Farkas Lowca wrote:"Take out their lead vehicle. The one with the fancy paint job. The others might flee then."
Farkas looks at the console, quickly studying the flight path of the missile and how it's targeting system reacted to their defenses. In a stroke of quick thinking and maybe even a little genius if he admits to himself, he begins working their missile defense systems in a somewhat odd fashion.
Angle deflector shields to from aft to fore. (Aft defense 1, Fore defense 2)
Spoof missiles
D2 Ambush, Spoof Missiles, Computers, Average:
1eA+3eP+2eD 3 successes, 1 threat, 1 TriumphGuided weapons against the strange charm have their difficulty upgraded once.
Triumph: If missile miss the Strange Charm they are redirected back onto the pirate's lead vehicle.
While he does Spoof enemy missiles, having to broadcast like that in the middle of the firefight, he pushes the transmitter a bit, and sparks fly from the console (Threat used for the
Strange Charm to suffer one system strain)
The pair of Cloakshapes swoops in, firing from their own salvo of missiles, dodging through the debris field, trying to compensate for the difficult flight paths.
Missiles launched, streaking towards the Wayfarer-class. Until their guidance system, coupled with the interference from the
Strange Charm's shields, they veer off!
The missiles slam into the lead Cloakshape after changing course. The lead ship rolls with the hit, mitigating some of the damage (snap-roll incidental). Though still flying, the lead ship is in bad shape, but the Cloakshapes are known for their ability to take a beating.
The pair, though, in an effort to make a clear shot, struggle with the debris, and one of the vessels explodes as it slams into a part of a space hulk, as they are
Knocked Off Course. (Despair in the debris field, suffers the Knocked Off Course critical.... which kills one of the minions outright. The remainig vessel cannot take a maneuver and must make a Piloting - Space check to regain control). The pilot, though is able to make a screening movement (spending advantage to gain a boost die to their next piloting check)
Material Retrieval II - Cloakshape Minion Group Attack (Agility 3, Gunnery Minion Skill 1 other in group, Missiles Spoofed Upgrade, Short Range, Attacking Vehicle is 2 smaller than target vehicle, attacking fore):
1eP+2eA+1eC+2eS 0 successes, 2 advantage, 1 DespairPCs up!