"You do know our Dear would kill me if I started up the bird without her," she said somewhat pointedly as she moved closer.
"I... don't think they do though..." seeing Jelna had the same shiver she did, Fey slipped the bathrobe off and stood there in her PJs as she put the robe over Jelna's shoulders. "That's... that's not normal, no. Do you think it could have something to do with those troopers and their arrival here? Last.... last time I felt anything close to something like this, was back before. With the Empire."
Normally, she was the kind that was able to give a sense of ease or a good feeling, but... maybe it was because she was scared too that she just couldn't do it.
D4 EM Influence, trying to make Jelna feel safer.:
1eF 1 Dark Side
Double Dark pip then with planet being Vergeance, so no deal. xD