Honorordeath wrote:"You have been summoned here today because there is business upon this planet that I need to be tended to. I would hear, in detail, what you each find yourselves capable of doing and.." she looked then to Sailee, "determining based on your past what I might be able to trust you to do. I will not claim this will be a simple process but trust me when I say that working for me will prove the most fruitful endeavor you can certainly find upon this planet."
Clementine, somewhere deep in his processors, began to wonder if perhaps he's in the wrong place, especially as the talk started to emphasize the
hunting part of the advertisement, and things got tense between the potential employer and his fellow fortune-seekers. Literal-minded but self-conscious, Clementine spent most of the exchange muttering his specifications
in detail, which involves a lot of technical jargon about various lifting metrics and stress tolerances. Long story short, Clementine is very strong, can clobber people real good, can lift lots of stuff, and take a beating.
"The task I offer is simple, hunt down this man and retrieve him for me. Bring him back, alive, and you will be more than adequately compensated for your effort and time."
Revealing some of the well-buried canniness that decades of rubbing shoulders with the criminal element had given him, Clementine spoke up with a very important question: "Pardon me, please, miss-tress Maguire, but ah how many credits is that, exactly?"