Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

The Primary Spaceport of Noventa. Always busy. Always open.

Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:35 am

Quinn had some time to kill before today's job required her presence, and decided to spend it with some quality people-watching at the spaceport. Traffic was pretty disappointing here; but that was to be expected for a planet this insignificant. Still, enough people about that she could entertain herself. Hell, if she was lucky she might even pick out a solid mark to play for some credits. Although if she bungled that up, well, she'd stick out more to local security here than she would on a proper planet. So maybe going that route wasn't the smartest idea.

Then again, being smart was often pretty boring.

For now though, she'd found herself an empty crate to sit on, feet dangling off the side as she watched the people go by.
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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:57 pm

With the salvage run complete, Syzygy had stepped away from the Strange Charm while the others went through the haul. She wasn't of much use in that and wanted to look around to see if any new ships had arrived. She stopped to look up at the Interceptor on display, wondering if its systems had been fully disabled. It would be fun to fly.
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Quinn Largo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:07 pm

Quinn noticed the zeltron looking about. Looked just ditzy enough to make for an easy mark... was it worth the trouble? Maybe, maybe not. But it'd be something to do, anyway. So she hopped off her crate, and started walking up behind the girl, before clearing her throat.

"Help you, miss?"
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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:09 pm

"Hmm? Oh, hello." She smiled. "I don't suppose you know anything about that Interceptor?"
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Quinn Largo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:22 pm

"Huh?" she looked up at the thing.

"...Oh, yes. That's an early model imperial tie-fighter, model uh... mark two S.K.A.M. They put it up on display as a reminder."

Quinn didn't know the first thing about interceptors, or spaceships in general, and was of course lying her ass off. It was possibly she sounded rather knowledgeable, though... or maybe not.

Deception, Boost from targeting Zeltron? - Opposed by discipline: 3eP+1eB 2 successes
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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:30 pm

That didn't sound right. She had some recollection of the early Ties being built. She had been pretty young, though, and why would anyone lie about such a thing?

"A reminder, hmm? Of what?"

- - -
D1, EA, Is Quinn lying? Discipline: 2eA 0 successes, 1 advantage
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Quinn Largo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:36 pm

"You know, the trials and tribulations of the war. Are you interested in space fighter history, miss?"

It wasn't a useful lie by itself. But it helped establish Quinn as someone who, despite looking like a kid, spoke with the air of someone who knew what they were talking about. Maybe even make it look like she worked here. Local outer rim laws were a bit iffy on child labor some times after all.
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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:44 pm

"History? Not particularly. I was just wondering, if it could still be flown." she replied, looking up at it again.
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Quinn Largo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:03 pm

"Oh, quite likely, with some work!"

That much wasn't a lie. Quinn just assumed that it was the case. It also served as the perfect hook to get herself some credits, maybe.

"In fact, the local Society of Historical Enthusiasts is gathering up a fund to have it fully restored back to space-worthy status. We're almost up to our goal. If you'd like to contribute, any amount would help. And if we double over on the funding goal we can push local legislation into letting us restore the weaponry as well. I surely don't have to impress upon you how excited our partners in the Historical Re-enactment Society would be if we could accomplish that!"

Deception again: 3eP+1eB 3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph (countered by discipline)
ImageImageImageImage (this was just a fluff roll to convince syzygy she's legit, no need to actually part with credits... I was not expecting a triumph, interpret that how you will)
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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:38 pm

"Really? That's wonderful!" she smiled broadly, sensng an opportunity. "You know, I have friends who could restore it. We could probably do it at a low cost, save you some credits."

- - -
D1, EA, Historical Society? Discipline: 2eA 1 success, 1 advantage

D1, EA, Let us fix it. Charm, Zeltron Advantage: 2eA+1eP 3 successes, 2 advantage
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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*Charm or Deception targeting Syzygy receive 1 Setback die
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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Quinn Largo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:45 pm


Shit, the Zeltron was getting to her.

" seem nice. Are your friends properly licensed? I suppose I could try and convince the treasurer to switch contractors. Provided you're truly enthusiasts who are willing to contribute to the cause of historical enthusiasm, of course."

It wasn't too hard to agree to switch the job over to someone else, given that the job didn't exist in the first place. Although she *was* beginning to feel a little guilty about conning her. Just *beginning* to, though.

Cool (resisting charm): 4eA 2 successes, 1 advantage
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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:55 pm

"Of course." she nodded. "I suppose we could just donate the work. We could even salvage the parts from the debris field."

Were they licensed? Probably. That wasn't Zygy's concern. She just flew. Regardless, they were salvaging anyway.

- - -
D1, EA, Fully licensed. Deception, Zeltron Advantage: 2eA+1eP 2 successes, 2 advantage
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Quinn Largo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:10 pm

Quinn narrowed her eyes, very slightly.

She's... she's trying to play me! That bitch!

"That does sound like a very generous offer. I don't know eager my bosses would be making the switch though. Perhaps if you'd make a donation to our fund first, that would show a certain commitment that would impress them enough to snub our regular mechanical firm? I understand it's a strong relationship the society has had with the local talent, snubbing them could prove hazardous to any future endeavours the society might be undertaking. So I'm sure we would want to be certain that you are truly fellow enthusiasts."

Discipline: 2eA 3 successes

Whelp, some more deception then.: 3eP+1eB 4 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:29 pm

She frowned in disappointment. She would have a better chance of flying it, if they were doing the restoration.

"I can understand that. We'd be upsetl, if someone were to break a contract with us." She sighed. "Maybe we could sub-contract with the firm. Could you give me their name?"

- - -
D1, EA, Discipline: 2eA 1 success, 3 advantage
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Quinn Largo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:31 pm

"I'm afraid my bosses have all of that information. I could inquire if you want, of course."
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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:39 pm

"I'd appreciate it." she smiled. "Would you like to join me for lunch? That's where I was headed."
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Quinn Largo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:45 pm

"Uhm... okay. That would be swell."

Keep playing it cool Quinn... lunch with potential donors to historical societies, that's where the *big* credits are!
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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:02 pm

"My treat." She nodded and led the way. "How many ships do these reenactors have?"
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Quinn Largo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:06 pm

Quinn followed. At the very least she'd be getting free lunch.

"Oh, I don't rightly know I'm afraid."

It was always best to be vague; fewer chances of getting caught in the lie.
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Re: Spare some change, mister? [D1, EA]

Postby Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:12 pm

"Oh well, I'll see if the pod racers know." she shrugged. "Any recomendations for lunch?"
Zeltron Pilot of The Strange Charm Empathic* Pheromonal Gulch Classic Champion

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*Charm or Deception targeting Syzygy receive 1 Setback die
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