by Ender » Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:18 am
It is always exciting, to discover new things, isn't it?
The voice awakens you early, seemingly haunting your mind. A clipped, what could be described as Imperial Accent, but it seems... archaic.
Don't be so surprised. You found something. Of course you did. And in your arrogance, you brought him home. Wouldn't another say... this belongs in a museum?
The voice, definitely male, continually whispered in your sleep, keeping you tossing, and turning.
Seems you are quite the student, too. Such a keen mind... you must be very proud... A curious one, aren't you?
For the day, all of your checks will suffer one setback die due to restless sleep. In addition, being in proximity to the tome over night, you incur 1 conflict.
But... there seems to be some benefit, as well. The language still is not comprehensible, but the patterns are more apparent. And the map... you swear you've seen it before, much more recently.
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"