by Cefey Raneth » Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:30 pm
Uhhh... was the first reaction in the complicated twi'lek-brain, nearly crossing her lekku as she connected the dots. "Ah... monsieur. You braved the weather for a meeting?" she said with a hint of flirtation as she quickly pulled on a button-up shirt so she wouldn't greet Dartris wearing just yoga-pants and a sports-bra. "Give me un second, s'il vous plaît." At least she was fast with doing the buttons.
Muting the call on her end, Fey quickly turned off the holo, just as the crowd was gasping in shock when it was revealed that the Chiss was the father. "Guuuuys, company's at the door. The one I told you about." She wasn't quite sure who was still asleep and who was out right now, but it was the usual standard warning to give when there was someone at the door.
And it was a good thing too that she had actually spend a couple of months making the ship actually rather welcoming to visitors. Well in truth it had been to make the Phoenix much more cozy and comfortable for them to live in, but the idea had also been to give a good impression to potential employers.
It didn't take long before the door to the Ivory Phoenix opened and Fey greeted Dartris with her usual charming smile. "Bienvenue, please come in from the rain."
Rutian Twi'lek | Honey | Former Slave | Performer | Clever Girl | Force Sensitive | Ivory Phoenix crew
Profile | Theme"Theft, it is an especially sweet vice. More elegant than vandalism and more complex than simple robbery."