Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Oct 23, 2018 12:53 pm

Dartris Ribmatt wrote:"Co-Pilot's still pretty important. Got a lot to handle in that second seat. Suppose your former situation wouldn't leave you much time to learn much of the pilot seat.. " He looked on as she continued, mentioning his home.

He didn't make it immediately known his opinion on the sudden shocked look at the mention of his home planet. If he caught it, he didn't let it known outwardly. "I'm not surprised. I've been here so long my accent has been adapted. Hear people talk a certain way for so many years, it catches on in your head and you it starts to go along their way. Eventually it just takes over you." He shakes his head. "Though if I concentrate enough I can speak like I used to." His voice turned to a more distinctive Corellian flare. "Besides, people trust you more when you're speaking their language, using their tone and their mannerisms. Make them feel like you're one of them. For someone who deals in trade here, it certainly does not hurt when you're dealing with the locals." The drawl returned back over once again, and a smile popped up. "But I haven't been there since I was 10. It's a boring place, really. I think they honestly just build their ships so their citizenry can use them to get the hell outta there."

"Not really, non. There's a lot I'm still learning from the rest of the crew," she nodded, putting forth a pair of glasses for the juice and vodka.

"Aha, I see... everyone just want to hear mon mignonne accent instead." She did giggle a little at the thought of that being the reason for why Corellians seemed so keen on taking to the sky. "Corellia isn't the worst place in the galaxy, but it's no place for exploration and new directions, oui? Noventa is better for starting anew?"
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 23, 2018 4:23 pm

"For those willing to take the risks, this place is damn good way to make a new life and a new living; it really has grown on me."

It was a also a good place to settle up old debts. Speaking of which. "So, can't say I've heard much of your group here. Few off jobs here and there. A ship is useful and it offers something more than some other helpful citizens can offer. Though I'm sad I have little use for your bounty hunting skills. That you would have to go to your local rep for."

That stipulation on not pissing off the law really put things in a bind. Still, it did open up one pressing matter. "Though there is one thing your group can do for me in that regard. There's somebody in Providencetown with a 5000 credit bounty on them. I'd like to ask your group to collect it "
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Oct 23, 2018 4:33 pm

"We're noveau to Noventa, so it is no surprise," she smiled slightly and poured in some of the juice in the glasses. That and they liked to keep a low-profile was also part of it. It was how they preferred it most of the time.

Fey raised an eyebrow at the mention of the bounty. "We do have a wide array of skills, monsieur. Bounty hunting often requires more than just beating up the targets... and our capitaine is very good at finding those who do not want to be found." The vodka was poured in as well. "It sounds like an interesting job at 5000 credits. Alive I am guessing?"
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 23, 2018 4:51 pm

"Yes, I'm relying on your said skills. I already have a group I've hired out that is mostly muscle. If this job required their skills, I'd have asked them. This requires a bit more subtely, you see. A bounty job in Providencetown is not a simple task. Its 'mayor' is not a man who enjoys extraditing. Has a very strong opinion against it, I would say."
A small smile shows up as he takes a few moments for her to consider that part as he looks at her pouring the drink. "Yes, alive. There is a stipulation, of course. I need a opportunity to talk to him before you turn him in. Alone. I'm willing to pay extra for that opportunity."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Oct 23, 2018 5:04 pm

The twi'lek at least seemed to know her way around pouring and mixing drinks.

"Hm... I believe that can be arranged. It is un curious stipulation, but not the weirdest I have heard. He is the so-called mayor's man, it seems like?"
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 23, 2018 5:11 pm

Honorordeath wrote:"My package is fire and forget," the distorted voice came. "If you want to go poking around in their systems though..."

"As for my employer, all you need to know is they're the kind of person to send an assassin to end a contract. Nasty business. Won't come back on you."

"Good to know." Kai replied thoughtfully, not that he fully trusted that last bit of information.

"When can I expect the package at the 12 Parsecs?"
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 23, 2018 5:15 pm

"Not really " He gives a shrug. "If I were to ask you for one of his men, you couldn't stay on this planet for very much longer. It would pain me to not see you again." He grins widely at her. "No, he's just a man who is very...passionate about his citizens and their protection. No one does any bounty work there without his blessings, which you won't have."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Oct 23, 2018 5:21 pm

"Mm, I see what you mean about subtetly then," she nodded, already thinking of a few possible ways they could maybe sneak around that particular 'law'. "It sounds like a job we'll be able to do, monsieur. Consider us in." With that, she offered him one of the drinks, kind of like a way of establishing the proper negotiation-phase now that he had given some details on the job - enough to let her judge if it was a job they could handle or not, and to give them a grasp of what they would be walking into. "Besides, it would be cruel of moi to leave you so soon, non?"
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:26 pm

"I'm glad we're on the same page." He picks up the glass from her hand with a grin. "Now, I suppose we should be discussing what it's going to take for this conversation to happen. I'm hoping my charm and winning smile would be enough for you, but considering your luck at the tables, well..." He swirls his drink around a little with a smile. "I think you might be in need of some more credits. Some that our charming Quinn can't easily take away from you."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:30 pm

Kai Wryssald wrote:
Honorordeath wrote:"My package is fire and forget," the distorted voice came. "If you want to go poking around in their systems though..."

"As for my employer, all you need to know is they're the kind of person to send an assassin to end a contract. Nasty business. Won't come back on you."

"Good to know." Kai replied thoughtfully, not that he fully trusted that last bit of information.

"When can I expect the package at the 12 Parsecs?"

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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:38 pm

Dartris Ribmatt wrote:"I'm glad we're on the same page." He picks up the glass from her hand with a grin. "Now, I suppose we should be discussing what it's going to take for this conversation to happen. I'm hoping my charm and winning smile would be enough for you, but considering your luck at the tables, well..." He swirls his drink around a little with a smile. "I think you might be in need of some more credits. Some that our charming Quinn can't easily take away from you."

"Gambling is something je do for fun, it is not work." She wondered if Quinn didn't get allowance-money like she knew some kids got. Maybe that's why she was hitting the tables at such a young age... maybe she should talk to Korvalus or Cal about that, before Quinn got into trouble with the more dangerous types. "But oui, onto business: how much is it worth to you to speak with this man privately before he is turned in?"

Fey took a sip of the drink. "Tu don't seem the type to rough him up or kill him. Unless I am mistaken...?"

Since it seemed like an official bounty, those details were not so interesting right away.
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:16 pm

He motions to his arm. "I'm not one to...encourage unnecessary violence onto people." He placed the drink to his lips and drank a little. Vodka was quite the different experience than whiskey. It lacked any real flavor, but instead brought you was to the realization that you knew you were drinking liquor. Now it had a juice flavor to it.

"Besides, I try to keep my word to my employees. You said you wanted to be on the right side of the law. This is something I need done that..may skirt it a little, but it's far from the worst thing I could ask you to do." Nodding his head, he takes a sip of the drink and gives it some thought. "I think a uninterrupted conversation can be worth a extra 1000 credits for a hour of his time. I'll give you the standard fee promises as well. I'll cover all medical expenses you may need and give you a small stipend for items that you may need to complete the job. I do expect any nonexpendable equipment to be returned by the end, however, unless you're willing to reimburse me for it."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:42 pm

Honorordeath wrote:
Kai Wryssald wrote:
Honorordeath wrote:"My package is fire and forget," the distorted voice came. "If you want to go poking around in their systems though..."

"As for my employer, all you need to know is they're the kind of person to send an assassin to end a contract. Nasty business. Won't come back on you."

"Good to know." Kai replied thoughtfully, not that he fully trusted that last bit of information.

"When can I expect the package at the 12 Parsecs?"


"Can I take that to me that it's there now?" Kai asked, not sure how long exactly he might need to wait.
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Oct 23, 2018 9:22 pm

Dartris Ribmatt wrote:He motions to his arm. "I'm not one to...encourage unnecessary violence onto people." He placed the drink to his lips and drank a little. Vodka was quite the different experience than whiskey. It lacked any real flavor, but instead brought you was to the realization that you knew you were drinking liquor. Now it had a juice flavor to it.

"Besides, I try to keep my word to my employees. You said you wanted to be on the right side of the law. This is something I need done that..may skirt it a little, but it'll be far from the worst thing I could ask you to do." Nodding his head, he takes a sip of the drink and gives it some thought. "I think a uninterrupted conversation can be worth a extra 1000 credits for a hour of his time. I'll give you the standard fee promises as well. I'll cover all medical expenses you may need and give you a small stipend for items that you may need to complete the job. I do expect any nonexpendable equipment to be returned by the end, however, unless you're willing to reimburse me for it."

She gave an understanding nod, quietly sipping her drink. It was usually Lena who did this work, but well... Fey had to do it sometime too to get the hang of it!

"Skirting a little, we can live with. Bounty hunting usually does that." This job seemed a lot less shady than what she heard about from Kai and Lena about that other job. Some shady still, but shady that was more along what they were used to. All his points did seem like standard stuff to her though. And well, if they did this job, this guy seemed likely to have some more in mind for the future - which was something she knew the others would appriciate.

"That all sounds good," Fey nodded, putting down her drink to free up her hands. "I trust you have the file on this bounty, and we can get to work on scouting out potential plans to get him out quietly?"
Rutian Twi'lek | Honey | Former Slave | Performer | Clever Girl | Force Sensitive | Ivory Phoenix crew
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"Theft, it is an especially sweet vice. More elegant than vandalism and more complex than simple robbery."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:01 pm

Kai Wryssald wrote:"Can I take that to me that it's there now?" Kai asked, not sure how long exactly he might need to wait.

"As soon as you want to get started," there was a pause, "it will be there."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:23 pm

"I'll likely head over after this then. The faster started the faster finished" Kai commented easily.

"And if you don't have anything else for me, I'll let ya go."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:31 pm

"I'll be keeping an eye out for you," came the final reply before the call ended.
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:46 pm

"Everything you need can be sent over to you shortly." He paused and looked around at his side. "As I said, I sort of did this along the way from another thing. But I'll make sure it gets to you sometime this afternoon." Placing his hand on the table, he looks over at the table and shakes his head. "If you could, just have this wrapped up for me in about two or three days. Also, and this goes without saying..."

He looks at her with a friendly smile and a bit of warmth. "I really hate to have the word get out about my involvement in this. So there may be...steps I have to take if you or your group get exposed. I'll make sure you get your pay, though. I mean, so long as you've not actively exposed me or something equally as foolish."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:02 pm

Honorordeath wrote:"I'll be keeping an eye out for you," came the final reply before the call ended.

That sounded a bit odd, still nothing he needed to worry about now.

"Alright." He offered after a moment.

"Later." Kai finished, not really knowing a proper way to end the call.
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:38 pm

Dartris Ribmatt wrote:"Everything you need can be sent over to you shortly." He paused and looked around at his side. "As I said, I sort of did this along the way from another thing. But I'll make sure it gets to you sometime this afternoon." Placing his hand on the table, he looks over at the table and shakes his head. "If you could, just have this wrapped up for me in about two or three days. Also, and this goes without saying..."

He looks at her with a friendly smile and a bit of warmth. "I really hate to have the word get out about my involvement in this. So there may be...steps I have to take if you or your group get exposed. I'll make sure you get your pay, though. I mean, so long as you've not actively exposed me or something equally as foolish."

Well, at least he was nice about making threats. Or vague hint about threats? Nah, that didn't really sound like a threat.

"Monsieur, we are professionals," she chuckled warmly as she smiled back at him with all the charm one could imagine from a lovely blue creature. A charm that came so naturally. "And we value discretion ourselves, so we understand your position. Of course we won't be doing anything like that, and I believe this can be start of a lucrative agreement for both, oui?"


D5 LM Charm because you really got nothing to worry about. Trust me. One upgrade from ship.: 2eP+1eA+1eF 1 success, 4 advantage, 1 Triumph, 1 Light Side

You can always trust a pretty face...: 3eC+1eD 2 failures, 2 threat, 2 Despair

((0 Suxx, 2 advantages, 1 Triumph, 2 Despair))

Light pip gives one more success. Gonna let Fless roll the opposing dice. :D
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"Theft, it is an especially sweet vice. More elegant than vandalism and more complex than simple robbery."
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