Ignitiation [MA6]

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Ignitiation [MA6]

Postby Sharn » Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:38 am

Sharn cursed at the sorry state of the Charm's engines, but she was hardly beyond repair, especially with the newly salvaged parts. Still, his irritation and impatience proved to be a roadblock...

MA6. Superior Critical Engine Fix. 2 Ads from Equipment.: 2eP+3eA+1eF+3eD 1 failure, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph, 1 Dark Side

[Flipping for Dark Pips Use, +1 from Vergence, Strain & Conflict, they go into Successes, so 1 success, 5 Advantage, 1 Triumph]

...until he decided to tap into his anger for motivation. And then, it wondrously aligned.

[Half the cost - Shipyard Expertise + 5 Advantage, Triumph to find out that whatever was recovered from the engine as the cause of the problem was actually a very interesting thing...]
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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Re: Ignitiation [MA6]

Postby Ender » Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:31 am

What the ship had crashed into had mangled several components. Knocking things apart and ripping out power couplings, fasteners, actuators, and other pieces. It was a mangled mess. Your anger, and rage, were used as a scalpel, clearing away the debris, the pieces of metal reworked and moved as your tool kit and your sharp mind helped bring you forwards to it. Looking amongst the debris, there are bits of autoblasters from Droid fighters, pieces of old tech from the siege during the Clone Wars.

Given time to look at them...

One could surmise that they would have the parts necessary to construct a lightsaber... (Triumph used).
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Re: Ignitiation [MA6]

Postby Sharn » Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:44 am

Once the realisation hit, joyfully evil cackling filled the hangar. Not that anything particularly evil was on Sharn's mind, but his intuition for grandiose theatrics captured the perfect moment. While he could not say "At last, my greatest work is completed!" yet, it was soon enough in coming for some premature celebration. Still superior to whatever Noventian peons were celebrating on that day.

Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm

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