by Sharn » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:02 am
Sharn found himself instantly attracted to the woman on the picture and leaned over to study her face. "The loss of some secondary features like ossous facial ridges is an expected consequence of crossbreading. You are as aesthetic and desirable as you would have been with them. The recessive gene is still in you and may manifest in your children. Fenotype is far less important than the quality of symbiosis with the Force. Was your mother ever recognised as a worthy student of an ancient Sith Lord? If not, it may indicate that you are already surpassing her."
He looked up from the photo, into her blue eyes. "I am a bastard, an accidental child of my mother's unknown lover. But randomising gene pool often brings better results than amplifying a recessive bloodline, as showcased by how superior I am in great many things. Were you and I to ever crossbreed, our progeny might turn out deep purple, but their mental prowess and Force-sensitivity might be unparalleled. I know I would be ready to gamble with my blue pigmentation toward that outcome."
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm
Curved-hilt Lightfoil 'Ruin', Intelligent Toolbox, "Breaker" Hydrospanner, Multi-Goo Gun