Dartris Ribmatt wrote:"Co-Pilot's still pretty important. Got a lot to handle in that second seat. Suppose your former situation wouldn't leave you much time to learn much of the pilot seat.. " He looked on as she continued, mentioning his home.
He didn't make it immediately known his opinion on the sudden shocked look at the mention of his home planet. If he caught it, he didn't let it known outwardly. "I'm not surprised. I've been here so long my accent has been adapted. Hear people talk a certain way for so many years, it catches on in your head and you it starts to go along their way. Eventually it just takes over you." He shakes his head. "Though if I concentrate enough I can speak like I used to." His voice turned to a more distinctive Corellian flare. "Besides, people trust you more when you're speaking their language, using their tone and their mannerisms. Make them feel like you're one of them. For someone who deals in trade here, it certainly does not hurt when you're dealing with the locals." The drawl returned back over once again, and a smile popped up. "But I haven't been there since I was 10. It's a boring place, really. I think they honestly just build their ships so their citizenry can use them to get the hell outta there."
"Not really, non. There's a lot I'm still learning from the rest of the crew," she nodded, putting forth a pair of glasses for the juice and vodka.
"Aha, I see... everyone just want to hear mon mignonne accent instead." She did giggle a little at the thought of that being the reason for why Corellians seemed so keen on taking to the sky. "Corellia isn't the worst place in the galaxy, but it's no place for exploration and new directions, oui? Noventa is better for starting anew?"