The Governor arrived, wearing a well tailored, but clearly an older style, suit, data pad in hand. He spoke quietly with an aide, as well as a few other city officials. Shaking hands, he then made his way to the podium. Along with him, was a Sullustan woman, wearing much more formal diplomatic robes. Her hair was tied back in a braided pony tail, and she held a pleasant, if distant demeanor.
"Good Afternoon." He spoke up, his voice steady, as if he had done this several times before. Given his tenure as governor, it was easy to see.
"I am here to report that the state of Noventa is good. I have been meeting with an ambassador from the New Republic, Tania Erun." He indicated to the Sullustan woman, smiling brightly. "She arrived only a few days ago, as part of an envoy from the new central government. She assures me that they have learned from the mistakes of the past, and want to welcome as many systems as they can with open arms." A few cameras flashed as he looked out at those gathered, his hands on either side of the podium.
"Of course, we all know what a strong central government can do, when unchecked. The New Republic Chancellor, Mon Mothma, has already ordered the demilitarization of their fleets, and are encouraging member systems to have their own planetary defense forces. A system like before the the Grand Army, with only a Judiciary to send intermediaries when needed." Licking his lips, the middle aged mirialan paused, shuffling his notes before him. "I know we have a strong, independent streak here. It's why we've done so well, even with two wars having been waged. We're a strong, resilient people, who tend to our own, who watch out for each other. And I want that to continue on. I only bring this up, in the interest of transparency, as I have always done, for the people of Noventa." Another winning smile, though Tania's features looked more flushed, as if she was caught off guard by the speech.
"Are there any questions, before I turn it over to our honorable mayor?"