Sailee strolled casually to the all call, oversized repulsor cannon slung across her back. Looked like she wasn't the only one answering. This gonna be cooperation or competition? Competition's always a pain in the ass, but a cooperative all call probably means it's some crazy mission. Only one way to find out how this goes.
She waves to those gathered, going down the line. "Hey, big guy," she greeted the droid. "Stranger," she greeted the human failing to grow a fur coat. "Beautiful," she winked at the redhead who looked like she had an Imperial-issue stick up her ass, and gave this ship that called them all here the once over. She was never much of a thinker, but she'd spent plenty of time around ships.
Piloting Space:
1eP+3eA+3eD 1 success, 2 threat

, hey, I know ship things. Unless you wanted Piloting: Space keyed off of intellect, in which case, I'd just have the yellow for a total of 3 threat. And I realize I did one too many difficulty dice, but whatevs.))