after all.

Clicking it from stun, he frowned at the woman. "Tell me why i shouldn't shoot you?"
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:57 pm

Being already on edge, Fey pulled out her blaster as well, switching off the stun-setting with ease.

Imps wouldn't care two ways till sunday if a dead non-human turned up suddenly.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:05 pm

Alema flicked her eyes over to their couch, "Nice couch," she said with a smirk before catching the wrench one more time. "And, because shooting at me would be a very bad idea, friend. Wouldn't want you to get yourself hurt."

Walking forward from the side came another person, were they close enough to have their blasters anywhere near her she would place her hand upon them and guide them downward. Madame Vida spoke with a heavy, velvety Rylothian accent, "Pardon the intrusion. However, I have matters of which I would most enjoy attending sooner rather than later. You have nothing to fear, but should you make a mistake..." she looked right to Kai's eyes, "everything to lose."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:12 pm

The blue twi'lek flinched away from being touched. She was not in the mood to be patronized or touched by a stranger trespassing into their home and threatening them.

"Yeah well, I don't exactly feel like talking to people breaking into our ship and making threats. If you wanted to talk you could knock. Get out and maybe, just maybe, we'll talk another time another place." It was the nicest she could be without telling them to go off and jump into a supernova in very unpleasant words.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:16 pm

"Respectfully, my love," she said, removing her hand from the blasters Madame Vida continued, "you should be more mindful of to whom you speak. I did not come here to make enemies of you, but I will not leave unsatisfied," she said, sincerely.

Meanwhile Alema, the Red Twi'lek with Cybernetic hands shifted from her seated position. Rolling her neck a few times, stretching her upper arms that weren't quite so efficient as the rest. "You have the honor of meeting Madame Vida in the flesh, blue. You can be damned sure if we wanted trouble you'd not have had the chance to pull those blasters."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:37 am

Kai's eyes narrowed at the twi'lek. "You just threatened my friends." He said flatly. "We might chat peacefully today, but I'll never forget that, and I hold my grudges."
He continued his tone firm. "Whether it was your intention or not, you just made a enemy."

"But seeing as your muscle there; despite all her playing with a weapon, assures us you mean no trouble. Why dont you make yourself at home; since you already have, and speak your piece. I'll pour you lot a drink, and we can have until those are finished to conduct business. After that we can politely part ways, as that's what friendly sorts do. Don't they?"
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:34 am

"I didn't threaten your friends," Alema said, casually as she was and the waved the wrench, "and this ain't much of a weapon either. Picking fights like that, justifying yourself like that, it's only going to get you hurt," she waved her hand off, walked about and looked for somewhere else to sit and relax.

"But hey, that's just my humble advice to ya," Alema said, waving her hand some more.

Madame Vida picked up from there with, "What Alema means to say, is that you are throwing stones Kai Wryssald. My dear Alema only acts so to protect me from unpleasantness," she says glancing back to his blaster, "now, I would ask you to recall your threat to my bodyguard, knowing the full of this situation on you now do so we might continue with the rest of our evening peacefully. I came here with only the most pleasant of intentions toward your crew."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:11 am

"Ma'am." He looked back to Vida. "It wasn't Miss Alema that threatened my friends. It was you." He paused. "What was it you said? You have nothing to fear, but should you make a mistake everything to lose. If I recall correctly, now that might not of been your intention, but from the sound of it, it was a ultimatum. Which is a word I learned fairly recently." He smiled briefly. "Our pilot got me a word calendar for life day. It's helped me learned quite a few words. But I'm off topic."

Now if I recall correctly a a Ultimatum is..." He trailed off for a moment. "A final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations." He looked to Cefey. "Did I get that riot, Honey?" Turning back to the pair of woman. "Now you can say I picked a fight, and try to take the morale high ground. But I was honest with you, when I had no reason or rhyme to. I could of sat on my words and you would of been none the wiser, and now I'm explaining to you all peaceful like why I feel the way I do. I even offered you a drink."

"Furthermore.. That's another word from my calendar. As my friend here pointed out, you came uninvited onto our ship, and while Miss Alema, assures me her weapon isn't much of one. She also told the truth of it, that it was a weapon. Now I'm not sure about how things are from where you are from. But when you walk into your living room, and there is a armed individual standing there, you don't merely take them; or their employer, for their word when they say they have your best intentions in mind.

"You'll also note that in my offer to make you a drink, I offered to disarm myself, should you choose to sit and share a drink with us. You can't rightly make someone a drink while aiming a blaster at them after all. So once again, make yourself at home, give us a reason to believe your words aren't just words, i'll put my blaster down, Miss Alema can put down her wrench, and we can discuss all this like civil individuals. Perhaps we can come to understand why we have come to this point, and then threats can be retracted and all that business. Or we can just continue butting heads. Ball is in your court."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:16 am

"That, my dear, is precisely the same as the comment for my associate," she said with a hand laid out toward whatever form of seating they wished. "Let us sit, speak, and forget such misunderstandings."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:35 pm

Fey didn't like this woman. Or the red one for that matter. But the Vida one gave her all sorts of bad vibes that reminded her more of the Moff... and she was grateful Kai had spoken up before she had.

"Say what you have to say and let's get it over with." She made no move to sit. These people lost all rights to courtesy with not only breaking into their home, but also threatening her friends. Call it not a threat all you want, you're still threatening us, hag.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:09 pm

Fey wasn't the only one with bad feelings, and in the back of his head Kai was hatching a plan to steal a ship and crash it into her establishment, employees and all inside. The woman was here to make demands, and hell they might even be forced to agree, but Kai had no intention or forgetting. Her attitude precluded such things.

"Will whisky work? Or do you two prefer wine?" He offered skipping over a few points of the conversation.
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Nov 02, 2018 6:37 am

"Whiskey," Vida said while looking to Cefey, "There is a fire in you. I can see why it is he has come to have a fancy for you. For, you see, I am here to visit an old friend. One I wish to make upon the most appropriate of impressions so he not need to be reminded... more adequately."

Vida spoke as she found her way to a seat, relaxing elegantly in it. "I would appreciate it, if you were to offer me more of a courtesy, Cefey."
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:21 am

Yes, it was definetely reminding her of the Moff. "I am not aiming a weapon at you, shooting you for trespassing, and I am listening to what you have to say. That is the limit of my courtesy this early in the day in these circumstances."

And they had threatened her friends. That was unforgiveable.

"What friend are you talking about?"
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Re: Surrender (D7, EM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:38 pm

Kai could wager a guess at what friend she met, as he was in the other room having a chat with someone. But he busied himself pouring the lady a whiskey, and pulling out a beer for the thug. The whiskey wasn't their best and the beer not one Kai had liked much, but they were passed to the two twi'leks regardless.

"Sounds like she wants to use our ship for some kind of meeting." Kai mused. "Should we just charge her for the privlage and stay out of the way, as long as things stay peaceful, Cefey?" He didnt like the woman any more then Fey did, so probably best if they could find a way to avoid talking.
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