Day 2 (10/11 - 10/14)

Daily News and Events

Day 2 (10/11 - 10/14)

Postby Ender » Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:12 am


Northern Hemisphere (Noventa City, Providence Town, The forest and plains): Cloud cover rolls in, bringing relief from the light of the star of the system. However, it does mean that rain is on the horizon. Temperatures drop slightly, but not to any uncomfortable level.

Southern Hemisphere (Charnel Gulch): Cold rains pick up, turning to sleep as the windstorm continues to rage along the southern hemisphere. When outdoors, all checks will suffer two setback dice. In addition, a difficulty die is added to to the podrace itself, as though the rains batter the craft and their drivers.

Near-Orbit: The Solar Storm of the Previous day seems to have passed. Sensors aboard ships function normally, and communications off planet are not hampered by stellar activity.

Today's Events:
EE - Noventa Dorifto (Podrace)

Disturbances in the Force:
The dread feeling of cold seems more oppressive, as if something has been disturbed, A feeling that sends chills down one spine, and a constant, underlying sense of worry permeates everything.
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"
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