Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:50 am

"You have no need to worry, Temra Zol," Daen said with a casual smile. Looking over to Mirri. "Mirri is a special girl, she is not like most and the path she has chosen to walk with me is one that has taken her far from many things that a normal life might have. Together we have spent some time studying your people and I believe that she is excited to see an Iktotchi that doesn't remain on your home world. That and your kind spirit do much to inspire her young heart. I am glad she has been given this little chance."

"When most of your people returned to your homeworld to avoid the persecution of the Empire I felt the loss the galaxy felt, to have been removed of your people's guidance."
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Sat Oct 20, 2018 3:28 am

Temra smirks, as weirdly as that appears. "Don't shower me with too much praise Ms Daen. I hid from the tyranny and xenophobia of the Empire as well, I was just unfortunate that I could not make it home. I hid here instead, with the help of good friends, friends who paid too high of a price for their generosity and assistance."

"I am not a good man yet, I hope to be though. One day. When I have atoned for my cowardice and inaction when the galaxy needed it most." There is a definite melancholy in his voice and expression as he confesses his shortcomings to this....stranger.
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Temra Zol
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Sun Oct 21, 2018 3:32 am

"To protect yourself from a regime that would wish nothing more than to crush you, Temra Zol, is not a weakness nor something you must apologize for. Sometimes, it is not the coward who hides so that he might live another day but the braver who knows that someday he may do all that he can for others," she said with a warm, toothless, smile.

"You do not know yet what the galaxy has in store for you Temra Zol. In these troubling times, in the wake of the Empire, we have found ourselves only needing more of those heroes we have lost fighting this conflict. Our struggle, as a galaxy, is far from over. Now is the time when those with brilliant minds and good hearts must lead the way for the others. That we do not repeat the mistakes of the past."
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Sun Oct 21, 2018 3:41 am

"No," he admits with a wry smile. "As prescient as some of my people are, the universe has yet to lay my path of destiny clear before me. It seems that little Mirri has her mind set on quite an altruistic path already though."

His gaze settles on the young Pantoran and he smiles. "It bodes well for the future when the next generation is so willing to take up the difficult struggle."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Temra Zol
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Sun Oct 21, 2018 4:03 am

""She is of kind heart and has a desire to know more about the galaxy that surrounds us. When it comes to be her time to guide us forward she will be ready, I am sure of it," she said, turning her attention to Mirri for the moment.

"Shall we not keep her waiting further then?" she asked, turning back to Temra.
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Sun Oct 21, 2018 4:06 am

Temra agreed with a nod and strolled towards the café, with Daen.

"Quizlin, I've found a few customers who are eager to try your wares...."

Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Temra Zol
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