"Oh, quite likely, with some work!"
That much wasn't a lie. Quinn just assumed that it was the case. It also served as the perfect hook to get herself some credits, maybe.
"In fact, the local Society of Historical Enthusiasts is gathering up a fund to have it fully restored back to space-worthy status. We're almost up to our goal. If you'd like to contribute, any amount would help. And if we double over on the funding goal we can push local legislation into letting us restore the weaponry as well. I surely don't have to impress upon you how excited our partners in the Historical Re-enactment Society would be if we could accomplish that!"
Deception again:
3eP+1eB 3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph (countered by discipline)

(this was just a fluff roll to convince syzygy she's legit, no need to actually part with credits... I was not expecting a triumph, interpret that how you will)