[Just noticed the necessary correction, though it has yet to play a substantial roll. Setback for Kai is when he is at short. When engaged he suffers no setback. That makes his previous roll at a net of 0 success/fail, which is still a miss.]
Attempting another jump away up a tree, the panicked Nexu had chosen a tree poorly. Swinging on it for a moment before the weakened tree snapped and was pulled backwards with its weight. Sending it tumbling down directly at Kai! Able to jump free from it the Nexu continued it's attempt at flight once more. Running further off into the deep forest, deep enough that the bioluminescent plant life was starting to become visible to Kai. Little specs of lights dotting in the distance around some trees here and there.
Athletics to Climb, Average for a Nexu adapted to it.:
3eP+2eD 0 successes, 2 advantage, 1 TriumphAthletics to Climb, Setback:
1eS 0 successes, 1 threat[Nexu disengages and then moves again, at Medium with Kai and at Medium with Jelna but half way to being at Long.]
[Kai must spend an action dodging the falling tree or else take 3 wounds, non-soakable.]